Ren'Py - Superheroes Suck [v1.876 Public] [Solace]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Pleasantly surprised with this game. I normally avoid sandbox games like the plague but this one didn't feel too bad. There is a decent hint system and there are only a handful of locations so it's hard to not find an event.

    The characters aren't all too bad although they are pretty unnatural. Like to the point where I question how the dev came up with how they act some of the time.

    I think this game could benefit from some polishing up in the earlier stages and all around cleaning up the dialogue, maybe adding some more early events as the relationships with the girls seem to be pulled out of thin air and develop way too quickly. Also we only saw 2 of the characters actually out being superheroines at the very beginning plus the latest patrol but I think the game certainly needs some scenes of even just some of the LIs returning home after a patrol or something sometime in between. The game really lacks depth and you come to realize that after the very structured interactions you have with other characters. That being said, I did enjoy this one and I didn't expect to going into a sandbox game.

    I'd recommend it as long as you accept that you may need to suspend your disbelief concerning the way the characters act. Also the main plot is kind of moving at a snails pace but hopefully it ramps up faster it the future. Solid 3.5
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The reason I only give a 3 star rating is that the sex scenes are simply terrible, you don't actually see any "Vaginal sex" at all, only 2 bodies grinding on each other, been a long time since íve been this disppointed and felt my time totally wasted, cause of the grinding too...

    I give one star for the story, cause superpowers are cool and one star for the renders and one star for the animations, there just is not any animated "vaginal sex" But there is animated HJ, BJ and body grinding.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Sounds: 7/10 not many or no sounds... still gets a good score. lol
    Music: 7/10 Music was alright, music should change during nsfw scenes as it kind of makes it awkward to have a steamy scene with upbeat music. :p
    visuals: 9/10 Overall pretty good visuals. Animations started getting better later in character progression.
    Game Playability: 6/10 The level up system is a little grindy but not too bad. If I came back to this game this would be the part I would loathe to do.
    Story: 9/10 Kind of a new take on the whole superhero thing. MC does not have any power progression in this version but could be interesting.
    Game length: 8/10 For a version .3 of a game, it has decent content thus far.
    NSFW Content: 8/10 Knowing what goes into these I know that some of these scenes are hard to do, but I think they were (relatively) fluid with the story line. There are bits of the ,"Let's get it on" but it's spread out a bit.

    I like the bits of humor in this and enjoy that it's not forced. Overall was an alright game to play and think this game has potential.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game looks really promising. Great female models. There is not much content yet, but with few more updates and added some more animations, like that one in the kitchen, this could be a really good game. Just one little thing from me, current progress tracker is little bit confusing, I would try just numbers, like 3/8 f.e., because these bars are not telling me what I need to know, especially when game told me, that I reached maximum content with character, but the bar is not full. Overall I am a fan and looking forward to another update.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The game starts out promising, not the normal, incest family fuck fest (Though I do enjoy those.) The MC is just an average guy, with an average life in a dead end job.

    The intro was a bit boring, with a lot of confusing and apparently useless questions. The one dream sequence with the anoying customer was really confusing. But it got better with the discovery of the main characters super power.

    The characters were interesting and the choices started to actually appear to make a difference. I especially liked the interactions with the Instructor.

    The other characters are pretty standard Russian woman obsessed with strength and order flirtatious Goth chick, shy girl next door and married woman from the suburbs. Models are nice however if not very original. I was turned off a bit by how every girl had a tattoo, though that is more a personal preference.

    the game takes a colossal downturn however once you finish the intro and it goes from an interesting VN into a grindy and boring click fest of a sandbox with very little to do but grind your skills, click on random rooms and hope something happens and constantly advancing time.

    I would have happily rated this higher if the dev had kept it a VN, especially with it's apparent linear storyline. As a Sandbox game it is just boring.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It's open world click fest, small gains for a long time of not much, although the pics are nice. The story starts out nice, a bit of humor mixed in. But the story is a bit disjointed. Too much work for me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A promising start! The game is fairly well written, funny and I'm excited to see where the story is going. The MC is balanced; not a dick and not a cuck, he feels a tad to passive at times though and the dialogues becomes a tad one sided. The models are cute and their personalities are likable and unique. Downside so far is the lack of content and the game is a bit too grindy. I guess it will make sense plot-wise, but it feels weird that we(the player) still don't know what the MC's power is, it should surely be the first thing they should figure out. Looking forward to future content! Keep up the good work! Ps. Gimme more Riley content! And let me steal her away from her dick husband asap ;)