
Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Well you could always say "NO" In Chinese Lang,but hey we all get what we deserve you had a wife to take care of and I have around 600 girls to take care of,oh speaking of them I forgot to pat my Roon head before port will close for Unzen!!!
Sure. Gonna tell the evil crazy Lady no :sneaky: .
I learned my lesson last time XD. Naaa she's Cool i know worse women
my ex boy after that i was Ready to live a monk life . I even lost hair because of how bad the relationship was. But thanks to an ultramega asshole of a friend got hooked with the imp. I still kick his ass from time to time bitch breaking the bro code no fucking pride this days.
Well you can always join syther dogclappers cult XD
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Dec 11, 2017
Sure. Gonna tell the evil crazy Lady no :sneaky: .
I learned my lesson last time XD. Naaa she's Cool i know worse women
my ex boy after that i was Ready to live a monk life . I even lost hair because of how bad the relationship was. But thanks to an ultramega asshole of a friend got hooked with the imp. I still kick his ass from time to time bitch breaking the bro code no fucking pride this days.
Well you can always join syther dogclappers cult XD
Yes,the tea was delicious.
  • Haha
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Well this is what he says.

Yo, just an update on the game progress, how things are going with me, and a new reward that might be coming for the Monster tier and above.

First of all, game progress. By my estimation we're over halfway into development now. I'll give a quick breakdown of the progress.
Main route script: %90
Side route script: %50
Main route CG: %60
Side route CG: %10
It's around about there more or less. I usually don't like to give specific breakdowns since I'm always changing and adding shit midway, but since this update is gonna take longer than usual, I figured it'd be a good idea to give you guys a rough estimate of the progress.
Things have been going a little rocky with me lately. I don't like to go into too much detail about myself, but progress has been hindered a bit compared to my usual speed so I'll mention a little. Basically I've just had a couple of mental issues that have been fucking with me lately, nothing to do with the game or work, or anything like that, it's something I've had a problem with since I was a kid, but its gotten worse lately and it takes a while to get over and calm down from. It's not something that slows me massively, this update was always gonna take a while, and I generally always keep to the same schedule anyway, but it makes writing a little harder, makes me stare at the screen a little longer before I can churn out what I need to churn out. Sorta like writers block I guess, but with issues unrelated to writing affecting it. It's one of the reasons I'm deciding to make this update a longer one rather than a shorter one, to give me a little more time to get over it, and hopefully catch up on time once I am. The worst seems to have past which is why I'm mentioning it now, so things should go a little smoother for me from here on. No need to feel sorry for me or anything either, I live a pretty good life, a pretty easy life, got pretty much my dream job at this point, I'm basically just being retarded thinking about things I have no business thinking about. It's also a good excuse to change some things about myself and get better.

Anyway, back to relevant stuff. The poll results will be out next week because I'm retarded and forgot to actually attach a poll to the message about the poll on Subscribestar, so they'll get a week to vote, after which I'll add everything up and release it next week.
Also, potential new reward coming to the monster tier, I'm not sure when I'll implement it, probably after this next update. Briefly mentioning what it is, is that I generally write a handful of short smut stories just in my own time, from time to time. They're rough, unedited, but it's a fun thing for me, a little break from my normal writing where I don't have to restrict myself to thinking about "Should I really write things like this? It'll be a pain in the ass to draw it", you know? Plus it's usually almost entirely porn, because I don't have a girlfriend, so it's a nice outlet for that too. Anyway, might be releasing some of those, but with a little twist, I'll need to prepare things a little before doing it, so I'm probably not gonna bother til after the next update, I might go into a little more detail about it before then though, so stay tuned.

Also, also, some time in the future, I might do some short live streams where you guys can ask some questions while I draw some stuff. That way you guys can see a little of my weird drawing style, how I go about it, maybe watch some videos or whatever while we're there. Not sure when, probably not soon, but eventually I've got a plan to make it happen. I'll probably have to make a channel on twitch or whatever and figure out all that bullshit to do it, so when I've got some more free time, I'll get around to it, or maybe not, depends if it's something you lot are interested in. I've got a youtube channel that I don't at all use, maybe subscribe there and something might happen, maybe, if I feel like it.

Anyway, long devlog this time. Sorry to get a little heavy in the middle there, but it's mostly passed by, so don't sweat it too much. Let me know what you think about my plans for the future, the short stories, the stream, etc, i'd like to hear it.
See ya next time.
As I thought, fucker is still breathing. I actually kind of get where he's coming from. I never really get writers blocks myself but sometimes in giant swings at a time I get a huge wave of depression more than I usually do. Instead of taking some time off I'm usually pushing myself through it wish lowers my overall speed at which I do everything, not just writing. Probably not what he's dealing with but I understand that sometimes you just gotta ride the wave till you get over it.

I AM however excited for his streams maybe, I'm not usually a stream guy, I don't have hours to watch one thing for that period. But if it's good and gets me into the beautiful genius that is W.W's head, why wouldn't I go show my support at least once.

The porn stuff sounds like it'll be Patreon side image shit so I'm not interested nor do I have the money for it. If it's Lisa related I WILL raid the Discord and extract the evidence my SELF.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Okay with the recent talk of the cursed "Bad News devlog" (and speculation of possible delays), I want to ask an important plot-related question to you guys, to pass the time.

If teams are gonna play a major role in the story and you had to pick between joining one or something else, what would you choose?

a) Stay an Independent agent
b) Make your own team (either with Michael, Alice, Deryl, plus someone else possibly or with completely new Superhumans)
c) Join Team Lucifer (The most obvious choice, we are involved with so many of their members even prior to joining H.E.R.O.)
d) Join Team Clthulhu (The 2nd obvious choice with a lot of interesting and some of the strongest Superhumans on this team)
e) Join Team Oberon (An interesting choice, not much to go by besides melody and Lucius)
f) Join Team Reaper (Nyx has an interesting background and powers, her lieutenants... not so much)
g) Join Team Kronos (By far the Most interesting and Mysterious team with only some snippets about their Feats so far [The monster that Zack fought, The Power Negation Monster that one of their members caught that was used to make the Monster Containment Cells]
I'll do you one better:
To answer your initial question I will ALWAYS pick Independence. I'm not a fan of H.E.R.O, and probably never will be.

BUUTTTT I suppose if I HAD to pick ONE to keep things interesting, I'd pick team Reaper. The I like Nyx; I mean I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pull unless she hypnotized me with a sex offer because quite frankly she scares the shit out of me up there with Deus, but yes, I also like the team name and Jill OOZES fsub energy. Those are my only motivations, again I don't like H.E.R.O, and there's pretty much no difference no matter what Team I'm a part of because we are still sent on different clean up missions all the time for overall H.E.R.O.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
My wife plays that and i'm like hey not judging i also like big titties but yeah i don't wanna go down that rabbit hole try ronald he plays genshin can't be worse at this point .
View attachment 2928228
Meh i already made peace with the fact that my wife is a really weird pervert. Boy this meme works wonders XD
Do you and your wife play anything else, maybe even separately? Or is this your dirty little secret like I believe it is the rest of ours lol.

P.S sorry about that last relationship, people hurt sometimes. But I've got your back through and through!
  • Thinking Face
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
So MC's future in HERO?

Leaving the "new system" aside from now, which may or may not completely change how things are done, currently HERO is the 5 teams and a bunch of independent agents that go out in missions and/or work shifts manning various posts relative to research, beaurocracy, guard duties or special roles according to their abilities.

Some things to consider:

On HERO structure:

1) Hero has 5 ranks, Agent 3, 2, 1 class, Lieutenant and Captain.
2) Hero has 5 teams and the rest of the recruits work independently. This may change in the future.
3) The 5 teams members hold either the captain or lieutenant rank.
4) It's not confirmed that all Lieutenants have to be part of a team afaik.
5) Captain isn't necessarily a rank or indicative of a HERO agent's power level, but a designation. This observation is derived from Henri's predicament.

On HERO Teams:

1) HERO teams are designed around 5 members.
2) The majority of Team members are either level 4 or 5, but there exist extraordinary level 3s (a possible loophole for MC?)
3) It's possible that some teams lack a full 5 member roster. MC will probably have to join a team that isn't complete so Lucifer and Cthulu are probably out.
4) To further reinforce the previous point, Deus was the "new guy" and he joined Lucifer. I think it's more likely that Lucifer wasn't a complete team than Malik replacing a member with Deus
5) Rating the "closeness" that MC has with the various captains, it would look something like this: Nyx > Malik > Bernhardt > Lucius = Zack, MC has worked with Nyx and is about to also work with Zack, but the latter is too hands off and doesn't seem interested in MC at all, unlike Nyx.
6) The roster of known team members:

Team Lucifer / 5 known: Malik (Cpt, level 5) | Nico (level 5) | Alexis (level 5) | Clark (level 5) | Deus (level 4?)
Team Cthulu / 5 known: Bernhardt (Cpt, level 5) | Henri (level 5) | Lisa (level 5) | Elijah (level 5) | Kira (level 5)
Team Oberon / 2 known / 3+ confirmed : Lucius (Cpt, level 5) | Melody (level 4?) | Nyx uses the phrase "one of your lieutenants"
Team Kronos / 1 known / 2?+ confirmed: Zack (Cpt, level 5) | Del claims that "a member of Team Kronos caught the power suppression monster"
Team Reaper / 3 known: Nyx (Cpt, level 5) | Jill (level 4) | Duncan (level 3)

Misc info:
1) MC's power is mostly defensive, which peaks Nyx's interest.
2) MC in HERO's eyes should be considered extraordinary. He has a lot of special roles, he has at least 2 logged victories against monsters significantly more powerful than him. He is also the spawn of the "uncategorized ones" although I doubt that HERO know about it currently.
3) MC is an Class 2 Agent and there is at least 1 more rank between that and Lt.
4) MC has a destiny that will probably take him away from HERO, at least for a time.

According to these, I think the more likely scenarios (before possible ending choices) are as follows:
1) MC will leave HERO before making it into one of the teams.
2) MC will continue working under Nyx and eventually join her team.
3) The HERO structure will change so drastically that all talk about teams in their current form won't have any point. Nyx is probably the most likely candidate to take MC under her because she has voiced the desire, but also Malik and Bernhardt depending on MC's fame/infamy.

Possible but unlikely scenarios in no particular order:
1) MC and Ella will both work for HERO under Nyx | According to my theory, Nyx has marked Ella before killing her, and she will be the one to bring her back. It's possible that HERO will try to tempt/force Ella to work with them, and she will find some reason to do that, at least for a time, while letting her kids and Charlie take charge on the rest of her endeavors while keeping HERO mostly in the dark.
2) MC will join either Lucifer or Cthulu | This is unlikely because these 2 teams are both full and are supposed to be the strongest so it's less likely they will lose anyone for MC to take their place.
3) MC will join either Oberon or Kronos | While I don't find it unlikely for MC to get friendlier with them, especially Lucius if MC gets an updated look after his 4th, I don't think that Lucius or Zack are particularly interested in him. However there exists some slim possibility for that to happen because both teams aren't confirmed to have 5 members.
4) MC will create his own HERO team. | This may be an ending choice but I don't see it happening earlier than that.

What about SIN?:
I find it highly unlikely that MC will join SIN in any shape or form. The closest thing that could happen would be for MC and Ella/Ella's faction to work towards a common goal that may be beneficial to Langdon but ultimately I think that MC and SIN will always be enemies.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I AM however excited for his streams maybe, I'm not usually a stream guy, I don't have hours to watch one thing for that period. But if it's good and gets me into the beautiful genius that is W.W's head, why wouldn't I go show my support at least once.
Da stream will be da perfect time for PapaSyther to ask his favorite question

"Can I fuck the dog?"
I love you my dear.jpg


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Da stream will be da perfect time for PapaSyther to ask his favorite question

"Can I fuck the dog?"
View attachment 2928462
I doubt he'd give a straight answer. He doesn't like to leak anything related to the actual future game possibilities. I dmed him one time on whether or not he'd ever do anything with Danica or Bailey after their "point of no return" choices and he essentially told me he doesn't like to disclose potential spoiler related things.


That was ages ago though, might've changed his mind since then. I'd wager most of the content he'll try to limit the questions to is the creative process, limited personal life, and inspiration behind some of the scenes already in-game. He might mention the tags that may or may not appear in the game, if beastiality is one of them, then you'll probably have your wish.
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Game Developer
Sep 11, 2023
Mine is currently like this:
add choice A
program works
add choice B
programs works
add choice C
program now longer works

But that's programming for you this is something I've encountered in basic, visual basic, c+ and c# I may have to get help to fix before I go crazy. Python a similar animal but still different. And if I don't get the artist will make me for what I'm working is going to make me write out the code under choice b all the way through the code just so she can see her work.
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Game Developer
Sep 11, 2023
Are you interested in game development? I would love to see a fan game, inspired work, or any new content from a Superhuman fan ( Especially from one that likes the writing and the old and new artstyle )
Yes I'm interested in game development, even tried to go to college for it; all the good that did me. I'm a fan, my artist is not and want so to do her own story. So it is unlikely that I'll be able to deliver on this desire.
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Mar 24, 2020
Yes I'm interested in game development, even tried to go to college for it; all the good that did me. I'm a fan, my artist is not and want so to do her own story. So it is unlikely that I'll be able to deliver on this desire.
Lovely, and as for your artist, listen to them and make a story you both like, make a comprise for the story you both wanna make. Just make a story you both enjoy, it doesn't alway works out but for you i'm hoping it does.

(btw is your artist on f95zone?)


Game Developer
Sep 11, 2023
Lovely, and as for your artist, listen to them and make a story you both like, make a comprise for the story you both wanna make. Just make a story you both enjoy, it doesn't alway works out but for you i'm hoping it does.

(btw is your artist on f95zone?)
We are working on a story that we both like. I've made comprises related to content I'm not comfortable with as has she. She is not but if you have questions or what not you can send 'em to me and I will see to it she gets it.
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Mar 24, 2020
We are working on a story that we both like. I've made comprises related to content I'm not comfortable with as has she. She is not but if you have questions or what not you can send 'em to me and I will see to it she gets it.
I can't wait to see what you'll make.

One last question, are you planning on making it nsfw like superhuman? or are you both not making any erotic content?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Yes I'm interested in game development, even tried to go to college for it; all the good that did me. I'm a fan, my artist is not and want so to do her own story. So it is unlikely that I'll be able to deliver on this desire.
Could use A.I just dont mind the hands XD. IT works for W.W i love the original art but i'm fine with the new
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Do you and your wife play anything else, maybe even separately? Or is this your dirty little secret like I believe it is the rest of ours lol.

P.S sorry about that last relationship, people hurt sometimes. But I've got your back through and through!
:unsure:my wife is one of those that go on a hearthbreaking rant of i have nothing to play and her steam library looks like it's gonna crash the app XD.
The only Mobile game that's stays in her phone is wild rift (yes she is a flamer:rolleyes: ) and that's because she plays with me. But right now warhammer tacticus is her poison Lol. We play valorant but mostly for fun well her fun me and the rest of the team with the try not to die and she goes yolo :oops:

Well what can i say? ladies are really mean this days that's why i say love yourself and don't be a simp it's sad that pay for an escort ia the safest choice on this times the family dream is dead
  • Red Heart
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Game Developer
Sep 11, 2023
I can't wait to see what you'll make.

One last question, are you planning on making it nsfw like superhuman? or are you both not making any erotic content?
Yes there will be nsfw content, of a wider veriety than what we see in superhuman, that was what I compromised on as she like yaoi type reading, she compromised with moresomes cause thats what i like to watch and read sometimes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Da stream will be da perfect time for PapaSyther to ask his favorite question

"Can I fuck the dog?"
View attachment 2928462
I can feel it already how should i call that chapter ?
The Dogclapper crusade?
Lol the mods all calm and shit because we keep it in this thread just messing with the discord one time then W.W give the road to the dogclappers cult to expand XD
And that kids is how the dogclapper madness went viral XD
Mar 24, 2020
Yes there will be nsfw content, of a wider veriety than what we see in superhuman, that was what I compromised on as she like yaoi type reading, she compromised with moresomes cause thats what i like to watch and read sometimes.
They want to add yaoi content to the game and you want moresomes, correct?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Ella is Evil
-The cult of mother
-The waifu wars
- Ella simps
- Copium Blue first strike
-the shitpost wars
- the fertility conundrum
- The living joke pussyboy
- The eugenics are we the baddies ? dilemma
- The Victim Jake Arc parts 1-2
-Copium Blue second chapter (that smurf is asking for a spanking)
Retardation fight: wrath of the mods.
-the blueballs update
-the dogclappers rise
- the waifu hunts
-the heretic burnings
- Ella is not that evil but still a cunt (why do we always go back here )
The Victim Jake Arc parts 3-4 (we talk about this way to much)
The Deryl Conundrum: Is he a bad friend or a bro?
-the nico and liz reckoning
- Copium Blue the cockblocking XD.
-lvl2 vs lvl3 paradigm.
- the Fmc Fundoshi crone.
- Mother Latín.
- the pistol , the bombardier and the zap.
- Deryl a genius ,a friend ,an asshole.
- the long dogs night.
- THE DISCORD HERESY ( the crazy people are surprisingly loyal).
- the hounds of shame ( weird art and dog heads).
- Bailey by the sea.
-The Bull , The Bear and The Broker (mankind never changes) .
I vs V ( no joke don't ask on drugs i'm sure XD ).
-all calm on the waifu front.
-pimping ain't Easy ( the cuckqueen and the snake bitch).
- the chameleon mod and the lost pages.
- Woofserk ( The hidden daggers parley).
- superhuman bizarre adventure
(genderbending femboyblade) what in the actual fuck ? XD.
-Supermemes XXL ( Discord can suck it).
- jake the the friend, the victim, the cunt Chapter X (we always come back to this).
- Seeds of timeskip (theory or fact?).
- of parents and children
- the hours of dread(Fear is real).
-team jumping or lonewolf?
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  • Red Heart
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4.80 star(s) 346 Votes