With regards to pregnant milfs, I'm totally in agreement with you bud. Especially when it comes to getting Debbie pregnant.
But I think the reason that Debbie can't be impregnated is because it would interfere with the current story/game too much (her keeping the child and new content having to be built around her keeping and dealing with that child) or it would too out of character (her giving the child away to daycare when she's a stay-at-home mom that would definitely keep her child).
I also agree about getting all those teacher's pregnant as well. The dev's should also look into adding pregnant sex scenes into the game. It sucks that you can't have sex with a girl you've impregnated until she gives birth.
With regards to making Jenny actually love the MC, I'm all for it too but it has to be really hard to get. In other words, the player (and by extension, the MC) has to run through a lot of hoops to get Jenny to be affectionate and loving towards him.
This is simply because being mean and being a bitch is basically Jenny's entire personality and it should require a lot of work on the player/MC's part to change this.
Also, I think Debbie does finds out about the MC and Jenny's relationship when you impregnate Jenny.
Doesn't Debbie meet the MC and Jenny in the kitchen to talk about Jenny's pregnancy? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Now, I have to say no to your winter idea. The game is called Summertime Saga for a reason. Let's keep it that way.
Also I have to (for the time being) say no to your idea about more female characters (milfs and/or students) being added to the to the game. There are already so many characters that need their stories and content expanded upon: Melonia Rump, Iwanka Rump, Judith, Coach Bridget, Ronda, Annie, Principal Smith, Sara (Captain Terry's Wife), Lucy (Annie's mom), and Beth (Judith's mom).
I believe in quality over quantity. Let's do right by all the girls already in the game before we start adding more.
Lastly, although the idea of inviting girls over to your beach house for some sexy time is a good one. I think the game's story progression currently relies to heavily upon the Debbie and Jenny living at the main house. Thus, your idea about permanently moving them to the beach house is just to unreasonable and unrealistic.
Maybe if you finish Debbie's and Jenny's stories completely, you can move them to the beach house.
But, I'm forced to ask, why? The purpose of having the beach house is so that the MC has a place entirely of his own.
A place he can use to invite any girl he wants over and do whatever he wants without his mom getting in his way.
Screw it though, bro! It's your life!