Ren'Py - Superheroes Suck [v1.876 Public] [Solace]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    For me it's a masterpiece of romance/harem games. All main girls are interesting and beautful in they own ways. And they not only love the mc, but agree willingly to share him too, without any jealously.

    For the superhero storyline, i think it's better to just ignore, as the mc is 90% useless until the plot twist of the 1.452 version.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    story 6/10
    gameplay 1/10
    yeah well you play as a hero whimp (again) where you are nothing then a fuck toy and forced to have sex/or made fun of/or don´t take you serious
    Point system is pretty useless even with 0 affection points you get fucked even by girls you don´t really like pretty much linear
    not worth it
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    [I'm rating this on v1.452P. I also focused more on Harper and Valentina, so my review will be a bit based on my experience]

    Oh well, I wish I could rate more, but I don't feel like this game hit it's full potential.

    The story is kind of interesting, though there isn't any interesting goal to follow, and the POV game style didn't help at all, I can't feel any interest in my own character as I don't even see him and I also don't expect anything from him, it's like I'm ONLY reading the story.

    The female models are well made, especially Harper and Valentina (that both hit my personal taste)

    The sex feels a bit slow, I like some of the angles and animations but I don't feel the romance/erotic/anything. They're 4/5 renders, but the renders by themselves aren't enough.
    Sometimes it feels like the end of the sex abruptly ends out of nowhere, one second the characters are in bed and then the girl already has her clothes on.

    The liquids is something that I care a lot, and I rarely even saw any, most of the ones that I saw were low quality (like when
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    This could possibly reach a 4 some day when there's enough content, but it would take a lot of polishing and better sex scenes to reach a 5/5.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good characters with a story that i actually care about for each of them . I haven't seen an adult game with a compelling story in a while . The game also came with great sex scenes maybe not the best ones but its still good.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Agree with others' view that it's a VN with a bit of wandering around and some arbitrary stat building. I wasn't too impressed with the renders, so it says a lot about the character writing that I played this all the way through.
    The girls have distinct personalities and an amount of development - there's humour and vulnerability in there too which is refreshing (assuming you read the dialogue).
    It's a bit slow to get going, but that initial investment pays off as the story develops which I found quite rewarding. I suspect some will find the sandbox/training element too much hassle to bother with, which is a shame.
    Overall: I enjoyed this way more than I expected to, and found I cared about what happens to the characters, even the talking car. Not one for a quick fap-n-go.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's alright. It just feels kind of ... empty. Idk. Got too bored to finish it.
    • Building up your stats feels kind of meaningless when you don't really have any freedom of movement or actual choices. There's only one thing you can do in each time slot. Character models aren't that great to look at either. There's fortunately nothing convoluted about the mechanics but there's also nothing interesting. Just a VN that probably shouldn't have that sandbox tag but then most strictly kinetic novels usually have top-notch renders.
    • I do however like the writing. Seems like there's some real potential talent hidden there. However, I don't know if that'd translate well into other media and I don't think it makes up for the lack of interesting gameplay and average-looking renders.
    Sometimes I wish devs like this would team up with the devs with great renders and interesting concepts/mechanics but shitty writing. Then again there'd be a matter of butting heads over creative differences ... but if they got that figured out, they'd open up a whole new standard for VNs.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't know how this game can have so many stars.

    For starters it says it's a sandbox but it's nothing more than a kinetic novel undercover, you can go to many places at different times of the day, but there's nothing to do, you just go to the board and see what time and where there's a girl to see if you have the chance to get her to say something...

    The sex scenes are meh, and I couldn't care less about the conversations between the characters.

    I don't recommend it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Superheroes Suck is a kinetic novel where you play as an emotional support hero for a quartet of emotionally unstable supergirls.

    As a kinetic novel, there's very little to speak of in regards to gameplay. After your character's introduction, you basically follow the story getting to know the harem girls along the way. All kinetic novels come down to the story and fortunately, Superheroes Suck knocks that out of the park.

    The girls are not only cute, but interesting. They each have their own quirks, personalities, and goals. Getting to know them is honestly fun and relaxing. The game also gets massive bonus points for giving the main character his time in the spotlight as well. He's still a little empty, as main characters tend to be, but he's also interesting. I loved the intro and the exploration of his powers.

    I was going to complain about how there's very little in the way of tension or drama in the story, but then shit went down. It took a long time to get to it, but the payoff was worth it. Watching the characters react to things happening is so much more worthwhile when you've actually come to care about them and know how they tick. It's especially good when their reactions just make so much sense based on how you've come to know them.

    Anyway, the renders are great, the girls are wonderful, the story is incredible. My only complaint is that I don't have more of it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's crazy to me how underrated this game is. It's mostly a VN with sandbox, but the story and the girls are all first-rate. Solace really knows how to flesh out characters and make me care about them. I EVEN BEGAN TO FEEL FOR THE CAR. The renders are all quite solid. One thing I will say is that the story feels a bit slow in terms of the mc himself . There are a couple empty days within the sandbox of this game where not much happens, but definitely not grindy. Also, there is so much content in this game, and I truly marvel at how incredibly underfunded and underrated this game is. It really needs more notice. I feel like Discords always help; if Solace is interested in taking control of this forum, and adds more links like discord, I feel like the game will get much more attention. Posting it on other sites like Subscribestar and wouldn't hurt. It'd generate some extra income, and provide a much larger audience than just Patreon. Patreon seems to favor much more lewd games like Dungeon Slaves for example. I think at the bare minimum would help out a lot.

    TLDR: This game is a sandbox but has a great story, good renders, and engaging characters. You should definitely give it a try.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Such an underfunded AVN, it's sad the disparity there is. Anyway one of my favorite's. Above average renders and animations, but what makes it stand out is the story, doesn't get much better than this. I don't like sandbox, but it isn't too bad and well worth it to get to the story.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    TL; DR: this a great story-driven game with erotic elements in it. If you're looking for an entertainment and not just quick fap, definitely give it a go

    Story - this game has an actual proper story. There are plot twists, unexpected turns, good pacing and so on. It exists not as just an excuse to transition from one lewd scene to another, but a thing on it's own. I would even consider it pretty good outside porn games world. It is better than any CW superhero series for sure.
    Characters - those folks actually have proper arc, character development and distinct traits besides boobs size and hairstyle. They do function as proper human beings and have goals and desires besides having sex with MC.
    Artwork - while there's nothing extraordinary about them, girls are still good looking and believable. There are no weird-ass facial expressions or unrealistic body proportions (well, maybe besides one particular milf's bosom).
    Lewd - nothing outstanding here. If you're skipping the story entirely to just see the scenes, you won't be impressed much.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Some games bring witty writing and some good laughs, others bring lots of great art and hot babes with a decent story, others master the slow burn, and some are great for a quick fap. On rare occasions however, you find a true gem. A fascinating story that is layered, rich, evocative and fun, that also happens to have great artwork with gorgeous women, coupled with some really clever writing. Superheroes Suck fits squarely in this rare gem category. Outstanding work, and my compliments to Solace!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Played Version 01.152

    -good story & great writing
    -believable characters
    -pace is a bit slow and it feels like the story is very much just beginning
    -models look realistic, fit their characters and the world
    -interface feels very basic
    -good mix of Visual Novel gameplay and Sandbox, though the actual choices or gameplay is very limited ( which is fine for the tight story the game is trying to tell )
    -mc doesn't act like a jerk
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game... it's a SuperHero game after all. It started off ok... a dude living a boring life and then discovering you have superpowers while trying to save a women.

    Then Some superhero chick wants you to join her academy after seeing your powers.... But then you spend the next many real life hours (many in-game days) grinding away with tutors (One robot like chick and another boring generic chick) in the academy.

    I don't know how many hours i'm in, but i still haven't tried, used or tested any of the "powers" discovered. Maybe it gets better in future updates...
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 01.152 Public

    The prose is solidly written and somewhat captivating. The characters (for the few hours I played) are somewhat bland however.

    My main problem is the insane amount of grind, or should I say, lack of actual content. You're supposed to repeat 2 same actions and your stats don't even change if you hit an invisible wall and need to trigger another event to progress the plot.

    I was simply bored of working out and studying on alternate days, and doing them alone to gain "confidence" (in my few hours I gained ~70 points and managed to spend exactly 1.)

    So yeah, I don't get the high rating of this game. If you remove the grind it might be 4-5, but like this it's painful to play.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing in this game is so good that were times when I was clicking through the sex scenes to get back to the plot.

    In total honesty, there was a point in this game where I was so absorbed I forgot it was a porn game and when someone started getting naked I was momentarily confused.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: It’s your typical choose between choices and locations clicker.

    Writing: Phenomenal is the only correct adjective.

    Art: While all the models are good, every single character is caucasion. I can only hope that the next game Solace develops has some diversity.

    Audio: Mostly stock music, but there’s a couple of grooves.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing the Game on and off for about 1 1/2 years now when there is a small accumulation of content. Many Games lose me after a while, but here I like to come back because there is Development in each Character and many Scenes make you smile. The Story is also exciting, because the Hero is not obviously Overpowered but rather struggles with himself and his abilities (which he believes he has).

    Keep up the good Work and thanks for the Entertainment.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a review of v1.101

    The game is very promising and there is already a lot of content to play with the story while not being super original is still told in a very interesting way that is still enjoyable, The characters are rendered beautifully and the dialogue was written well being not overly tedious and having humor mixed in, some characters are have more depth to them than others but it was still great. The sex scenes while numerous there is no gallery function to view them all but most of the scenes are repeatable.

    4.5/5 stars Enjoyable game and if possible support the developer
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Superheros Suck v1.651

    Overall: 3.5/5 - The game is above average, but I would stop short of calling it good. The writing is exceptional, but the game needs a lot of work on the user interface, the "gaming experience", and some of the models/rendering. Individual updates are rarely worth playing by themselves. If I had to guess, I'd say the developer didn't have a good plan on how the game would be broken down into pieces for development or individual updates and he is making up changes to the story along the way.

    Story: 3/5 - It's not terrible, but I don't find it particularly interesting or engaging. The story seemed to get worse after Mrs. Powell disappeared and the MC started interacting with Artemesia.

    Writing: 5/5 - The writing is the star of the game.

    Renders/Models: 3/5 - The renders in general don't have a lot of detail and are always a little grainy. They improve a little as the game progresses, but they aren't anywhere near where they should be in 2023. The models for the girls are good, but not outstanding. The models for various rooms and hallways the academy just feel out-of-place. They just seem so lifeless and artificial. It also looks like the models for the girls are rendered separately then overlayed into the rooms.

    Animations: 3.5/5 - Animations are relatively smooth and don't seem to sacrifice a lot of resolution/detail, but otherwise, they have the same issues as the renders.

    Content: 4/5 - There's a decent amount of content and lewd content. The lewd scenes aren't really very erotic, though. The amount of content released from one update to the next is very inconsistent. Some updates have multiple lewd scenes, some are just a couple of conversations that you can read through in 5 minutes, and some updates are just random crumbs that are either afterthoughts or were intended to go in previous updates but weren't finished.

    Gameplay: 1.5/5 - Gameplay is a sore spot for the game, and playing the game as new updates have been released has been a really poor experience.
    • The sandbox is useless. The game is almost completely linear. The sandbox just exists to be a time-waster for grinding a few stats and to give an illusion of choice. It adds no value to the game at all. The user interface to navigate the sandbox did improve from the beginning, so at least that takes some of the frustration out of having the sandbox.
    • Event triggering is mostly what forces grind. Some events only trigger one day per week or one time per day, and need to be performed multiple times, so... grind away.
    • Some of the very early choices in the game seem really stupid and pointless, almost like the developer put them in to practice adding choices to the game.
    • The hints are occasionally broken. Some examples:
    1. A hint for one girl's storyline said to "check on" another girl, so players try to do that but nothing happens, even for weeks of in-game time, because the trigger is actually the completion of a specific future point in that girl's storyline, not simply the act of checking on her. What the hint really should say is to continue the other girl's storyline.
    2. A hint says to wait for the Sunday lecture, but nothing happened, because something needed to happen first in another girl's storyline.
    3. All hints said to either check on another girl or finish other tasks at the academy of which there are none. The actual trigger was the lecture the following Sunday.

    Bugs: 4/5 - I only encountered 1 bug that had to do with an event that triggered by using the elevator. It was fixed in the following update.