Just when you think he's getting better he falls back onto crappy habits lol.
Half the video full of stills and lame dialogue? Check
Blur filter? Check.
Stupidly long and useless panning shots? Check.
Bad angles? Double check.
Crappy audio? Check.
Rant ahead 'cause I have to wait for a download to finish and ain't got a more productive way to wait. The TLDR is: This is a slow improvement and how I wish sum changed a few things.
-Stills and dialogue? Those are a given. At this point I expect them in every video. I know it sounds dumb and I'm not really watching these videos for the actual plot, yet for some reason I do want SOME context. Now he could just turn it into some form of short video part with a bit of voice acting, which he HAS done (remember that 1st RDR2 short?) but Sum probably prefers to save that money, time and effort for a main project (or at least I hope he does).
- Blur filter, panning shots and bad angles? I don't really know why this is still here. In the past (I assume) blur and angles were used to hide things like the models cropping or something. But that was SFM, this is Blender. I don't think those problems persist (I mean the guy uses paid models and renders on a high-end PC). Now the panning shots and even blur I CAN see as a good thing, if used properly. Sometimes you can use this for either a story purpose (like showing a phone, camera or show the enviroment in order the make it hotter. EG: The camera pans from a Teacher's phone, showing her partners msg and then it shows her getting it on with a student in a classroom).
-Crappy audio? The only things I can say in favor of Sum here is that the hideous "CLAP" is not prominent here. It has some moments to shine, but using it every time can get really annoying. Also there's no point to ambient sound if it covers the sound of the action. Kaiba has better soundwork and I think she said somewhere that she just rips audio from other porn videos. So it's not that hard, it just takes some work. I have no problems with mute videos but if you're gonna add audio, it's gonna need some effort to accompany the animation, instead of bringing it down.
In the end we still have improvement: At no point is the action COMPLETELY out of the screen for more than a couple seconds (like that "Movies" short), it ain't dark as fuck, the animation seems overall smooth and the models don't look like plastic. I'll just wait and see what his main Blender project delivers whenever it comes out, it's not like the I'm someone that is paying Sum for 1 short a month and there seems to be enough people to support him just for that. If they're content then good for them.