Probably not. They already took over a year just remaking the scenes for the new 16:9 screensize, don't think they'll rewrite the whole game/story on top of that. It's also mostly "under the hood", where 1 dude has to redo a few thousand lines of code to make the game less janky and run smoother. Which probably will crap out Renpy, which is why we (probably) need to restart, since most of the stuff in your save won't work if coder changes anything.
Odette got 2 scenes (more since batch 1 but meh) : 1 during Eve's route (retroactive if you want it) and another 1 after the route, where you only need to talk to her. Batch 5 (end of July-ish) should be the mafia girls (Svetlana doesn't appear during the route, so no retro for her and the other girls are there for 1 scene then vanish during the shootout. Now they could expand on them during that 1 scene (retro) or just cram them afterwards with Svet) ....