VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sunshine Love [Ch. 3 v1.01i Extras] [MrDots Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Giving 2 starts because the visuals in this game are very good. But other than that, I can't really find any thing that is enjoyable about this game. It's one of those games that have potential but gets completely destroyed by really bad writing.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Sunshine love is a very bad game due to some weird choices by dev I think. At first I had minor things against it, but more I played it, more it became apparent that it's a bad game in all aspects.

    The game good points are, from what I have seen:
    - the setting (managing an hotel, plus a solid back story with some mystery in it)
    - the girls are good looking and diverse. (Edit: in fact, no. They are all the "empty shell" type of girls)

    But then, there are the things which prevent it to reach higher note.
    0) edit: another of those games where the dev gives 0 attention to detail. Here is a description of the frame I saw it and could not unsee it.
    MC is kissed by two twins.
    Twin A has heeled boots.
    Twin B doesn't.
    First break of immersion: A and B are the same size. How so when one has heels and not the other?
    second break: A, with the heels, has only one shoe with heel, the other one is flat footed on the ground.... yes the dev just forgot that heels do not enter ground and make your feet go up...

    Other example: character data: MC is 1.85m tall. "sis" is 1.7m tall. When they hug, they are at 4cm difference max ... (yes the girl has heels, but not 11 cm ones!) Again: why specify a size for each character if you can't use it correctly in your visual?

    1) music in game. That should be a good point! But problem is? the music is random, not linked to the scene or whatever. So it feels like if you are listening to music next to the game... and that is not what good sound design should be in a game at all.
    2) 4th wall breaking everywhere:
    - at the start of the game a "x ray discovered by man" ad gives you the power to see through clothes in various scenes. If you add a "see ladies underwears/naked" feature in scenes, do not bring it in game. It's for the pleasure of the player, not something which fits in the lore of your game.
    - you can chase "donuts". Again it's referenced in game (bad) and besides, if that would be all, it would be okay as a collectible hunt = pictures and bonus as in many game. But NO! the dev added a Homer Simpson voice saying "mmh a donut" e v e r y t i m e you pick one of those. Speak about breaking the immersion.
    - constant reminder of the existence of the other games done by this dev. If you like them, good for you. Otherwise? it's useless.

    3) dialogue are bad. Not bad lines, but the fact that after every choice or almost all, your will have something like "he said so, I liked it" or "my answer was the best I could provide, I think i was a good boy"... breaks the illusion of choice. Just use a walkthrough if it's to say what the chosen line was in the "hidden point scale"...
    Also, you are constantly given text about how the girls feel about your MC. Like the "mother" figure speaks with you and then at some point she is "oh my, I would like to eat him. Oh get yourself. He is like what? xx years younger than yourself. he must go before I do something stupid"... those kind of dev should really learn the power of SHOW DON'T TELL.

    All that internal monologue could have been a scene with the mother figure blushing, with some weird looks on MC crotch or whatever, then a rushed tone saying "MC, i just remember I have something to do, please go and I'll call back". No need for an inner monologue. Show us she wants us and doesn't want to get us because she thinks it's not right. Do not give us her monologue.

    Obviously main issue with that is that all those "inner" line are done... using the same background picture. So you have walls of text for one picture. That's so bad.

    4) some girls are said to be intelligent/smart etc. but they speak like morons and behave like 5 years old. Of course the dev would give you the common "she has trouble dealing with people" excuse for lazy story writers and character designers. It CAN be so, that exist. But show us BOTH side, not only the "troubled" one...
    I get that's it not easy to show off the genius side of a character since i expect most of the writers not to be genius ... but at least give us some lines or some example of their intelligence, or something that MC would not be able to do that she can easily do without too much emphasis on it.
    When a genius is doing something awesome, it's not necessary to have the world stop and applause.

    It's too easy to say "that person is one of the most smart of this country" and never show it. If you can't give us example, even little or "easy" by using the MC point of view to comment on it, then abstain to make the statement. The girl wouldn't be less interesting if she wasn't a genius.

    For the moment, everytime, I felt the MC to be the most smart... and since he is often described as such, I have trouble to admit that girl is (said to be) more smart than he is.
    Note: "most smart MC" in the game. The MC is quite an average joe but you know how in most Adult VN, the characters are just shallow and empty husks... here it's the same with a clear and honest attempt from the dev to give the girls a personality at least. So it's not a full negative point about "girls are stupid" but more "the smartest girl is not showing it".

    Other girl met ? a "genius" (not said ingame) who made her own antivirus program at 14yo. Why was I thinking she would have been a normal high school girl at 14yo? she is asian in an AVN. Of couse she would have been a pilot at 18. (True story from the game.)

    All girls behave like morons.
    So for this, all in all, I retire my "it's bad". It's TERRIBLE.

    5) when you think the game ask you to "pick girls" and really start playing the game... no. You just will call them all, in your designated order.
    So you may think: "the order will matter!";
    of course, it won't.

    6) and to conclude: MC has a girlfriend. Probably the most annoyting girlfriend you can start a game with in any AVN. And you can't dump her. You follow MC "love" for her... pff.

    7) it's a story type visual novel. But you have quests to do... which will be done automatically by playing the game as any of those "story" type VN. Just, why?

    8) and finally: when finally a sex scene happens in the flow of the game (and not in fantasy or in a flashback).... it's not shown. You read it right: the sex scene is a black screen between the before screen and the after screen; what the hell?

    Conclusion: play another game if you want to have some consistency. I have played this for hours, and never had the least sex interaction. It's "meeting girl A, go meet next one, be awesome, discover they are also awesome, receive weird smiles from girls previously met, repeat".
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep up the good work, love your stories, they are well made and love the twists in Sunshine love. Looking forward in how the story will evolve around Nicole, how will she handle the bad guys she working with, will she side with her ex/bf or will she go for the money they big evil wigs offer her. And MC hope he strong enough to overcome the rich and powerfull and get several possible good endings.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3078705

    I always go into games with the mindset that I'd like to enjoy them. This game just isn't enjoyable in any way. Every time you think you may find a bright spot, it slaps your hand and tells you NO.

    The vast majority of characters in-game seem to have a touch of brain damage. The way they talk, the reasons they get mad at each other, it's all so infantile. Especially the conflict with your half-sis. This had a chance to be so juicy, so full of sexual tension, but it isn't. All you get is disappointment.

    The MC is, by far, the absolute worst part of the game. He's much worse than most other VN protagonists. He isn't just spineless, he's actively pathetic. Yet I'm supposed to believe there are multiple women fawning over this guy?

    Your girlfriend announces that she feels like she missed out and wants an open relationship, and the game just accepts on your behalf. You're given no options during that conversation. MC doesn't even fight back. He just accepts it and mopes about it.

    I stopped playing it right there. I couldn't care less what else the game has to offer because there's no way it can recover from the weight of this terrible writing.

    TL;DR - Go play something else. This isn't worth the time and you'll never get those hours of your life back.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm starting with the good:
    -The models are great.
    -Variety is awesome: appearances, behaviours, needs and wants, all extremely well done.
    -True branching story. 1 path per love interest is actually not enough to see everything.
    -Scavenger hunt mini games (if that's your thing).
    -Steady release schedule and quality.

    But, what's below is personal to me in what I like in entertainment and what drags it down to 3 stars. If you don't agree or hate long reviews, change my rating to a 5 and stop here. So here goes...

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  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've only played Chapter 1 (V1.0.0) and its really good. Allowing the MC to play the field with very less consequences was a huge surprise. Another great thing here was the plot, having MC and Childhood friend/sister have actual conflict instead of them getting along immediately, really helped deliver that relationship.

    My only issue with the game was a single instance of a doughtnut being unable to collected because of the text box, hiding the interface only made the doughtnut disappear.

    I think this a game everyone would enjoy, I now look forward to Chapter 2.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite game ! Interesting story, and game system, very good animations and awesome girls (Ashley and Victoria especially !!!). I look forward for a completed version ! Thanks Mr Dots (and team) for your work !
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Mr. Dots Games consistently makes great games. Sunshine Love is no different. Good Looking models and an interesting story line keep you hooked. Definite recommend to anyone looking for a game to play. I do wish it was little bit more realistic but this is Mr Dots style so I cannot complain about that.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    So many games on here have potential. "Ahh this would be so good, if only for X, Y, or Z." If only they hired a better translator. If only they updated the models. If only they took out the frustrating minigames. And we often rate these games higher than they should, holding out hope that someday, these flaws will get fixed, and the potential will be reached.

    This game, however, cannot be fixed. The assets are wonderful. Poses are well thought out, expressions are decent. The story is well paced, with new characters introduced at the right moments. The story appears to be in English from the get-go, no translators needed. The only real issue is that the game is absolutely no fun to play.

    The story is dull, character motivations are dull, the dialogue is dull and spends an inordinate amount of time going nowhere. Any moments of intrigue or excitement are told in flashback or dream sequences. This is honestly the first game I ever turned on Skip Unseen Text for, and things still took too long! My breaking point was the second ever sex scene (the first one with your gf as the game starts shouldn't count, but whatever I'm counting it) after who knows how many countless pages of dialogue, THE GAME THROWS IN "30 MINUTES LATER..." IT SKIPPED THE SEX SCENE! WHO IS THIS GAME FOR THEN?

    So anyways yeah even though on the surface this game is far more professional and polished than most games on here, I'm giving it 1 star because it is unsalvageable. Brevity is the soul of wit, and this game is soulless.

    Finally, here's some sample dialogue, presented without comment:
    "Your eyes. I never realized how blue they were until now."
    "Well you know what they say about people with blue eyes."
    "No, what?"
    "Those that possess them are quite knowledgable, and they have a calm and peaceful personality."
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    So, lets begin with things I liked. I liked the girls, for the most part. They're nice looking, some are interesting, others kinda dull. And while slow, I did kinda like the beginning of the game. I like the idea of trying to figure out (as the MC) what you want while having a girl friend you loved. It was an interesting start to a game you don't see very often on here, that you're actually with someone at the start.

    Now to stuff I didn't like. Sadly, they went absolutely nowhere with the beginning and that you were in a relationship. It just quickly gets shoved to the side and then ends. Doesn't really feel merited, for it to just end like it did. That said I didn't like the girlfriend very much (I can't remember her name). While I did like some of the characters, who had more interesting background, like you're sister, or Shortcake, some of the others were so one sided and flat they became boring so fast.

    If that was all, this would be a 4 star game, but sadly, that is not all. The 2nd biggest problem I have with this game is the MC. You play as the MC in every game on this site, it's super important to like them. This MC just sucks so much. He's a pushover, seems dumb as a post sometimes, can't seem to catch even the most obvious things. He's just infuriating sometimes, a huge step back from the 1st person MC's of Mr. Dots first 2 games.

    However, the worst part, by far, is the writing. The English is perfectly fine, good spelling and all, but it's like it's written for a 10 year old. There is no subtlety in anything. The MC and other characters have so many inner thoughts - its as if the dev thinks we, the player, can't understand anything that's going without telling us 5 times! It's so bad. A lot of the dialogue is also just very simple, and childish. I played through the whole first episode and when the 2nd one came out, just couldn't be bothered to play because of having to read it all.

    I'm someone the enjoys a good story, I like the slow play, love great characters, this game is just lacking in so much of that. Mr. Dots is/was at their best when making personal 1 on 1 budding romance stories. The first chapter of DMD, and first part of the 2nd chapter, were very good as you build your relationship with Dee. Same with the first half of Melody. Sadly, the writing and storytelling start to drag those games down after that. The problem in SL is there is no personal 1 on 1 relationship to build. It could be your sister, but you spend much of the game hunting others. The time spent with your sister seems very shallow compared to other efforts of relationship building they've done.

    In the end, it's a nice game to look at. If it was a movie, you could mute it and just watch, it would be fine. Sadly, that's not the case with this. Oh, and the music, it needs to be set to each scene, instead of just playing on a loop, it takes away from some scenes big time. Play this if you like to see pretty girls and nice renders, but don't expect much depth or storytelling.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is blue ball but that's not only it....the story is painful it's a waste of time invest on this game I want all hours back....
    It's so unreal what female thinking is in this game totally out of the blue gf propose "open relation" it's the only arguement that writter come for the best to give mc green light to fuck all the characters without "cheating gf", Really? I suggest to hire some girls in his team they can help out how the girls think and work...bcs it's clear the person who write the story it's a beginer young guy without any experience of girls.

    So why no force mc to be a cuck and to force agree to the "open relation" it's horrible the story goes down and down after this events, not to talk about text so much useless text in this game it's wow I think this game will win in term of so many useless detail on every piece of crap of action, I never thought it will beat the japanese vn in term of craps detail useless text.

    Even the graphic it feel plastic all the characters it's like a dolls all gloomy and shiny they look to "perfect" for me personally, even the older woman look like 20 years instead of 40+, and all girls with 20 years look like 15 years girls fresh of high school, if you put biggers tits that's not mean it not look to young.
    I feel sorry for patreons who support this kind of crap jesus how they stick to this game I would never know, this game is 5/5? hell fck no it's far from 5 stars it's all a joke reviews with 5 stars, It's terrible this game left me with bitter taste in my mouth. I was expecting something good from creator of dmd but sadly it's worse game ever I play.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Miss Kobayashi's

    the game is just very cool everything is done very cool and the end of the first part and the beginning of the second part of the game drawing characters and landscapes the game is very cool a lot of work has been done the developer has done let even more fans and subscribers and a lot of health to him
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for CH1.

    So I'm not going to write a super long review here.
    The game is good enough and all the things you'd expect from a MrDots game are there.... BUT


    The MC is just terrible.

    He's a massive asshole in the beginning, he's whiney, unpleasant and a dweeb. To make it worse he complains and thinks too much. I've seen NTR protags with more spine than this guy.
    No wonder they booted his ass from that law firm.

    Mr Dots was never a Shakespeare with his dialog but this game feels like a definite downgrade.

    I give this game a score of 2.5

    If you like MrDots games this might be worth checking out otherwise stay clear. There are far better options.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Every single 18-year old in ALL of his games look like 12-year olds. It's just starting to bug me that not a single 18-year old looks like a damned 18-year old! Hasn't MrDots ever seen a real 18-year old before? All of his girls look like they've barely entered high school and it's starting to really annoy me. I don't know if it's a lack of DAZ Studio models or what the deal is, but I have dabbled in DAZ Studio and I know for a fact that there are teenager models in their catalog. I'm no pedophile but with all the "18-year old" models in his games, I feel kinda like a creep-o whenever I interact with one in his games because there's always some kind of relationship with them the story is trying to push upon me, and it's starting to get to me.

    I have no issue with the models that look the age closer to the MC flirting with the MC, but when these obvious 10-13 year old models start kissing the MC, it kinda feels just wrong IMHO. I don't know what part of Europe that MrDots is from, but here in the States, it's kinda illegal, ya know?

    I love the quality of the stories and renders that MrDots produces, I just wish he would take all that money he's been receiving from his sales to buy an actual 18-year old model or two for his games.

    While the story can be somewhat long-winded, there are no real surprises in this plot.
    The renders are all top notch though,
    The story just seems a little dry, and feels like you're just goiung along for the ride with no real consequences to your actions. The story will always unfold the same way every time, only the love interest may change entirely based on your decisions.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Finally 100% completed the game, including all doughnuts and peeping toms.

    My general review is that I'm very much looking forward to chapter 2. A lot of care and consideration went into chapter 1, with plenty of twists and turns that makes the wait for the second chapter excruciating.

    General complaints would be that some of the writing is a bit corny. Never met anyone who uses the word "keen" as much as the people in this game. Some of the dialog suffers from over explaining. Being highly specific. The writing goes back and forth between natural feeling and overly verbose. This doesn't detract from the game in any meaningful way, but it's something I noticed from time to time.

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    Overall good job. Like I said I'm looking forward to the next chapter. And as a comparison to your other work, I like it better than DMD but haven't finished Melody to give a good enough comparison.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    The author tells but does not show. VNs and any other visual medium should “show and don’t tell” whenever possible, hence the word "visual" in visual medium. Unfortunately, if you play this VN, you're going to be clicking through walls upon walls of expository dialogue where each character goes into minute details about everything. The writing does not flow naturally.

    I suffered through about an hour of this before I decided to give up and delete the game from my hard drive. The premise is fine, but the execution is dreadful. There is waaaaay too much unncessary expository dialogue, awkward scenes, strange rationalizing, and bizarre phrasings. It feels like the author is making it up as they go along without doing the proper research and pre-planning to make the world-building realistic and believable.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Chapter 1 V1.0.0

    “Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick” - Kevin (The Office)

    Dialogue is longer than it needs to be. Try to say what you need to say with as few words as possible. Especially in a porn game. Let your character models do some of the talking for you. Take advantage of the visual medium.

    There are also some pacing issues where you get long periods of time without a porn scene then several porn scenes in a row

    Exposition is longer than it needs to be. Only include what is necessary for the plot to advance.

    Leave some of the story up to the players imagination. Again, only include what is strictly necessary to move the plot forward. Sometimes its ok to let the player decide what the MC thinks of a situation rather than spelling it out for them.

    “Nice guys finish last”
    Write believable characters. MrDots games suffer from a problem that a lot of porn games suffer from. The MC is written in such a way that you feel like you’re playing White Knight/Simp Simulator. In almost every possible dialogue choice all you have to do is think “What would a White Knight say” and that is almost always the correct choice. This is fine if the fantasy is that you can be a simp and still get the girls but I like characters that are more realistic. IRL women often respond positively to a guy that is kind of a jackass because he is bold and assertive; even more so if that man is attractive. The other side of this is the women responding positively to you behaving like a White Knight instead of being turned off by it. It takes me out of the story because it’s so completely the opposite of how women think and behave.

    The pursed lips facial expression if used often and incorrectly. Why? This is a problem in DMD as well

    The overarching story is actually pretty good. The characters are interesting and have unique personalities for the most part.

    Grammar and spelling are good. This is a huge plus and probably worth at least 1 whole star.

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    I would also like to echo the sentiment expressed in other reviews that the Donut mini-game is an annoying distraction. It takes me out of the story trying to scan every single new screen for a Donut and it's frustrating that you can’t even get them all unless you go back through the game trying every single different story path. Maybe a Patreon code could be added for people that want to not bother with it and still see the Gallery Images?

    The peeping tom mode is almost a necessity because of the story pacing but it could be more interesting. Maybe have them wearing sexy outfits more often or sometimes have body writing on them or something to make it more fun and interesting.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Guy Guyminheimer

    I first decided that I didn't like this game when the MC thought his sister/childhood friend wanted to kiss only for her to be disgusted by the very thought. This wouldn't be a problem if the game hadn't spent the entire prologue and first third of the game setting up the sister's supposed crush on the MC. In an attempt to make her character more "realistic", the game diffused any romantic and sexual tension very quickly and refused to be a straight-forward romance. Instead the game continued to circle the drain of their relationship happening in order to drag out disgusting amounts of useless dialogue and end up with them fooling around anyway.
    The dialogue is terrible. Everybody's talking and most of it's useless. There is so much talking and so little fucking that the game does what every boring game with no real sex scenes does to string you along; in place of real sex, the first half of the game is filled with fantasy/dream sex that is all in the MC's head, stuffs the gallery full of useless collectible still image pin-ups that you have to scavenger-hunt through the actual scenes, and even implements an entire "peeping tom" mechanic to look through characters clothes just to keep you paying attention during the massive amounts of time the characters don't actually fuck and just stand there talking to each other. It has many different forms of distracting you from the fact that the main character is not actually having sex but it's still supposedly a porn game. This is an attempt to make relationships develop naturally by easing you into it, but instead it means the main character does minimal physical contact with a woman for six or seven scenes of "flirting" and then they eventually decide they want to fuck anyway.
    I remember early on in development somebody else said in a review that the choices were worthless, so this time I enabled the in-game walkthrough and chose every wrong answer. I had negative relationship scores with every character it was possible to get a negative value with, and I still had every romance route available to me. The only real choices of consequence were opting in to scenes/routes. Nothing was unavailable unless I explicitly picked it not to be. My main character could be as rude, openly hostile, or just plain disinterested in each of these women as he could be and he still had most of them wrap their hands around his dick.
    Sunshine Love is not a good game, nor is it a Visual Novel worth reading. I will continue to keep up with releases simply to skip through to the sex scenes because at least it looks nice.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Characters and scenes are fine. Story had potential, but it might be taking a nosedive after few last events.

    Fun game to sit down and relax a bit.

    Do find it funny character can be rude to everyone except the two people who caused the whole mess in the first place, his dad and step-mother. He just listens to insults from one of those and acts super friendly towards another. What a weird guy.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun game, with lots of choices. Didn't know I was going to enjoy it as much as I did but it was really fun. Played through a few times now and still enjoyable with all the choices. You can pursue as few people as possible or try for all for some major fun.