I think one of the biggest mistakes DC made was that he called what he was currently doing, an "update".
Imo, it's anything but.
Not only is he changing the aspect ratio, but he's reworking numerous scenes, in both story/dialogue and image, and expanding every single background that exists, as well as creating new locations to flesh out the larger map.
Even if he's still not gotten to the next character he's working on, which by his semi daily streams, he's almost done art wise, he's still adding a ton of new content to the existing game.
It's also clear that he greatly underestimated the time it was going to take to get it done, and just how arduous it was going to be for the people (coding/posing) to stick with it and complete it.
For the people that post here complaining it's not yet done, I can say with certainty that it's going to be months before you get to play it.
My advice is to look elsewhere for awhile an enjoy whatever other devs have to offer for the time being.