Is the update comming at the end of this month or at the first week of the next?
Not likely, next message from weirdworld, date 7 march (could be a bit earlier, the date is from the post on kemono) :
Howdy, just letting you know how things are going with the game and all that.
Basically most of the main story is written, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Still got the side routes as well to do, I've got a few pretty interesting ones lined up, so they should be fun.
Been drawing as well as I've been going, so you'll see some more previews later down the line, there's a couple new characters that'll appear, both decently important and one you guys will probably be really interested in, so look forward to that.
Don't really know when the update will release, there's gonna be so much art to draw for this one. I'd guess two months from now at a rough estimate, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, that's it, catch you next week