Sunshine love is a very bad game due to some weird choices by dev I think. At first I had minor things against it, but more I played it, more it became apparent that it's a bad game in all aspects.
The game good points are, from what I have seen:
- the setting (managing an hotel, plus a solid back story with some mystery in it)
- the girls are good looking and diverse. (Edit: in fact, no. They are all the "empty shell" type of girls)
But then, there are the things which prevent it to reach higher note.
0) edit: another of those games where the dev gives 0 attention to detail. Here is a description of the frame I saw it and could not unsee it.
MC is kissed by two twins.
Twin A has heeled boots.
Twin B doesn't.
First break of immersion: A and B are the same size. How so when one has heels and not the other?
second break: A, with the heels, has only one shoe with heel, the other one is flat footed on the ground.... yes the dev just forgot that heels do not enter ground and make your feet go up...
Other example: character data: MC is 1.85m tall. "sis" is 1.7m tall. When they hug, they are at 4cm difference max ... (yes the girl has heels, but not 11 cm ones!) Again: why specify a size for each character if you can't use it correctly in your visual?
1) music in game. That should be a good point! But problem is? the music is random, not linked to the scene or whatever. So it feels like if you are listening to music next to the game... and that is not what good sound design should be in a game at all.
2) 4th wall breaking everywhere:
- at the start of the game a "x ray discovered by man" ad gives you the power to see through clothes in various scenes. If you add a "see ladies underwears/naked" feature in scenes, do not bring it in game. It's for the pleasure of the player, not something which fits in the lore of your game.
- you can chase "donuts". Again it's referenced in game (bad) and besides, if that would be all, it would be okay as a collectible hunt = pictures and bonus as in many game. But NO! the dev added a Homer Simpson voice saying "mmh a donut" e v e r y t i m e you pick one of those. Speak about breaking the immersion.
- constant reminder of the existence of the other games done by this dev. If you like them, good for you. Otherwise? it's useless.
3) dialogue are bad. Not bad lines, but the fact that after every choice or almost all, your will have something like "he said so, I liked it" or "my answer was the best I could provide, I think i was a good boy"... breaks the illusion of choice. Just use a walkthrough if it's to say what the chosen line was in the "hidden point scale"...
Also, you are constantly given text about how the girls feel about your MC. Like the "mother" figure speaks with you and then at some point she is "oh my, I would like to eat him. Oh get yourself. He is like what? xx years younger than yourself. he must go before I do something stupid"... those kind of dev should really learn the power of SHOW DON'T TELL.
All that internal monologue could have been a scene with the mother figure blushing, with some weird looks on MC crotch or whatever, then a rushed tone saying "MC, i just remember I have something to do, please go and I'll call back". No need for an inner monologue. Show us she wants us and doesn't want to get us because she thinks it's not right. Do not give us her monologue.
Obviously main issue with that is that all those "inner" line are done... using the same background picture. So you have walls of text for one picture. That's so bad.
4) some girls are said to be intelligent/smart etc. but they speak like morons and behave like 5 years old. Of course the dev would give you the common "she has trouble dealing with people" excuse for lazy story writers and character designers. It CAN be so, that exist. But show us BOTH side, not only the "troubled" one...
I get that's it not easy to show off the genius side of a character since i expect most of the writers not to be genius ... but at least give us some lines or some example of their intelligence, or something that MC would not be able to do that she can easily do without too much emphasis on it.
When a genius is doing something awesome, it's not necessary to have the world stop and applause.
It's too easy to say "that person is one of the most smart of this country" and never show it. If you can't give us example, even little or "easy" by using the MC point of view to comment on it, then abstain to make the statement. The girl wouldn't be less interesting if she wasn't a genius.
For the moment, everytime, I felt the MC to be the most smart... and since he is often described as such, I have trouble to admit that girl is (said to be) more smart than he is.
Note: "most smart MC" in the game. The MC is quite an average joe but you know how in most Adult VN, the characters are just shallow and empty husks... here it's the same with a clear and honest attempt from the dev to give the girls a personality at least. So it's not a full negative point about "girls are stupid" but more "the smartest girl is not showing it".
Other girl met ? a "genius" (not said ingame) who made her own antivirus program at 14yo. Why was I thinking she would have been a normal high school girl at 14yo? she is asian in an AVN. Of couse she would have been a pilot at 18. (True story from the game.)
All girls behave like morons.
So for this, all in all, I retire my "it's bad". It's TERRIBLE.
5) when you think the game ask you to "pick girls" and really start playing the game... no. You just will call them all, in your designated order.
So you may think: "the order will matter!";
of course, it won't.
6) and to conclude: MC has a girlfriend. Probably the most annoyting girlfriend you can start a game with in any AVN. And you can't dump her. You follow MC "love" for her... pff.
7) it's a story type visual novel. But you have quests to do... which will be done automatically by playing the game as any of those "story" type VN. Just, why?
8) and finally: when finally a sex scene happens in the flow of the game (and not in fantasy or in a flashback).... it's not shown. You read it right: the sex scene is a black screen between the before screen and the after screen; what the hell?
Conclusion: play another game if you want to have some consistency. I have played this for hours, and never had the least sex interaction. It's "meeting girl A, go meet next one, be awesome, discover they are also awesome, receive weird smiles from girls previously met, repeat".