That doesn't mean that criticism has no value. Critique breeds debate, debate breeds new ideas, and new ideas, if they're good enough, will find a way to the top. Even if DC and his team don't follow this thread directly, someone indirectly connected to them might be. Heck, even current devs or devs of games yet to be could read this thread and gain some useful ideas about what might work and might not work in their own projects. Even bad faith criticism has its own value in training each of us to recognize it and how to engage (or even ignore) it. And if someone is a consistent and obvious bad actor, it's easy enough to mute them so you'll never have to see their unhinged ramblings again.
Ideas don't form in a vacuum, they form as a result of vigorous debate and interrogation of that which we know and don't know. Is an incredible idea going to form from this barely-contained cesspool? Probably not. But it's incredibly cynical to preemptively dismiss someone attempting to engage in debate as "toxic" or a troll whose thoughts are useless because they lack the means to change things.