is there any way to play in full screen pleaseYou wait for the tech build next year. And use something your cat can't dig through : letterbox ........
is there any way to play in full screen pleaseYou wait for the tech build next year. And use something your cat can't dig through : letterbox ........
You beat me to itYou wait for the tech build next year. And use something your cat can't dig through : letterbox ........
If you are playing on your phone or tablet - you probably see something like this:how to change the screen res
please i have litterbox
In 2023is there any way to play in full screen please
In 2023any way please
Thank you for clearing it up for me.They're basically rebuilding and redoing the code so that it's more straight forward and stable. It's necessary to stop weird crashes and will make it easier to use/play. It will not speed up dev time or add cooler animations. The "content" part of the game will remain mostly the same.
I've very much been enjoying the game that's for sure lol being able to play it at a higher resolution would be amazing as well. I'm looking forward to this!Supply and demand.
paying fans want the game at a higher quality, thus leading to the tech update which will increase the games resolution.
this also means that once the tech update (finally) hits, we will... maybe... see a (hopefully) decrease in times between updates.
and there's also the fact that a "technical update" allows them to drag out the games development for a bit longer, which loops around to the whole milking arguement, but we have been getting updates throughout this tech update phase...
so... enjoy the game, it's got a load on content as is, and will probably continue getting content for quite a few years yet.
I'm not a coder but wouldn't a more stable and less messy code make it easier to code making it, even if just a bit, faster?They're basically rebuilding and redoing the code so that it's more straight forward and stable. It's necessary to stop weird crashes and will make it easier to use/play. It will not speed up dev time or add cooler animations. The "content" part of the game will remain mostly the same.
Follow the instructions through step 16 ofHey ho I have a problem I cant buy the cyclone mask for the jenny story can someone help ?
The "content" part is the 5 batches we got during the ordealThey're basically rebuilding and redoing the code so that it's more straight forward and stable. It's necessary to stop weird crashes and will make it easier to use/play. It will not speed up dev time or add cooler animations. The "content" part of the game will remain mostly the same.
Yes but no. Knowing the game won't crumble onto itself cause the code now makes sense won't magically let DC draw faster, nor will it make the poser(s)/coder do their jobs faster. There's at least 3 layers of dudes that need to wait for the higher up to do his part 1st, having a lesser clusterfuck of coding won't do anything for thatI'm not a coder but wouldn't a more stable and less messy code make it easier to code making it, even if just a bit, faster?
You are wrong. Move along.Am I wrong?
Yeah i ask myself the same question. It’s very strange it take so long to make to little. But on the other hand I don’t pay for it so I don’t careI think the management here is great.
How can there be no patch for 5 months?
Common indie games also patch more and update more than this. Am I wrong?
you are not wrongI think the management here is great.
How can there be no patch for 5 months?
Common indie games also patch more and update more than this. Am I wrong?
It'll be 4 months at the end of August, so yes, you're wrong. Indie games also have deadlines, this isn't an indie gameI think the management here is great.
How can there be no patch for 5 months?
Common indie games also patch more and update more than this. Am I wrong?
a newbie who comes with this, smells like shit to me!This has to be the most insufferable thread in the entire forum.
I know every popular game has it bad, but barely any have it this bad. Out of 3313 page on this thread, at least 3000 must be just people bitching, fighting, spreading misinformation and asking the same questions again and again without even bothering to go back a few pages, using the search function or just reading the op.
I come here every once in a while to check for updates or see some art, and every time I have to sift through pages of morons with worms where their brains should be, obssesed with a fucking porn game of all things, that they're not even paying for.
This thread is in desperate need of moderation, and maybe a seperate thread just for complaints, if people really want it, although I would recommend just going outside and doing something with your life, bc whether DC is the greatest game dev alive or a greedy psycopath has literally 0 effect on your life, especially you're not paying him. If you find the wait frustrating, just go away and do literally anything else.
I just can't understand why people are obssesed with being negative and spreading that negativity to people who are just trying to enjoy some content.