
Oct 23, 2019
1. Probably quite a few if Jake is any sign. A dude who up till this point was nothing more than a nerd who got bullied, yeah Ella 'helped' but in the end it was mostly his anger and drive that took him forward. Plenty of those who joined HERO be it through their own will or forced will have little choice but to train (if the meeting this update gives us any insight).

2. Those soldiers most likely do not have a month, of course it all depends on when this recruiting effort happened. If it happened recently and I mean within the last week or so (in game) then if the MC has the choice to slaughter them while infiltrating then all the effort in recruiting them was for naught even if they had powers they pale in comparison to MC.

Amber and Liz's dad implies he got his powers recently so I doubt he or other former soldiers had much of any training so yeah for them.

3. Depends, if someone like Jake or a new name (Melody) was out in the field they could easily suggest or 'control' the recruits to follow orders or simply give them the encouragement required to do their job. Or optionally have them there to support the trained officer in charge of the recruits in the field.

4. Realistically even if they attacked around the globe they'd still be outnumbered by not only superhumans on HERO's side but regular trained human soldiers and police. Again, humans can kill level 1s (hell they even made weapons that can take on some of the weaker monsters and I can only imagine they can do damage against a simple level 1 human or level 2 as it could do to MC when he was fighting against Jake and his goons who had those plasma rifles).

The teacher himself talks about how at level 1 humans can kill you but ol Xanthe reinforces the idea that at level 1 (rebirth stage) you are still easily killable
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At the end of the day even with their recruitment of former soldiers they'd still be at a disadvantage even more so since humanity is rather...hateful of superpowered peoples after the events of da diamonds where a lot of humans died so I'd expect a lot of currently employed soldiers or cops to go guns blazing against these level 1 soldiers (elite/former) matters not if your out gunned and even more so if another superhuman on HERO's side shows up to assist said human soldiers (rather they want it or not).

It's most def gonna be a massacre at any rate for the humans but SIN's recruits are gonna suffer just as much.
1)As i said - you get 1 out 10 people on Jake lvl at best. An if you even get them here you get at least 3 major problems : there is problem with motivation (why he would fight for you and risk his life?), control (Jake took whole Sector and Dexter himself under control. No need to say how dangerous it was and it cost at least several hundreds soldiers lifes and one lvl 4 super human agent. This was just one dude and you need to control hundreds or even thousands of them) and loyalty (what would prevent this new recruits, after you turn him in lvl 3, just betray you and change side for whatever reason? SIN solve this problem with oath and tatoo...HERO have nothing similar. I mean, yeah, part of them which are conscripts take bomb in their head and heart, but normal recruits are clean)
2)Well, in game at least month pass since Diamond battle. SIN start it active recruitment earlier (at least after Ella kids announce themselves on TV broadcast. Maybe even earlier). Which mean they get at least 1,5-2 months
3)For something like this (control dozen lvl 3 at once and probably across the globe) you need have adamant trust in Jake and Melody (because what if they decide to turn their guns on you at most pivotal moment?). They, themself should be at least on lvl 4 (otherwise they would have trouble to control even single lvl 3). Not to mention that combat effectiveness of such method would be under the question
4)Well even dumb monsters attacking several cities across the globe was enough to overrun HERO (which is why they start al this recruitment process). Here we have well-coordinate humans (like group of terrorist) with tactical advantage, surprise factor on their side. There is no need for them to go into frontal attack - diversions on key infrastructure, assassination of HERO supporters, causing chaos - this kind of shit would be very easy to do for former soldiers and mercenaries with super powers. Not to mention - they have full support from SIN = save house (for example Alice was able to hide with Michail for weeks while everyone seek them), information, weapons, fresh recruits, god knows how many traitors in local HERO department or Government forces (police, army, etc).
So this is way more complex shit then just go and attack city spearhead - this tactic will force special HERO groups to stick in this cities for MONTHS of exhausting "hide and seek" game combine with "Mafia" in order to lure such SIN group out and exterminate them for good. HERO just was not desine for this kind of shit and if they End up enable to protect people from those terrorist attack...Well, then their support from population would collapse down to zero


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
And I said he didn't. There's absolutely no proof at any point in during the battle of diamonds that Deus actually helped Ella during the invasion. It's entirely speculation. You're combining two different sections together and conflating them as Deus "helping" Ella when he basically said he's going to be a bystander during it. The person he actually helped was the MC. That's who he wanted to meet and helped him infiltrate HERO.

Ella reaching Level 5 because she stole a serum has nothing to do with Deus "helping" her. He let it happen. If being a bystander is "helping" then all of HERO helped Ella because they actively chose to wait before hunting her down since she became a superhuman.
Letting it happen IS helping, if you get robbed and step away from the cash register, no matter how much you want to tell yourself that you were just standing by, at the end of the day you HELPED the robber achieve his goal knowingly. You can just admit that the Captains are retarded instead of making it seem like they have everything put together, their meetings even solidify this.

There's a big difference between H.E.R.O's Captains being cocky and stupidly oblivious to the problem that is Ella and FAILING to get her on multiple occasions...
Deus; who actively knows what's going on around him and not only lets her break into H.E.R.O to steal a game changing serum, but also happens to "have night terrors" when the Captains wanted to discuss just how fuckin clueless they were about her at a grand meeting.

One is not helping Ella because they don't know what the fuck they are doing, and the other is actively aware yet doesn't choose to admit the information.

Not telling the whole truth kinda falls under the category of lying in my book and that isn't even the first instance of Deus lying. Xanthe and Dexter are even wary of him because he's constantly omitted information in regards to US, and even caught up to Valravn to power him up, the plan to use him wasn't even a thing until much later so he did that of his own volition. He also doesn't mention the MC breaking in and stealing data, so is he just happily telling the truth to Alexis like a good doggy or is he just potentially doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Given his feats I HIGHLY doubt that Deus was fighting the Hexring during the battle let alone to his fullest in a valiant effort to help H.E.R.O. It was busy sure, but that's just it; just busy, not ripped from the space time continuum. If I'm not mistaken the Hexring made the dimension yes? It's possible that it was maintaining it and that's why it was busy, there was a lot of power going off inside of it after all. It could've also been the one "busy" keeping Malik contained In that ball and tping the monsters inside of it, who knows.

He's indirectly helping Ella/fucking with her occasionally, the latter only when the MC is involved. But helping H.E.R.O? Eh, not so much...much less in a silly skirmish like the Battle of Diamonds (he could've warned that the dimension was coming down for instance, the ambush on Malik etc.). He IS disgusted by monsters though so there's that, perhaps he's playing the long game in which we save the world? Dunno why he'd think that caused I'm only here to destroy H.E.R.O and the government if need be then go live blissfully with my Harem.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
There's a big difference between H.E.R.O's Captains being cocky and stupidly oblivious to the problem that is Ella and FAILING to get her on multiple occasions...
Deus; who actively knows what's going on around him and not only lets her break into H.E.R.O to steal a game changing serum, but also happens to "have night terrors" when the Captains wanted to discuss just how fuckin clueless they were about her at a grand meeting.

One is not helping Ella because they don't know what the fuck they are doing, and the other is actively aware yet doesn't choose to admit the information.

Not telling the whole truth kinda falls under the category of lying in my book and that isn't even the first instance of Deus lying. Xanthe and Dexter are even wary of him because he's constantly omitted information in regards to US, and even caught up to Valravn to power him up, the plan to use him wasn't even a thing until much later so he did that of his own volition. He also doesn't mention the MC breaking in and stealing data, so is he just happily telling the truth to Alexis like a good doggy or is he just potentially doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Given his feats I HIGHLY doubt that Deus was fighting the Hexring during the battle let alone to his fullest in a valiant effort to help H.E.R.O. It was busy sure, but that's just it; just busy, not ripped from the space time continuum. If I'm not mistaken the Hexring made the dimension yes? It's possible that it was maintaining it and that's why it was busy, there was a lot of power going off inside of it after all. It could've also been the one "busy" keeping Malik contained In that ball and tping the monsters inside of it, who knows.

He's indirectly helping Ella/fucking with her occasionally, the latter only when the MC is involved. But helping H.E.R.O? Eh, not so much...much less in a silly skirmish like the Battle of Diamonds (he could've warned that the dimension was coming down for instance, the ambush on Malik etc.). He IS disgusted by monsters though so there's that, perhaps he's playing the long game in which we save the world? Dunno why he'd think that caused I'm only here to destroy H.E.R.O and the government if need be then go live blissfully with my Harem.
I just want a single answer from you. Just yes or no. I don't want any elaborate reasoning or anything else.

If I let a guy rob a bank, even though I knew they were about to do it. Does that make me an accomplice in their bank robbery because I chose to mind my own business? Simple yes or no question.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I just want a single answer from you. Just yes or no. I don't want any elaborate reasoning or anything else.

If I let a guy rob a bank, even though I knew they were about to do it. Does that make me an accomplice in their bank robbery because I chose to mind my own business? Simple yes or no question.
Simple answer: Yes

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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Simple answer: Yes
No, you're in fact wrong. The rest of your post is entirely irrelevant. You're basically saying anybody who sees anything before it happened is an accomplice in everything that happens. I got your answer so I'm not going waste any further time on this discussion. Move along.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
No, you're in fact wrong. The rest of your post is entirely irrelevant. You're basically saying anybody who sees anything before it happened is an accomplice in everything that happens. I got your answer so I'm not going waste any further time on this discussion. Move along.
Yeah...that's not how that works bud. There are plenty of deets ya chose to ignore just to drive your simplistic point to make me look wrong.

This isn't some simple answer question, many factors could play a part and in the case of discussing Deus; there is.

Deus knew ahead of time that it was going to happen AND works for the bank. That's like being a security guard on the fucking cameras and NOT stopping the crime. By definition you are helping that criminal (Ella) commit the crime by not doing your job. If you aren't an accomplice after that then you have some serious self justification issues.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Yeah...that's not how that works bud. There are plenty of deets ya chose to ignore just to drive your simplistic point to make me look wrong.

This isn't some simple answer question, many factors could play a part and in the case of discussing Deus; there is.

Deus knew ahead of time that it was going to happen AND works for the bank. That's like being a security guard on the fucking cameras and NOT stopping the crime. If you aren't an accomplice after that then you have some serious self justification issues.
I only wanted a yes or no answer. Everything else you have to say after that point is irrelevant. I don't care how you feel about it. I don't care what reason you have for it. Deus didn't help Ella infiltrate HERO by minding his own business and letting it happen. The person he actually helped infiltrate HERO is MC by physically letting him in the base.


Jan 21, 2022
Yeah...that's not how that works bud. There are plenty of deets ya chose to ignore just to drive your simplistic point to make me look wrong.

This isn't some simple answer question, many factors could play a part and in the case of discussing Deus; there is.

Deus knew ahead of time that it was going to happen AND works for the bank. That's like being a security guard on the fucking cameras and NOT stopping the crime. By definition you are helping that criminal (Ella) commit the crime by not doing your job. If you aren't an accomplice after that then you have some serious self justification issues.
In many parts of the world, bank employees are trained *not* to resist armed robberies. It is bank policy to cooperate and not put people in danger by being trying to be a hero. That's what insurance is for. Heroes who try to stop robberies can actually get fired for violating policy, because it creates a needless liability for the bank, and can actually endanger the aforementioned insurance.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I only wanted a yes or no answer. Everything else you have to say after that point is irrelevant. I don't care how you feel about it. I don't care what reason you have for it. Deus didn't help Ella infiltrate HERO by minding his own business and letting it happen. The person he actually helped infiltrate HERO is MC by physically letting him in in the base.
It's actually rich that you choose not to acknowledge him "helping" Ella by seeing and ignoring her actions, yet acknowledge Deus "helping" the MC for doing the exact same thing. He:
A. Knew it was going to happen.
B. Stood by and let it happen.
And yet...I'm getting these delusional mixed results for the same actions here...hm...


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
1)As i said - you get 1 out 10 people on Jake lvl at best. An if you even get them here you get at least 3 major problems : there is problem with motivation (why he would fight for you and risk his life?), control (Jake took whole Sector and Dexter himself under control. No need to say how dangerous it was and it cost at least several hundreds soldiers lifes and one lvl 4 super human agent. This was just one dude and you need to control hundreds or even thousands of them) and loyalty (what would prevent this new recruits, after you turn him in lvl 3, just betray you and change side for whatever reason? SIN solve this problem with oath and tatoo...HERO have nothing similar. I mean, yeah, part of them which are conscripts take bomb in their head and heart, but normal recruits are clean)
2)Well, in game at least month pass since Diamond battle. SIN start it active recruitment earlier (at least after Ella kids announce themselves on TV broadcast. Maybe even earlier). Which mean they get at least 1,5-2 months
3)For something like this (control dozen lvl 3 at once and probably across the globe) you need have adamant trust in Jake and Melody (because what if they decide to turn their guns on you at most pivotal moment?). They, themself should be at least on lvl 4 (otherwise they would have trouble to control even single lvl 3). Not to mention that combat effectiveness of such method would be under the question
4)Well even dumb monsters attacking several cities across the globe was enough to overrun HERO (which is why they start al this recruitment process). Here we have well-coordinate humans (like group of terrorist) with tactical advantage, surprise factor on their side. There is no need for them to go into frontal attack - diversions on key infrastructure, assassination of HERO supporters, causing chaos - this kind of shit would be very easy to do for former soldiers and mercenaries with super powers. Not to mention - they have full support from SIN = save house (for example Alice was able to hide with Michail for weeks while everyone seek them), information, weapons, fresh recruits, god knows how many traitors in local HERO department or Government forces (police, army, etc).
So this is way more complex shit then just go and attack city spearhead - this tactic will force special HERO groups to stick in this cities for MONTHS of exhausting "hide and seek" game combine with "Mafia" in order to lure such SIN group out and exterminate them for good. HERO just was not desine for this kind of shit and if they End up enable to protect people from those terrorist attack...Well, then their support from population would collapse down to zero
1. The easiest method of control for HERO is well...obvious, they have people such as Jake and Melody, they most likely have more. If mind control is 'too much' for some members then they can do as ol Bern boi suggested using force which is no joke the reason why Jake joined (something I think you're forgetting) no matter how strong Jake gets he cannot fight against the level 5s, the existence of Deus will ensure he remains loyal (and Zach as well) da timelords.

2. The people SIN were recruiting were superhumans in hiding not soldiers (few if any soldiers were superhumans by that point), the soldiers themselves are recent and even Amber/Liz's dad mentions as such.

3. Clearly the higher ups of HERO trust Melody enough to the point they (Nyx) suggests they mind control the new recruits they have via her power. We have can actually prove the combat effectiveness isn't in question, we see it at least in Jake's case, all the soldiers/cops at the governor's mansion performed as they usually would have in a combat scenario but under jake's direct control (orders).

4. You're putting way too much faith into level 1 superhumans even if they are former soldiers they won't compare to those above them and the evidence points to the fact even a regular human can get lucky and off them.

Mind you, HERO was completely caught off guard via the rise in monster attacks across those cities and with the MC breaking into SIN he most likely caught some data regarding potential SIN attack targets so that point is somewhat moot but we'll see.

But at the end of the day it doesn't really matter since the MC is heading into the SIN stuff next update we'll see just how good the soldiers are...or they'll get wiped when encountering a level 3 (thats if the MC has no choice but to drop stealth since its an infiltration job).
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
In many parts of the world, bank employees are trained *not* to resist armed robberies. It is bank policy to cooperate and not put people in danger by being trying to be a hero. That's what insurance is for. Heroes who try to stop robberies can actually get fired for violating policy, because it creates a needless liability for the bank, and can actually endanger the aforementioned insurance.
That's very true, what do they say about warning people though? As far as we know with Deus's future sight he probably caught whiff of this event hours or even days prior to it's occurrence. So if a bank security guard knew that information in advance and didn't tell his employers where would he fall in? Just pure curiosity.

(Not that H.E.R.O has the same principles)


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
It's actually rich that you choose not to acknowledge him "helping" Ella by seeing and ignoring her actions, yet acknowledge Deus "helping" the MC for doing the exact same thing. He:
A. Knew it was going to happen.
B. Stood by and let it happen.
And yet...I'm getting these delusional mixed results for the same actions here...hm...
Imagine falling for the bait and actually thinking that's a gotcha. :KEK:

Deus physically lets the MC in HERO, he opens the elevator and everything. Deus wasn't even at the base when Ella infiltrated at the start. He comes specifically to let the MC. But sure, pop off.
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