
Active Member
Aug 19, 2022
welp i tried bois we'll git em next time

naw jk lmao with this we can just assume a sh would b anywhere from 5-30mil + x stronger than any human, idk how far you got in the story but someone mentioned earlier bernhardt or 1 of the superhumans said a somewhat stronger monster would tank 10's of nukes

i dont rlly wanna git in the mc squared gigajulez mumble jumble i dropped out like 3rd grade gimme a break bruw
It's not just about the durability of a superhuman or monster but also mass. A nuke does jack shit to a big mountain because of its high mass.
This fucker is even bigger than mountains and is only an A class.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
I feel like you're all just ignoring how ridiculously durable would superhumans have to be to be able to survive direct nuke hit. We are talking about an absolutely ridiculous level. The fights wouldn't even make sense, since two lvl 5s wouldn't even be able to scratch each other. Or worse. To be able to damage each other, the attacks would have to be so powerful that their fight would destroy our planet.
Exactly, that's why the physics discussion fails. Because even some of the simplest attacks carry enough power to annihilate the planet. But for some reason it doesn't happen. Be it luck, be it a simple inconsistency or some other mechanism relative to monster powers.

If you think 30 million C for a fraction of a second is too high, then you are in for a treat.

Scenario 1)
1) Ella is capable of surviving the Sun (narrator says that the explosion is many times greater than the largest nuclear bomb)
2) She is also capable of surving Malik's attack, which is orders of magnitude stronger than Nico's attack. A pure energy attack that created gravitational effects. This is beyond the sun and all the nuclear bombs in existence.
3) Ella is extremely weak physically and even a level 1 MC can break her skin. When she uses her power though, it will be hard to find a single force in the universe capable of killing her.
4) Malik on the other hand casually drops attacks that dwarf the sun. The intensity of his "Core Heat" attack can only be found in the astrophysical scale and that's rare.
5) Additionally he has an attack which references Planck. Considering that Superhumans are capable of breaking known limits of physics, it stands to reason that he is capable of causing this temperature.

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So on one hand we have the few million C that last for a few fractions of a second, and on the other hand we have a confirmed attack with enough condensed energy that causes gravitational effects, something which only happens near extreme astrophysical phenomena that dwarf a sun many times over. No matter HOW impressive a few million degrees C are, they are ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against "Core Heat".

Of course that's Ella who has a unique ability, but let's think about it a bit more.

Scenario 2)

When Dexter pitches the HERO organization to Alistair, he uses the awakening of a Himavat to drive his point.
1) The Himavat is an A Class monster.
2) Alistair wants to nuke it, but Dexter claims it will take "Hundreds of nukes".
3) Bernhardt flies in and obliterates it in a casual manner.

So Bernhardt casually did an attack that is more potent than hundreds of Nuclear bombs.
That many Nuclear explosions are theorized to be capable of causing a Nuclear Winter and that's probably what Dexter refers to. So technically it's extremely dangerous for humans to even attempt to kill Himavat.

Alistair "Its enormous... I-I have to call a nuclear strike, preemptively take it down before it moves!!"
Dexter "Won't do much good, I fear. Even to an ordinary mountain, a nuclear bomb would do precious little, you'd have to launch hundreds."
Dexter "So many that you'd cause extreme damage to our atmosphere, and I can't afford to waste Bernhardt's time repairing that damage. Not to mention the fact that this creature is far more durable than any mountain."
Scenario 3 / Speculation)

1) Bernhardt is considered to be the strongest Superhuman.
2) Lisa says that only Malik or Henri would have a slight hope against him.

What does slight hope mean in this context? If Malik can cause attacks orders of magnitude more powerful and more lasting than Nuclear explosions, and has only a slight hope against Bernhardt, then he probably has to hit him multiple times.

Care to calculate how many nuclear bombs need to detonate, to cause gravitational effects? So yes, a level 5 Superhuman eats a Nuclear Bomb for breakfast if he wants to.

Lisa "Malik is the only one who'd have even a slight hope against him. Or Henri I guess, if he were to ever fully embrace his power."

So it's pretty plausible that Level 5 Superhumans are not threatened by Nuclear weapons, and that's before considering other abilities like speed and reflexes.

When MC was observing Bernhardt vs Himavat, he had trouble following the speed of Himavat's punch.
If a level 2 Superhuman has trouble perceiving the movement of a goddamn magical mountain, then imagine the natural speed and reflexes of a level 5 Superhuman, even the weakest of the bunch.

So to put them all together:
1) Advanced Superhumans are capable of surviving even some of the most extreme effects than can only happen in the astrophysical scale.
2) We have at least 3 instances of attacks that make Nuclear Bombs look like a delicious hot chilly.
3) Xanthe claims that humanity in it's entirety is not capable of stopping a single level 5 superhuman.
4) The Himavat, an A Class monster, can withstand enough Nuclear Strikes that would cause a Nuclear Winter, according to Dexter.
5) A Class monsters are orders of magnitude weaker than level 5 Superhumans
6) All Superhumans, no matter their talents, past their third evolution, get more powerful bodies proportional to their power reserves which are by definition magical.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Hmm, there are several possible explanations.

1) Inconsistent writing.
Weird World simply didn't even realize what some of the things he wrote were implying.
But in his defense, he's shown more than average knowledge of physics up to this point, so he can be excused for not realizing the consequences in a few cases.

2) In the world of Superhuman, the laws of physics as we know them do not apply.
And by that I don't mean the existence of magic, but normal fundamental physics concepts like gravity, mass, density and pressure. Simply put, even if there were no monsters, no "magic" and no superhumans, their physics wouldn't work the way ours do.

3) Magic, everything is magic!
You are a wizard Harry and we are not in Kansas anymore!


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Hmm, there are several possible explanations.

1) Inconsistent writing.
Weird World simply didn't even realize what some of the things he wrote were implying.
But in his defense, he's shown more than average knowledge of physics up to this point, so he can be excused for not realizing the consequences in a few cases.
Isn't that backwards? If he is more knowledgeable than average, then why should he be excused for "mistakes"? The more rational thought is that since he is more knowledgeable than average, his writings are more accurate than average.

Additionally he absolutely loves to use these phenomena for dramatic tension.

For example, even if he wasn't precise with the effects, explaining in such detail how Malik's attack caused the dimension to momentarily break and created gravitational effects makes it clear that he intended this revelation to be extraordinary, unfathomable even, considering how hard it was to break into the dimension in the first place.

2) In the world of Superhuman, the laws of physics as we know them do not apply.
And by that I don't mean the existence of magic, but normal fundamental physics concepts like gravity, mass, density and pressure. Simply put, even if there were no monsters, no "magic" and no superhumans, their physics wouldn't work the way ours do.

3) Magic, everything is magic!
You are a wizard Harry and we are not in Kansas anymore!
No reason to make any assumptions. We already have a strong indication that the laws of the universe are made by the "Order" power, they are malleable and at their current iteration they look a lot like ours. The problem only really arises past a certain level of power and out of the 3 known authorities on monster matters (Ella, Xanthe and Tanos), 2 have mentioned this phenomenon.

Even Harry Potter lived in a world where the mundane worked exactly like the real world. Just because magic exists, it doesn't invalidate everything else. The thought is very simple. Once Monster Power reaches a "critical mass", things change.

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Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Isn't that backwards? If he is more knowledgeable than average, then why should he be excused for "mistakes"? The more rational thought is that since he is more knowledgeable than average, his writings are more accurate than average.
I meant that so far he has made virtually no mistakes and has gone into quite a lot of detail. Therefore, we should be lenient and excuse a few minor mistakes, if they were really unplanned mistakes.

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I guess that is one of the possible explanations. It's also possible that it has something to do with chaos energy.
Each superhuman simply generates a certain degree of chaos energy aura, which from a certain level causes certain laws of physics in their vicinity to behave differently than they should.

Or the monsters are actually aliens who came from another universe and brought some laws from this alien universe with them.

But I'm pretty sure that Weird World will eventually reveal the origin of the monsters and the source of their power.
Then it won't all be just theories.


Mar 25, 2018
Hmm, there are several possible explanations.

1) Inconsistent writing.
Weird World simply didn't even realize what some of the things he wrote were implying.
But in his defense, he's shown more than average knowledge of physics up to this point, so he can be excused for not realizing the consequences in a few cases.
i feel like.. if i wuz arguing with 17 ppl alrdy nd then i came to the conclusion tht the author is wrong id probs b backpeddling rq at that point lmao


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
I meant that so far he has made virtually no mistakes and has gone into quite a lot of detail. Therefore, we should be lenient and excuse a few minor mistakes, if they were really unplanned mistakes.
I got that, I just don't think that they are mistakes, especially when dramatic language is involved. I think they are delliberate and the natural continuation of the information breadcrumps he has given us all along. We know that shit will eventually get real, and it got TOO real with casual apocalyptic level events.

I guess that is one of the possible explanations. It's also possible that it has something to do with chaos energy.
Each superhuman simply generates a certain degree of chaos energy aura, which from a certain level causes certain laws of physics in their vicinity to behave differently than they should.

Or the monsters are actually aliens who came from another universe and brought some laws from this alien universe with them.

But I'm pretty sure that Weird World will eventually reveal the origin of the monsters and the source of their power.
Then it won't all be just theories.
It's a good pasttime though.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
i feel like.. if i wuz arguing with 17 ppl alrdy nd then i came to the conclusion tht the author is wrong id probs b backpeddling rq at that point lmao
I have no idea what you're talking about.
And I mean that literally because I can't even read it.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Buncha virgins arguing about physics when the reality is it's super powers, they literally defy all logic.

I can get behind measurements or general force of an attack but when you start whining about how that SHOULD have ended the world or done more than it did you are just describing 90% of Hollywood action films; which no one does at this point.

Moral of the story:
Go to GT, that fucker is smarter than a box of chocolates but can still suspend disbelief for some good ole theorizing, love you man :whistle:


Mar 26, 2020
Hmm, there are several possible explanations.

1) Inconsistent writing.
Weird World simply didn't even realize what some of the things he wrote were implying.
But in his defense, he's shown more than average knowledge of physics up to this point, so he can be excused for not realizing the consequences in a few cases.

2) In the world of Superhuman, the laws of physics as we know them do not apply.
And by that I don't mean the existence of magic, but normal fundamental physics concepts like gravity, mass, density and pressure. Simply put, even if there were no monsters, no "magic" and no superhumans, their physics wouldn't work the way ours do.

3) Magic, everything is magic!
You are a wizard Harry and we are not in Kansas anymore!
The third one is unambiguously true to an extent because it's explicitly stated.

The source of the powers of Superhumans are monsters, literal interdimensional invaders that worship and all stem from eldritch beings that are essentially gods so powerful that they can't fully manifest on the physical plane without a vessel that breaks down from maintaining their unfathomable presence. And above them are even more powerful gods. Why exactly is it difficult to believe beings who've had their DNA overwritten by interdimensional Lovecraftian horrors wouldn't necessarily adhere to the laws of science of the human world? Especially when you're outright told by the damn game that they're using supernatural powers?

Honestly, you should have given up on physics the moment we were introduced to Deus and Zack. They literally bloody time travel, and whilst our understanding of physics indicates that backwards time travel is theoretically possible you know damn well that the energy needed to pull that off would cause an apocalyptic scenario, whilst those two abuse the hell out of it. And that's ignoring the fact that most level 1s crap all over the laws of physics from the start by violating conservation of mass. Ella and the MC's regeneration was your first clue you should have let go of physics since they do in seconds what should take months and enough chemical energy to feed towns. Oscar wasn't even a level 1 and there's no scientific explanation for the crap he pulled by just telling kinetic energy to stop working or be amplified with amber light or green light.

Shit's magic, plain and simple. What you're doing is like trying to argue that monsters or humans that have had their DNA overwritten with that of a monsters - or the case of the apostle spawns, monster gods - are adherent to the laws of man...what? They've got the blood of eldritch monsters in their DNA, of course they aren't.


Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
You are completely off.

Oskar was nearly killed by regular conventional weapons. And he was definitely one of the more durable even by Superhuman standards. And humans already have really good antimoster weapons, like those special cannons used in the big battle with the monsters.

Furthermore, a headshot with some powerful caliber or a strong enough explosion can kill even an S-class superhuman or similarly powerful monster. Unless you're a special class capable of instant regeneration (there aren't many of them) you won't survive severe brain damage. Superhumans may be stronger, faster, and much more durable than humans, but they still have human anatomy (at least most of them). They cannot function without a brain or without a heart.

And nuclear weapons are capable of easily eliminating most monsters and Superhumans.

But it is counterproductive. If it's a level monster you'd be able to kill with a nuke, then it's not worth wasting something like that on someone so weak. There would have to be a lot of them together to justify it. On the other hand, if it's a monster that you wouldn't be able to kill even using a nuke, then there's no point in using it.
Oscar was level 1 when was killed by a human
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Shit's magic, plain and simple. What you're doing is like trying to argue that monsters or humans that have had their DNA overwritten with that of a monsters - or the case of the apostle spawns, monster gods - are adherent to the laws of man...what? They've got the blood of eldritch monsters in their DNA, of course they aren't.
I liked the game more when everything could be explained using the laws of physics...

But it is true that it has become more difficult lately, because if it wasn't an error on the part of the author, we are leaving the OP power level and heading more towards ridiculous power level. And as I said, if their durability was really at the level that some people here are trying to claim it is, then to kill lvl 5, you would probably need destroy a good chunk of our planet.
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