Apr 17, 2024
Isn't cole like... 12? 14?
You also forgot to mention how much of a chuuni he is... although, I don't think a 14 year old can technically have the "14 year old disease". it is only a mental disorder when an ADULT behaves like a 14 year old.
When a 14 year old acts like a 14 year old it is just being a normal 14 year old boy.

He is horni for ella. but gets rejected because he is a kid.
he is really really edgy, because he is 14.
all his flaws... kinda fit for a kid his age.
Cole's only a little younger than the MC. The first scene we see him in has him talking about how he's the oldest of Ella's kid and how he'll be eighteen soon. The MC joins H.E.R.O. about six months into the narrative, and that's the next major plot point, so assume Cole is around that much younger than the MC. That's probably part of his complex about the MC. Ella rejects him, but this other guy who's just a couple months older is fine?
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May 9, 2023
Cole's only a little younger than the MC. The first scene we see him in has him talking about how he's the oldest of Ella's kid and how he'll be eighteen soon. The MC joins H.E.R.O. about six months into the narrative, and that's the next major plot point, so assume Cole is around that much younger than the MC. That's probably part of his complex about the MC. Ella rejects him, but this other guy who's just a couple months older is fine?
Lol, I think the main issue he has is not even about their age difference but how long each knows Ella. MC has known her for only about a few months while Cole had for years and yet all she talked about was how happy she was that MC joined H.E.R.O. as that would make him stronger and that he's progressing nicely, all that stuff. I think Cole would legit have an aneurysm if he ever know that the MC fucked Ella... more than once.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Something that could back your theory up even more is Syla.
She is a Sea-Human* and Valravn, when talking about the LoD during the Dark Dream, he refers to him as OUR lord, and since she has nothing related to the Dark it could be the Sea-Humans Lord.
Another hint could be MC's connection with Dark in general. Like, at this point, shit's absurd. From the darkness within him, to even WW naming him "Seven", theres something going on (The 7th saying "My... Death" during the dream as well).
Even when Valravn is scolding Syla, saying that she and Aos lack the guts to do what's necessary, he says that MC might yet choose to side w/him (ie., with Rav and the LoD).

*As far as we know, since MC is half something else heavily hinted at being Sea-Human
Briefly stopping in for this real quick. Going to have to point out a few things here.

Valravn already called all of the Apostles "our lords" during his first encounter with MC. WW also confirmed that the Lord of Dark is the 7th, along with the game itself and the character cards flat out telling you. Aglaecwif's comment about the Lord of Dark wasn't as big as some thought it was previously. She was specifically talking about worship and what other monsters believe in. This is especially so since none of the Apostles are actually dead and Valravn himself tells you that the 7th's avatar can't keep holding the others back.

If all of the Apostles are still alive, which the current update confirmed, then Lord of Dark being an Apostle slayer is nothing more than religious propaganda. Especially when slaying their shells does nothing to the Apostle itself. And once again, in context to Aglaecwif. She was specifically talking about worship and what that entails for those that do it. She even said herself that it's foolish to worship something like that. If the Lord of Dark was as powerful as the worship said, why would Aglaecwif be against worshipping it as a 10th Spawn herself?

There's also nothing strange about Valravn saying our lord to Syla or MC. All 12 Apostles are the lords of all monsters and potentially the Althumans as well. Especially monsters and spawns that descend from them. Even Fairy Thing was out there talking about say hi to the 4th and 3rd for him. Then there's the 2nd telling Michael to tell MC to devour more. It's nothing out of the ordinary. Especially when even lesser monsters worship stronger monsters and consider them God.

With all of that in mind, I don't think the Lord of Dark is nothing more than what the game and WW portrayed him to be. Majority of the theories were wrong about it, including my own, partly. It's the 7th Apostle like WW, Valravn's Card and the game itself stated.
Apr 17, 2024
Briefly stopping in for this real quick. Going to have to point out a few things here.

Valravn already called all of the Apostles "our lords" during his first encounter with MC. WW also confirmed that the Lord of Dark is the 7th, along with the game itself and the character cards flat out telling you. Aglaecwif's comment about the Lord of Dark wasn't as big as some thought it was previously. She was specifically talking about worship and what other monsters believe in. This is especially so since none of the Apostles are actually dead and Valravn himself tells you that the 7th's avatar can't keep holding the others back.

If all of the Apostles are still alive, which the current update confirmed, then Lord of Dark being an Apostle slayer is nothing more than religious propaganda. Especially when slaying their shells does nothing to the Apostle itself. And once again, in context to Aglaecwif. She was specifically talking about worship and what that entails for those that do it. She even said herself that it's foolish to worship something like that. If the Lord of Dark was as powerful as the worship said, why would Aglaecwif be against worshipping it as a 10th Spawn herself?

There's also nothing strange about Valravn saying our lord to Syla or MC. All 12 Apostles are the lords of all monsters and potentially the Althumans as well. Especially monsters and spawns that descend from them. Even Fairy Thing was out there talking about say hi to the 4th and 3rd for him. Then there's the 2nd telling Michael to tell MC to devour more. It's nothing out of the ordinary. Especially when even lesser monsters worship stronger monsters and consider them God.

With all of that in mind, I don't think the Lord of Dark is nothing more than what the game and WW portrayed him to be. Majority of the theories were wrong about it, including my own, partly. It's the 7th Apostle like WW, Valravn's Card and the game itself stated.
Could be. You are right, I am relying on subjective sources for some of my points. The parts about the Lord of Dark and the Great Lord both being these awesome super-strong guys who could kill Apostles on their own come from two separate biased sources. Those could easily be filtered through all sorts of religious beliefs and bits of propaganda. I still think there's some sort of connection there, though, even if my theory they're the same guy turns out to be wrong. There's enough that's either direct observation (the similarities between the Lord of Dark's avatar and the alt-humans' soul orb) or said by the Lord of Dark himself (him ascending Valravn in memory of his bride) that I can't quite dismiss it entirely. There's something there.

In fact, one possibility that just occured to me as I wrote this: Technically those things I'm citing aren't from the Lord of Dark, they're from the Lord of Dark's avatar. In the latest update, Eisheth says that the Apostles' avatars are made from others' bodies. What if the Lord of Dark's connection to the alt-humans isn't that he himself is one, but that his avatar is one, and it's just got some of their personality still stuck in it? Like how the MC's fusion with the Eye still had a bit of him in it. That could explain how the Lord of Dark could be just the 7th Apostle, while also having traits of the Great Lord.
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Jun 22, 2017
Isn't cole like... 12? 14?
You also forgot to mention how much of a chuuni he is... although, I don't think a 14 year old can technically have the "14 year old disease". it is only a mental disorder when an ADULT behaves like a 14 year old.
When a 14 year old acts like a 14 year old it is just being a normal 14 year old boy.

He is horni for ella. but gets rejected because he is a kid.
he is really really edgy, because he is 14.
all his flaws... kinda fit for a kid his age.
Well people already said, the guys is 18, sure young people do a lot of dumb stuff but from the list i did, i'm not sure if it can just be excused as "oh he is just too young".
"he is a bully, he puts his own people at risk, he resorts to violence when it's harmful to his cause, he is an hypocrite who only cares about people being experimented on when it's himself under the knife, and furthermore he is a coward who dares to threaten people stronger than him just to not follow through and look like a clown"
I think i'ts a fair view of him based on his actions and imo that's not something that is normal to teenagers, at least i hope so.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
There's also nothing strange about Valravn saying our lord to Syla or MC. All 12 Apostles are the lords of all monsters and potentially the Althumans as well. Especially monsters and spawns that descend from them.
I think the "Our Lord" line is a bit more involved.
The dialogue seems to indicate that Syla (and Aos) didn't join Valravn due to personal reasons not related to the overarching conflict. (And considering that Syla was probably the last of sea-humans, she would have extra reasons to focus on her family)
We also know that Valravn is dead set in doing his lord's bidding. A possible alliance between Syla and Valravn would strongly suggest that Syla would also fight for the same purpose.

So while the Apostles are lords of all monsterkind etc, I think that Syla is probably more aligned with the 7th than her own Apostle.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I think the "Our Lord" line is a bit more involved.
The dialogue seems to indicate that Syla (and Aos) didn't join Valravn due to personal reasons not related to the overarching conflict. (And considering that Syla was probably the last of sea-humans, she would have extra reasons to focus on her family)
We also know that Valravn is dead set in doing his lord's bidding. A possible alliance between Syla and Valravn would strongly suggest that Syla would also fight for the same purpose.

So while the Apostles are lords of all monsterkind etc, I think that Syla is probably more aligned with the 7th than her own Apostle.
That changes what exactly? It doesn't matter if she did inherit something from the 7th. Syla was likely disowned by the 4th around that time anyway. Like she claimed. As she said, her mom found something else for her to do. After which Syla herself implies that she ruined herself in some way and now has to hide from the 4th so she doesn't find out.

None of that changes that Lord of Dark is the 7th Apostle and that the "Our Lord" line isn't referring to an Alt Human god. Which was the entire point of my post. Syla being tainted by the 7th or not doesn't change that it's her lord. As all Apostles are the lords of all monsters, superhumans and potentially alt humans as well.
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New Member
Sep 2, 2017
Isn't cole like... 12? 14?
You also forgot to mention how much of a chuuni he is... although, I don't think a 14 year old can technically have the "14 year old disease". it is only a mental disorder when an ADULT behaves like a 14 year old.
When a 14 year old acts like a 14 year old it is just being a normal 14 year old boy.

He is horni for ella. but gets rejected because he is a kid.
he is really really edgy, because he is 14.
all his flaws... kinda fit for a kid his age.
Cole's 18, he comments on it when talking with Ella in the cave (i think before the fight w/Jake, maybe a little after she frees Valravn, before monster Deryl arrives).
Cole's only a little younger than the MC. The first scene we see him in has him talking about how he's the oldest of Ella's kid and how he'll be eighteen soon. The MC joins H.E.R.O. about six months into the narrative, and that's the next major plot point, so assume Cole is around that much younger than the MC. That's probably part of his complex about the MC. Ella rejects him, but this other guy who's just a couple months older is fine?
Doesn't that scene also have Cole asking Ella to take his virginity as an 18th birthday present? And later on it's implied that she refused.
He's such a fucking loser


New Member
Feb 8, 2024
since we're shareing our thoughts on the girls I might as well share mine

Amber: Honestly I like her. she a nice chick but kinda a prude in how she act but is caring or well at is not being a total jerk to people she care about. she a hard worker too. to be honest she is pretty hot to me. She got all the right curves not too big but not to show just right.

Liz: Well if we're just talking about just look then yes i like her. I mean she has the same body type as amber so yea. as for if i were to date her ehhh not really i kinda she her as a sex friend if anything as she is known to sleep around or just dont care all that much if someone try to sleep with her.

Emily: Now she someone I would like to have as a friend irl. she has a dog, play music is pretty chill and loyal too her friend or care about them a lot. she also not a total prude or too much of a slut as she is shown to to have some fun without going to extreme length

Alice: Ah alice with her in the beginning i really didn't care for her. Did think she was hot sure i mean even if her tits were the size of watermelon the rest of her was goodlooking. It was during and after the mafia arc was when I started to she her in a different light she then started to show more of caring and vulnerable side. That made me start to like her more and more. yes she a killer and she even admit to even liking to an extent and you know what i can over look that because I like her

Mia: I dont really she her as a datable option mostly because i perfer girls with a more busty appearance as well as because of what happen between her and jake, now i know with the recent update with us and jake helping her regain her memory. she not to happy about jake hell she might even hate him now. soooo i guess she could be an option did is mostly me and my guitly concise speaking

Christie: The striper girlfriends, she exactly what I excepted in getting really flirty and sexually active annd that kinda all on my thought on her. my reaction to her was literally "oh cool"

Demi: she a little germline in all the fun way. It kinda nice that we got our own hardcore fan where she founded the fan club for us and even has her own costume of us. I kinda see her as a little sister. she get off that vibe to me if that make sense.

Jess: I'll be honest when we first met her I thought she was a bitch as she would go off on us for doing noting to her or even trying to help her at least in the beginning in our guy form. farther on I guess she not so bad but after the first impression of her I dont really like her. Im mostly playing her route because in my main im romacting and fucking everyone and everything that breath that inclue fmonster, woman, femboy, superhuman, and shadow(the dog not the hedgehog if anyone was confuse)

Tess: the amazon like cheerleader. honestly speaking I really dont got much to say to her. She hot sure but that it.

Tiffany: The rich, but ambitious daughters to a man she want dead. I mean she hot and give you loads of money depending on your choice so she good in my book

Claudia: The naïve princess. I like her. her interaction with the mc are cute and wholesome. which I might it refreshing too she. she just give off "i want to protect and cuddle you" energy too me and I like her shade of blue hair.

Danica: The assassin bitch that try to kill us but she is hot so im kinda neutral about her.

Bailey: My poor sweet innocent little oil monster. I was fun to have around it was like having a pet dog around with the added bonus of being hot. Too bad she had to die as she was my first "kill" as the player choice.

Brianna: The baddest of bad cop if you know what i mean. She pretty fun to hang around I like alot of her interaction with the mc and the fact that she a cop just add to that

Angelina: Big titty with red hair well she instantly in my good book with that alone I did always had a thing for red heads

Laurie: She was really warming up to me not gonna lie. Her powers are pretty neat and I like the fact she was able to make armor out of it too...just too bad I have to choose between her and big titty baby momma.

Alexis: She instantly in my good bad for the same reason as angelina. big tits, red hair, and piercing beautiful

Nico: nico, nico oh my sweet nico. This might be a hot take but I kinda like her I don't know why. I all honestly I should hate her as she is a bitch but i just don't. sooo yeah she cool

Nyx: She give off big mommy/sis energy to me and that all I need to like her no other requitement needed. That and the fact her powers interest me and that it look like we might be put in her team as they just lost a member.

Aglaecwif: As a big tity goth monster mommy I like her instantly. It was a hard choice between picking her for the sex and saving Laurie life.

And Lastly Ella: The one that effectively started this whole thing in turning us into a superhuman giving us life threating test all for us to become stronger while also caring for us to some degree while messing with our friends. There just too many thing about her that is keeping me from disliking but also from liking her as well. All I can say is that she something else entirely

and that my thoughts on almost all of them this might my longest post ever
Honestly this mostly my take as well,If i had to rank top 5 it would be Alice,Claudia,Amber,Emily and Brianna. I would put Ella but its exactly how you said, she is just a different breed man you can't hate her but you cant like her either

Uriel ☁

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
Guys what're the theories about what the 6th told Alice during her evolution?

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Who's his "wayward son" he's telling her to devour? The fairy that gave her the powers? The hexenringe?

Why does Alice call him grandfather? Is it just the generic way people refer to their monster progenitor (for lack of better word) or could Alice's mother be something similar to Syla? Syla herself refers to the 3rd (Body) as MC's "grandpa" even if he's not biologically related to him.


Dec 20, 2020
Guys what're the theories about what the 6th told Alice during her evolution?

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Who's his "wayward son" he's telling her to devour? The fairy that gave her the powers? The hexenringe?

Why does Alice call him grandfather? Is it just the generic way people refer to their monster progenitor (for lack of better word) or could Alice's mother be something similar to Syla? Syla herself refers to the 3rd (Body) as MC's "grandpa" even if he's not biologically related to him.
But the MC IS related to the 3rd, he has the Body Trait. He is his Monster Uncle, if he is infected by the 4th. Hell, if the MC is infected by the 3rd instead of the 4th, he will call the 3rd Father. Alice is a 2nd Generation spawn of the 6th, which would make Aos/The Fairy her Monster Parent, and the 6th her Monster Grandparent.

Oh, and the 6th is totally telling Alice to go nom Aos.
Last edited:


Jun 22, 2017
Guys what're the theories about what the 6th told Alice during her evolution?

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Who's his "wayward son" he's telling her to devour? The fairy that gave her the powers? The hexenringe?

Why does Alice call him grandfather? Is it just the generic way people refer to their monster progenitor (for lack of better word) or could Alice's mother be something similar to Syla? Syla herself refers to the 3rd (Body) as MC's "grandpa" even if he's not biologically related to him.
I think it's pretty much accepted here that Aos is the chosen of Ether and being made by him, his son, since Aos made Alice this would make her a third generation from him, thus grandaugther. She calls Ether like that just how Mc calls either Body father or Memory mother, it seems to be a thing for apostle spawns.

If what you want are some proof we can see a few things pointing to that:
During Valravn's path he talks about Aos, who is described as "too weak to make sacrifices". It seems Syla and Aos didn't want to fight the way Val did and this made him angry thinking both are too weak to do what is necessary in his eyes.

When Mc mentions monsters who can talk to Val and describes the fairy he gives a very similar response. Now he could mean different monsters, as in Aos and the fairy not being the same yet having something in common but:

From the silhouettes we identify most of the chosen, Aglaec, Eishet, Rebis and Val we already saw, this leaves Aos and Indra that we are not sure, so Aos could be the red one in the front or the small blue circle at the left.

We know how the fairy looks at distance, it seems like a small blue circle.

It could be the hexenrigue i guess, after all it looks like a circle so would fit the silhouette but a lot more things point to the fairy.
Also to think that Alice calls Ether grandfather because she is actually related to him implies a lot of stuff that we don't really know, like one of her parents being a monster for example, there is not much to work there for now.


Dec 20, 2020
I think it's pretty much accepted here that Aos is the chosen of Ether and being made by him, his son, since Aos made Alice this would make her a third generation from him, thus grandaugther. She calls Ether like that just how Mc calls either Body father or Memory mother, it seems to be a thing for apostle spawns.

If what you want are some proof we can see a few things pointing to that:
View attachment 3582619
View attachment 3582643
View attachment 3582645
During Valravn's path he talks about Aos, who is described as "too weak to make sacrifices". It seems Syla and Aos didn't want to fight the way Val did and this made him angry thinking both are too weak to do what is necessary in his eyes.

View attachment 3582702
View attachment 3582707
When Mc mentions monsters who can talk to Val and describes the fairy he gives a very similar response. Now he could mean different monsters, as in Aos and the fairy not being the same yet having something in common but:

View attachment 3582725
From the silhouettes we identify most of the chosen, Aglaec, Eishet, Rebis and Val we already saw, this leaves Aos and Indra that we are not sure, so Aos could be the red one in the front or the small blue circle at the left.

View attachment 3582750
View attachment 3582752
We know how the fairy looks at distance, it seems like a small blue circle.

It could be the hexenrigue i guess, after all it looks like a circle so would fit the silhouette but a lot more things point to the fairy.
Also to think that Alice calls Ether grandfather because she is actually related to him implies a lot of stuff that we don't really know, like one of her parents being a monster for example, there is not much to work there for now.
The Hexenringe can't be Aos. The chosen are described as beings that even the likes of the Hexenringe follow. It cant be both one of the Chosen and one of their followers at the same time. The silhouettes are also color-coordinated. The silhouette is clearly Aos, since it is outlined in blue. The Hexenringe is green.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Aos is Fairy Thing. The Chosen of Ether. The 1st generation spawn of the 6th Apostle. The silhouette of the orb on the far left of the Chosen picture is him. Beside Valravn and Eisheth.

Alice is the 2nd generation descendant of the 6th Apostle. Daughter of Aos via being turned during Klaus fight. Granddaughter of Ether, inheriting knowledge from him during her 2nd Evolution in the Battle of Diamonds.

The 3rd Generation would be whoever Alice turned or birth, if she could have children or monsterfied. Or, monsters created by another Chosen that came before Aos. Since it's implied that he's young like Syla and Valravn.

Hexenringe is an S Class aberration/mutant of the A Class M33 monsters that descend from the 6th's line. Unlike other M33s and Nico, who control space, Hex managed to unlock a portion of the Time trait of the 5th Apostle. Granting it the unique control of space and time to create dimensions.

We don't currently know what generation the M33s belong to but my own theory was that they're high in the generation. Like 2nd to 4th Generation. Because they mostly control Space without any deviations. And because Hex managed to unlock a portion of the Time trait that belongs to the 5th Apostle, Time. The twin Apostle of the 6th Apostle, Ether.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2022
alguien me aclare en hasta ahora nos quedamos en la parte en la que el hijo de xante le iba a poner un analgésico a ámbar????
No, ya pasamos esa parte. Esa era la versión pasada a la actual, la cagada es que en esta versión termina aún peor. Si estás ansioso por continuar y no tienes problemas con un final bastante fuerte que te va a dejar muy ansioso para la siguiente parte, entonces no hay drama y juega la versión actual. Ahora, la próxima versión va a cerrar este arco y va a ser el cierre de la primera parte del juego.


Dec 4, 2018
He's doing neutral so uh....yeah.
Ahh that sucks, the pacifist route made me feel a way barely any game has managed to do. Its the feeling of being a kid again finishing your first jrpg but as an adult, just profound contentedness. and a lot of that impact would've probably been lost if i had to play through the game twice to see it
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