Aug 7, 2017
[QUOTE = "spam753, post: 3987745, członek: 150835"]
Oto mój Anti-Grind-File, z sugestiami od Rt7Hz , ladguru i kilkoma moimi własnymi.

Zyski ze statystyk i zarobione pieniądze wynoszą teraz * 10. (Odświeżenie listy zadań na komputerze zajmuje około jednego dnia).

Instrukcje: umieść go w podfolderze gry i nadpisz istniejący plik. Prawdopodobnie działa tylko w wersji 0.4 gry.
thank you :)


Active Member
Sep 15, 2019
We a new tag for this one, "over-engineered game mechanics"... oh and one more, "absolute-fucking-grind-fest".

Good lord, this is one to be avoided.
dude i wanted to use the renpy save editor could not find the submission in there....can't even cheat


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
After overwriting the file and restarting the game, You can continue saved games.
Yea it works fine, thing is even though there are a lot of girls, it's a waste of time, content and dialogue are same for all of them. Waste of time really.


Jul 31, 2018
Yea it works fine, thing is even though there are a lot of girls, it's a waste of time, content and dialogue are same for all of them. Waste of time really.
True story. For me it seems that the game has very strong fundamentals but the content couldn't reach that level yet. I do hope that in the coming updates will contain some kind of a story and also will focus more on the existing characters personalities.
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Aug 17, 2017
the sickness is a little to extreme. There no way i can afford buying medicine, because i have to use all my money on food. Spent 90% of the time trying not to die.
use saveeditonline to give yourself money, then use spam753's file on page 2 to make the grind less grindy


Jul 31, 2018
the sickness is a little to extreme. There no way i can afford buying medicine, because i have to use all my money on food. Spent 90% of the time trying not to die.
I've tried to make it without cheats and the only way survive was to work a lot and live on orange (55 food and 3 health). With this I could very slowly make some progress. It took hell amount of time so at the end i gave up, and modded the variables.
Nov 7, 2017
Has anyone figured out some cheat commands. I tried to find the right variables to change some of the stats. I will try that Anti-Grind-File though. I think the grinding in this game is a little bit too much, a little over the top, almost like playing the Sims but it definitely has some potential to be something good, exciting and fun especially playing evil and dirty, the submission route. Lol


Jul 31, 2018
the sickness is a little to extreme. There no way i can afford buying medicine, because i have to use all my money on food. Spent 90% of the time trying not to die.
I've tried to make it without cheats and the only way survive was to work a lot and live on orange (. With this I could very slowly make some progress. It took hell amount of time so at the end i gave up, and modded the variables.


New Member
May 30, 2020
Ah, this reminds me of another game about a girl that was living with her sister I think? that was abandoned before you even got to any sex scene. It's several years ago and I cannot remember the name for the life of me. This new game brings identical mechanics and the exact same obsession with ridiculously small decimals. If you think this game is grindy think again! That game had so many stats that it filled pretty much the whole screen (20+ stats including bladder, inhibition, and even religion - or whatever other word was used for it) and they were affecting each other :eek:. You had to cook your food before eating too and you had to eat about 2 times a day so that would take about 1 hour of doing that every. Did I mention you had to go to school and get good grades? Yeah so you had to study for school as well. Food was just as expensive and books even more so. Again the similarities are striking.

Considering the similarities I suspect this is either the dev from that game (I can't remember the name and it bugs the hell out of me) or a copycat that fell in love with them dorky mechanics. The game drifted on the interwebs for 2-3 years? and updates were irregular (up to 6months/update) and brought nothing but changes to the mechanics, balancing and rebalancing. The story in the game and the events in the game could be all seen in about 2-3 game weeks. For whatever reason, I liked that game and it promised a lot, the mechanics were amazingly complex but they made sense. It was a slow but steady corruption game (if that was your chosen path, and I have to wonder what other path would you chose in a sex(y) game).

If I am right (God I hope I'm not!!) it will be a long, long time before the game finally gets abandoned. Anyone thinking of becoming a patron you have been warned. Give it a month or two and see the consistency and quality of the updates before you pledge.

This one?
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
Jesus Murphy what a grind. Here are some console cheats, in case it helps make it bearable.

Code: = 150000   #Money

GG.pep = 100   #Stamina
GG.eff = 1.0   #Efficiency
GG.immun = 100   #Immunity = 100   #Joy
GG.water = 100   #Water = 100   #Food

GG.dict_skill['Writing_pract'] = 10   #Practical writing skill
GG.dict_skill['Writing'] = 10   #Writing skill
GG.dict_skill['Programming_pract'] = 10   #Practical programming skill
GG.dict_skill['Programming'] = 10   #Programming skill
GG.dict_skill['Intelligence'] = 10   #Doy
GG.dict_skill['Talk'] = 10   #Doy oy oy


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
yup another game headed to the abandoned bin ...get a sub all the over the 5 point mark cant even fuck at all
spent hours fucking building points for what fucking a blow job fuck off LOL
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