So, has anyone talked about why exactly they believe the update percentage dropped?
If you think about it, both the art and the writing were at 100% for quite some time with the posing and code always lagging behind. That would mean that even if the tasks were split up, it would still realistically be 100% complete for those two sections of the update.
I'm speculating that DC plans on releasing Rhonda's story alongside the tech upgrade, and that would mean he'd have to create the art for the sex scenes and whatnot, as well as Sploosh writing the dialogue for that portion of the story, hence the drop.
As it is, the update will add the arcade/bowling alley, the lighthouse, Missy's house, the bar and possibly the cabin in the woods. From what I understand from watching a few of the livestreams, DC will only have basic dialogue and no real interaction for these new areas, until he needs them for the dating storylines etc.
That would leave the rest of Judiths house to complete, possibly updating the apartment building with the homes of the mall characters, and maybe some of the teachers? Then there's the stadium and the rest of the museum, as well as the underground/dungeon storyline stuff for the Annie/Smith story.