3.00 star(s) 6 Votes


The Happy Beaver
Respected User
Former Staff
Sep 9, 2016
what did they change in this new version?
Version 1.02?
Change log
-Added new cheat which unlocks all four routes, gives high starting stats, and skips the common route, which unlocks in the main menu after clearing the game once
-RNG is more forgiving
-Text in message box is now thicker
-Fixed some graphical glitches in Sola's route

Also the Sola's hearts glitch was also fixed.
  • Like
Reactions: Masturbatey


Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
You can open the Console the usual way and use these:


Only trick to this one is you need to type exit to get out of Console.

I played a bit and this has worked for me, especially in being able to lower stress.
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Reactions: BeLiaLx85 and Lynn


Active Member
Sep 13, 2017
Anyone got an image rip?
There are loads of sites carrying hentai galleries for games. Just do a search for "<game> CG" and you should find a collection somewhere.

Much thanks to the uploader(s). I've been unable to run the game on Steam ever since I upgraded to Windows10.

[EDIT: Just downloaded and tried this (Denpa) version. It won't launch, either. *sigh*]
Last edited:


May 8, 2017
Version 1.02?
Change log
-Added new cheat which unlocks all four routes, gives high starting stats, and skips the common route, which unlocks in the main menu after clearing the game once
-RNG is more forgiving
-Text in message box is now thicker
-Fixed some graphical glitches in Sola's route

Also the Sola's hearts glitch was also fixed.
how to use cheats


May 8, 2017
You can open the Console the usual way and use these:


Only trick to this one is you need to type exit to get out of Console.

I played a bit and this has worked for me, especially in being able to lower stress.
how to open console?


May 21, 2017
If you don't feel like playing the game (aka hours of grind for absolutely no reward of any kind), there are ways to get around it...

1. The cheats ( )

Set the number of academic probation you have : academicprobation
X=Name of Achievement Champ,Devout and so on : achievement.grant("X")
Set Ava's affection (same goes for all other just with their name) : affection_ava
Set the Number of Bentos you have : bento_count
Set the day : day
Set the hour : hour
Set the month : month
Set your charisma : stat stat_charisma
Set your fitness stat : stat_fitness
Set your grade stat : stat_grade
Set your homework stat : stat_homework
Set your int stat : stat_intelligence
Set the number of Members for Kendo (change to science or swim for the other clubs) : stat_kendo_member = 0
Set the moral for Kendo (change to science or swim for the other clubs) : stat_kendo_morale = 0
Set the prestige for Kendo (change to science or swim for the other clubs) : stat_kendo_prestige
Set the readinness for Kendo (change to science or swim for the other clubs) : stat_kendo_readiness = 0
Set your luck stat : stat_luck
Set your money stat : stat_money
Set your prestige stat : stat_prestige
Set your stress stat : stat_stress
times_arcade = 0 times_museum = 0 : times_shrine = 0 times_arcade / museum / shrine = 0
Set the week : week
So all you have to do is write the cheat you want with a little "=xxx", X being the value you want. With these you can make sure you never fail a tournament or any event, really.

2. The VN mode

Because even with cheats, it still takes an obnoxious amount of time to get through the game. My advice would be to play it once all the way through to get the gist of it and see the events that are shared by every route. If that still seems like way too time-consuming for you, at the very least wait to get to the point where you can choose an Arc, so you can see the "introduction" to the game.

Then, you can turn the game into a VN experience, aka only see the events related to the route you've chosen and completely skip the "gameplay" aspect. Here's the :

screen arc_select:
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5

for i in [ "sola", "chigara", "asaga", "ava" ]:
textbutton "" action Jump("arc_" + i)

label arc_cheat:
$ stat_fitness = 999
$ stat_intelligence = 999
$ stat_charisma = 999
$ stat_stress = 0
$ stat_money = 9999
$ stat_luck = 999
$ stat_grade = 999
$ stat_prestige = 9999
$ stat_homework = 0

inviteasagabirthday = True
asagabirthdaygift = True
maraybirthdaygift = True
avabirthdaygift = True
solabirthdaygift = True
chigarabirthdaygift = True

"Arc Cheat!"

call screen arc_select

menu arc_menu:
jump arc_sola
jump arc_sola
jump arc_asaga
jump arc_ava

label arc_sola:
call m4_chigarainvestigate
call m4_investigateshrine
call m4_solapool
call m4_solalunch
call m4_solashrine
call m4_solapooldive
call m4_solaparkdate
call m4_bednosleep
call m5_solapureday_invite
call m5_solapureday
call m5_solafinalexams
call m5_solastudysession
call m5_solapark
call m5_asagachigaraarcade
call m5_maraybirthday
call m5_finalexams
call m5_solahscene1
call m6_secondtermstart
call m6_solabirthday
call m6_solafutureday_library
call m6_solafutureday
call m6_solafutureday_end
call m6_solaswimmeet
call m6_classroom
call m6_avabirthday
call m7_solaparkfight
call m7_marayroomimpressed
call m7_asagaclass
call m7_chigaralab
call m7_kendoqualifier
call m7_swimqualifier
call m7_sciencequalifier
call m8_solaculturefest
call m8_solaculturefestover
call m9_solachigarabirthday_shop
call m9_solachigarabirthday
call m9_solabirthday_buygift
call m9_solabirthday_invite
call m10_solagraduation

label arc_chigara:
call m4_chigaralab
call m4_asagatalklynnhallway
call m4_lynncourtyard
call m4_lynnstalkcouncil
call m4_lynncouncil_nochase
call m4_lynncouncil_chase
call m4_chigaramuseuminvite
call m4_chigaramuseuminvite_accept
call m4_chigaramuseuminvite_decline
call m4_chigaramuseumvisit
call m4_afterdataclass
call m5_chigararoutepureday_before
call m5_chigarapureday_morning
call m5_chigarapureday_class
call m5_pureday_end
call m5_lynnlibrarystalk
call m5_chigaralibrarydate
call m5_shrinewarning
call m5_chigaravisithome
call m6_labincident
call m6_chigaraasagacourtyard
call m6_maraysuspiciousroom
call m6_lynnpark
call m6_lynnstairincident
call m6_chigarakaytobirthday_morning
call m6_chigarakaytobirthday_class
call m6_chigarakaytobirthday_lynn
call m6_chigarakaytobirthday_date
call m6_morningalarm
call m6_chigarafutureday
call m6_lynntrickdate
call m6_aftertrick_hallway
call m7_chigaralynnlab
call m7_asagabackclass
call m7_chigarabreakup
call m7_morningbreakup
call m7_breakupclass
call m7_twinswap_lab
call m7_twinswap_courtyard
call m7_twinswap_room
call m7_afterchigarafight
call m8_labregionalssoon
call m8_chigarafestivalsoon
call m8_culturefestchigara
call m9_chigarachigarabirthday
call m9_chigarachigarabirthday_class
call m9_afterchigarabirthday
call chigara_replay_h2
call m9_defaultsolabirthday
call m0_chigaraend

label arc_asaga:
call m4_asagaafterbirthday
call m4_asagamobchase
call m4_asaga_aftermob
call m4_asaga_mobclass
call m4_asaga_gymfight
call m4_asaga_avaprank
call m4_asaga_asagamad
call m4_asaga_marayshopping
call m4_asaga_afterdinner
call m5_asaga_almostpureday
call m5_asaga_puredayhumiliation
call m5_asaga_returngym
call m5_asaga_puredaymorning
call m5_asagapureday
call m5_asaga_council
call m5_asaga_libarystudy
call m5_asaga_vacationstart
call m5_asaga_parkvacation
call m5_asaga_marayroom
call m5_asaga_dream
call m5_asaga_summerpractice
call m6_asaga_secondtermbegin
call m6_asaga_hallwayava
call m6_asaga_gymbudget
call m6_asaga_avafight
call m6_asaga_councilincident
call m6_asaga_gymfight
call m6_asaga_meetdad
call m6_asaga_afterdaddead
call m6_asaga_weirdhallway
call m6_asaga_courtyardsad
call m6_asaga_chigaralab
call m7_asaga_ferriswheel
call m7_asaga_solatalk
call m7_asaga_gym
call m7_asaga_classdrama
call m7_asaga_avacouncil
call m8_asaga_classleave
call m8_asaga_councilreplace
call m8_asagaleave
call m8_asagahappyend
call m8_asaga_culturefest
call m9_default_chigarabirthday
call m9_asaga_fontanasabotage
call m9_asaga_study
call m9_asagaend
call asaga_plugsuit

label arc_ava:
call m4_avastart
call m4_ava_courtyardleave
call m4_ava_marayroom
call m4_ava_liberationdayspeech
call m4_ava_councilpaperwork
call m4_classvacationreturn
call m4_ava_councilattendence
call m4_ava_courtyardhome
call m4_ava_parkstroll
call m4_ava_nostroll
call m4_ava_park
call m4_ava_maraypureday
call m5_ava_pureday
call m5_ava_puredayclass
call m5_ava_afterfight
call m5_ava_studylibrary
call m5_ava_vacationstart
call m5_ava_vacationcouncil
call m5_ava_poolclean
call m5_ava_afterpool
call m5_ava_marayroom
call m6_ava_secondtermstart
call m6_ava_asagabudget
call m6_ava_avadadfight
call m6_ava_nextmorning
call m6_ava_gymfight
call m6_ava_budgetmeltdown
call m6_ava_afterbudgetfight
call m6_ava_councilsafe
call m6_ava_asagaclass
call m7_ava_teaparty
call m7_ava_budgetfinished
call m7_ava_parkmaray
call m7_ava_budgetmeeting
call m7_ava_apartmentrain
call m7_ava_councilroomtalk
call m8_ava_festivalprep
call m8_ava_walkhome
call m8_ava_councilroomtalk
call m8_ava_culturefest
call m8_ava_culturefestlastday
call m8_ava_lever
call m9_ava_electionstart
call m9_ava_marayroom
call m9_ava_snowynight
call m0_ava_graduationend
And how to use it:

you should make a new text file, copy the code into it and save it with a .rpy extension. make sure the file is in the game's folder. you'll also need dev mode enabled. after that you start a new game and open the console and type 'jump arc_cheat' (without the ' ) and it should show you a menu of all the character arcs. selecting one will show all scenes of that character in order doing away with the actual gameplay part entirely.

I think. I've not tested it - just read the code. I recommend you type the jump command after having selected a class and when dialogue is shown (i.e. not on a map screen), just for safety.
Only problem with this is that the background sometimes doesn't change, so it won't always match the scene you're seeing. Other than that, it works fine.

And with that, the game somehow becomes a lot more bearable.


King of Cunts
Aug 27, 2016
If you don't feel like playing the game (aka hours of grind for absolutely no reward of any kind), there are ways to get around it...

1. The cheats ( )

So all you have to do is write the cheat you want with a little "=xxx", X being the value you want. With these you can make sure you never fail a tournament or any event, really.

2. The VN mode

Because even with cheats, it still takes an obnoxious amount of time to get through the game. My advice would be to play it once all the way through to get the gist of it and see the events that are shared by every route. If that still seems like way too time-consuming for you, at the very least wait to get to the point where you can choose an Arc, so you can see the "introduction" to the game.

Then, you can turn the game into a VN experience, aka only see the events related to the route you've chosen and completely skip the "gameplay" aspect. Here's the :

And how to use it:

Only problem with this is that the background sometimes doesn't change, so it won't always match the scene you're seeing. Other than that, it works fine.

And with that, the game somehow becomes a lot more bearable.
I could've done that? Shit, i just ran through the game and had 3 arcs ready at a save point, then had to go back a bit further because i missed one event for the last arc. Wasn't that hard and i enjoyed it anyway.


May 21, 2017
I could've done that? Shit, i just ran through the game and had 3 arcs ready at a save point, then had to go back a bit further because i missed one event for the last arc. Wasn't that hard and i enjoyed it anyway.
Getting to an arc is fairly easy, the problem is playing through the game again and again to see the other stories. That's why I recommend to play it normally once to see how the year is going, but starting a new game after that is quite painful since it's mostly the same thing. I pretty much gave up after doing it twice and started looking for options to see the other routes without feeling like I was wasting my entire life.

Also, here's a save with all arcs available (on slot 69).


King of Cunts
Aug 27, 2016
Getting to an arc is fairly easy, the problem is playing through the game again and again to see the other stories. That's why I recommend to play it normally once to see how the year is going, but starting a new game after that is quite painful since it's mostly the same thing. I pretty much gave up after doing it twice and started looking for options to see the other routes without feeling like I was wasting my entire life.

Also, here's a save with all arcs available (on slot 69).
I used cheats on the last arc but only to get the club stats up because i cbf getting them all to gold again.


Jan 5, 2018
Is there a way to know how many hearts you have in each girl? Because the tutorial said that you could chat with them with your holo (at least that’s what I understood), but I don’t see that option to chat with them


King of Cunts
Aug 27, 2016
Is there a way to know how many hearts you have in each girl? Because the tutorial said that you could chat with them with your holo (at least that’s what I understood), but I don’t see that option to chat with them
To see how many hearts you have, click home and then intel, your sister will be there and the UI will show how many hearts you have, when a girl no longer shows up it means you have maxed her out heart wise.


Jan 5, 2018
To see how many hearts you have, click home and then intel, your sister will be there and the UI will show how many hearts you have, when a girl no longer shows up it means you have maxed her out heart wise.
3.00 star(s) 6 Votes