
Feb 19, 2020
1: "To think the it would split in a direction like this." What would split if not time/alternate realities/dimensions? "You've progressed too far; I need to find another point." Another point where he hasn't progressed too far is the only way you can read that sentence, as in he has to either go back in time to where you haven't progressed, or, something that's a bit more likely, travel to a different dimension where this hasn't happened, anchor both of your existences together, and kill that one. Deus also being a quite clear reference to "Deus ex Machina" it stands to reason that there's more to him than meets the eye.

2: Absolutely, but all of this makes sense if he doesn't truly believe she's dead in the first place, or he doesn't want to be forced to explain what he saw when he scanned "her" corpse to HERO or be mindscanned forcibly. All of these presuppositions are obviously just me handwaving something which could mean something in the story, or more likely it's just WW either a: writing themselves into a corner or b: slipped their mind.

3: A plothole is a very specific kind of story error, this is just characters acting in stupid ways, which isn't a plothole in itself. Regardless, his transforming of other people isn't easy, and him transforming alpha breaker wasn't done while he was currently exploding into pieces, same with Johan and the trap, he could take his time and make sure none of the power went out of wack and suddenly there's a 10 feet tumorous head on her corpse. There's more information on the minutiae of how his transforming power works if you go the Snow White route iirc. You have to take into account that her head is currently in pieces and he's using his concentration to keep the pieces from flying off, in addition to being a brain, orders of magnitude more complex than whatever he's done previous.
So I replayed whole game with different branches after a little bit of sleep and my points stand mostly the same:

1. I do mostly agree on Deuses fuckeroo, but still don't think it's gonna be presented like something in those opinions. Guess we'll see.

2. Somehow it made even less sense second time. From text alone, without any assumptions and guess-work it's like MC doesn't even register that something happened. Which still would be better said than not, since whole game is usually quite descriptive of his thought process. I guess maybe my problem is that it's a little bit out of style? Don't know, just doesn't feel right.

3. Even worse then I initially read. Whole scene is unbelievable at best. It's like it does everything in it wrong.
But I will say, I re-read that text tons of time by now, and it does say basically that only thing stopping MC is not having memories, which we clearly gain when we fuck her. You can't understand it differently it's literally written like that.
I'm gonna shut up about that scene - don't think my opinion will change any time soon and much has been told.

Also some new thoughts:
So MC hits himself with memory restore and still doesn't remember nothing about mothers' death. From what I gathered, he's not remembering much about being kid, and nothing new here also. Ok, it was in battle/evo/etc, but why not try later? We're literally fastforwarded after battle and still he's done nothing. Yet Mia instantly becomes complete. Huh.

Fights became more tedious. Less action, more useless description. New moves kinda suck by being not really practical, laughted from spear move. Definitely more animeish in a bad way.

Also, at this point it's better to state that I do overall enjoy WWs work and I do not like VNs. I hope nobody thinks that I'm flaming with negativity, just something that feels out of place in my mind.

anyone have a fix for the whole evolving but it not showing up thing?
It changes nothing and will be fixed at later builds.


Nov 16, 2020
I edited a save so that I asked Aglaecwif all questions. To be honest, it's kind of annoying that you're limited in that regard: unless asking the right ones yields some tangible benefit in the future, it feels like you have to sacrifice a gain in power or skill just to know more about that sweet lore. You can just reload of course, but the MC himself doesn't retain that knowledge.

Anyway, I edited the values so that I could then ask Valravn questions related to the info you get from Aglaecwif:

  • Ella's plan is about gathering monster hearts to summon the Apostles. When MC mentions that Aglaecwif finds her plan too evil and unknown even for her, Valravn laughs but agrees that she's old but "not devoted enough" to possess the knowledge for the ritual in the first place. However, Valvravn says that it's not beyond him.

  • The gods worshipped by monsters. Valravn is pretty dismissive about them as he considers the Lord of Dark the only god, the one who will slay all others.

  • The reason monsters give powers to humans is istinctual, to spread their genes; it's also how they colonise planets by turning everyone into monsters, though Aglaewif specifies that she doesn't know if the colonisation of planets is the reason for this istinct or it's actually something else. Valravn thinks that it being an instinctual behavior is as good as reason as any, though he questions what drives such instinct. He guesses that "perhaps a certain two parasites desire the connection that comes with such power", referring to the link that strenghtens whenever a superhuman evolves (he's apparently not talking about the parent monsters since he says "something else beyond this realm" that's unknown to him). Then he goes right back to saying that it doesn't matter since the Lord of Dark will eventually sunder all bonds.

  • The dimension where monsters come from. We already know Valravn is not a natural monster but one that mutated on Earth, but he says that he's been in the monster dimension, although not for long. He describes the monster dimension as a "realm of corruption and decay, suitable for the likes of that harlot (Aglaecwif)", a place where humans wouldn't survive long. The monster dimension is inhabited by many monsters, more than the human population.

  • The greatest power is Order, the result of a spawn of the First (Authority, Jake's monster parent) and the Second (Power, Michael's monster parent). Valravn doesn't really add anything new to this, only mentioning that it's rare even for Twin Apostles to act together, which makes the MC pretty damn unique since he's the only (successful) spawn of Twins, whereas Ella was presumably spawned like us but ended up focusing on Body and failed to manifest significant traits of Memory.


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
Actually I changed my mind on that since:
It's the eye... Not mother, not father...

You "Who... Who are you?"
Unknown "I don't have a name."
You "....What are you then?"
Unknown "....An origin."
You "Am I supposed to know what that means?"
Unknown "I trust you'll figure it out soon enough."
Unknown "I mean, who can you trust, if not yourself?"

The big question is if the eye comes from the monsters or if it already was there before you got infected...
Even in your first evolution there's hints it might already been there before you got infected...
(or it was put there... and that first evolution memory was your own... Ella and you being the last 2 of originally 12 kids being used for some experiment)

"My brain throbs and my spine aches."
"I hear a voice. It's faint, barely audible. But it's growing louder and louder."
You "What... what is this?"
"A memory enters my mind."
"A memory that is not my own."

And later :

"My mind sinks deep within me, back through body. Through my cells. Through my very DNA."
"Memories of the distance past are located there, the genetic legacy of humanity. Improved and refined throughout the ages."
You "The future... this is our future..."
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Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
Narratively, MC vs Valrawn is still WW's master stroke in terms of writing. Sometimes simple is best and the story of the fight is ingeniously crafted around the fact that the MC cannot win through skill but through intelligent use of his power. Its arguably the first fight where MC is outclassed.

It's all building up to the one good use of the mantis punch. It's also got Valrawn's perspective and how the fight is actually draining him. Although MC deals sparse damage, any damage that is dealt is permanent, whereas MC just tanks everything Valrawn does. Simple yet effective contrast


Sep 1, 2017
Still waiting for when MC can start changing his meat into monster meat or something so he can have more durability/strength just baseline. Steel and spider silk is cool and all but he could get really creative.


May 24, 2019
Just a quick question, are there any plans for a wiki? i'm struggling to keep up with the lore of the game,
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They definitely weren't "calculated" since she's very chaotic and mercurial, more fortuitous circumstances let her not have to plan something to test us. She's (if it isn't a case of unreliable narrator) treated us in a way that she doesn't treat any of the other ones, either they get outright derision or apathy, we get something else, and I don't believe she's been outright lying to us either, just lying by omission, but I feel kind of confident that almost everything she's told us has been true.

A wiki would be great, someone just needs to make it, and that someone isn't me. :KEK:

No WIKI, I've once managed, updated and edited wiki for a novel and it's cumbersome to edit all that legibly and with all the randos poping up and editing whatnot.

Instead let's post all the info's on the reddit thread and ask WW to pin certain ones.

I want that to happen so bad so i can be the one who put her down for good.

It is possible H.E.R.O. killed a clone or she can simply split herself into two. Latter seems very likely considering her regeneration powers. If an earthworm can do it so does she.

Also probably too late for that but i wish there were more "breasts" and less two weather baloons floating waist high. I am pretty sure most woman will suffer severe spinal issues few years on and there are no amount of superpowers that can save them from that.
I just realised something, thinking back Ella displayed how she modified a corpse into a baseball flesh and disposed it.


A battlefield littered with bodies of average joes waiting for her to modify and leave as decoy!!

PSA: Valravn and Aglaecwif are unreliable narrators. Their beliefs are likely a distorted hint at the actual lore rather than than the reality.

Except, possibly, the Ocean of Strength. Both seemed very confident about that.

Unlike most people here, Outer Twins intrigue me the most. Even more than Arbiters.
We already had certain info on the monsters, specifically the numbered.

Aglaecwif added new info and sorted it out meanwhile Valravn helped us confirm certain things.

In the end we now know more about monsters this update and can work our way there.

We knew the S+ class monsters HERO referred to were the numbered but we were in the dark about what happened to 7-12 as mentioned in the 2nd evolution lucid talk.

Drako was right about them being parts of a single Dark being, this just fleshes them out more.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I completely forgot about the running away, that would explain a lot if the MC found Ellas squatting house, or that's where she got the idea for a house where kids just show up and live and decide things on their own.
Didn't Ella also go missing for a month?! I TOTALLY forgot about how we ran away from home for a month that time line could TOTALLY match up with us meeting on the street or something...perhaps the 3rd and 4th wanted to infect us but Ella got in the way first this her coming back different as Christie mentioned.
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Active Member
Nov 6, 2017
This game is still cool and I am always happy to see it get updated,buuuuuut got to say that the fight scenes in this update got pretty silly and they dragged on needlessly long. Some action is cool but when it's 10 minutes of fighting descriptions with no choices or cutaways it gets pretty boring. Visual novels or books in general don't lend themselves well to long combat scenes.

So yeah I ended up skipping through part of the long combat spiel but other then that this game is still good stuff.
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
So i killed su wu this time. to Risky to let him free. Fuck why was the femboy in jail for? the one we turn into a woman instead of Killing him. Brah this game got me paranoid and shit not wanting to leave loose ends.
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Jun 22, 2017
It's the eye... Not mother, not father...

You "Who... Who are you?"
Unknown "I don't have a name."
You "....What are you then?"
Unknown "....An origin."
You "Am I supposed to know what that means?"
Unknown "I trust you'll figure it out soon enough."
Unknown "I mean, who can you trust, if not yourself?"

The big question is if the eye comes from the monsters or if it already was there before you got infected...
Even in your first evolution there's hints it might already been there before you got infected...
(or it was put there... and that first evolution memory was your own... Ella and you being the last 2 of originally 12 kids being used for some experiment)

"My brain throbs and my spine aches."
"I hear a voice. It's faint, barely audible. But it's growing louder and louder."
You "What... what is this?"
"A memory enters my mind."
"A memory that is not my own."

And later :

"My mind sinks deep within me, back through body. Through my cells. Through my very DNA."
"Memories of the distance past are located there, the genetic legacy of humanity. Improved and refined throughout the ages."
You "The future... this is our future..."
Actually a meant this part:

"Until i feel a presence beside me holding my hand
-It's alright
The voice is warm and kind, unlike the harsh raspy voice i was speaking to before
-We're together now
It comes through heavily distorted, i'm not sure if it's male or female. And yet conforts me all the same, asswaging my fears me loneliness
Cradling me in it's gentle embrace
I sink deeper but not in the dark
I sink deeper...into the warm bosom of the figure beside me
Our bodies, our souls merge, and finally i feel complete.
Dead End 36: Born Again"

The one you mentioned is surely eye boy but this one seems to refer to someone else, at first i thought it was Ella fusing with Mc, but the dialogue on Deus bad end shows the same whitout Mc absorbing Ella or vice versa. So i assume it was actually Monster Mom/Memory.

To resume, you start hearing eye boy, then someone else, which i think is memory.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
You know what I'd like for next update's "Chill" vibe?
-Club scene, friends night out with everyone.
-Seeing our Dad and Amber/Liz's Mom interact? Maybe all the parents have a get together. They all have old ties so it would also be nice to see how they feel about our harem, relations with each other, powers, etc.
-bullying, if we can't display our strength by clowning on assholes that harass our friends I'll be pissed.
-fanclub meet up? It's been a while if only happening in one occasion way back, it would be nice to see hardcore fans or haters.
-monster research would be nice, never hurts to get a non choice blocked lore drop.

Oh well, might get some of this, might not. I tried to stay clear of theories or plot based subjects as I'm sure they will natural make themselves present throughout the side stuff.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Also I see a lot of people whining about this update:

-The fighting was fine, I thoroughly enjoyed it, if I had to nitpick one thing; it would be the lack of soldiers/Superhumans in the background, that's it. Complaining about how there, "Wasn't enough art" or "it was mostly just dialogue" is a useless argument. You've been playing the game how long and now that you are at the biggest fight sequence in the game's history, NOW you decide to criticize the already established fight style? Did you expect them to touch tips and quit? If you want to see REAL dialogue heavy fighting, read, you'll be complaining a lot less. Sure we COULD have some fights be just CG images back to back with no descrips, but then the fight would go by much faster, or/and take far more work, and as we know with fans for Adult games, they are impatient as fuck, and fans are a Dev's lifeline (literally).

-The choices while limited, quite literally can decide the fate of an entire character, or HUGE lore drop. I suppose if I had to nitpick it would be that lore being locked behind picking one or the other, but that's what makes a choice, get over it.

-The NTR? Really? I mean it doesn't take an armchair psychologist to determine that NTR as a whole is not only unrealistic, but also fucking borderline nonsensical, god forbid it's not a Masterpiece.

-MC not recovering his memory could be a variety of reasons let's not kid ourselves. It could be him PERSONALLY suppressing the traumatic event, Ella (if they really did meet up), a Monster, list goes on. This would be even worse for the Corruption route, as the memories of everyone you've consumed also become a part of you as you sort of lose yourself upon the first few moments after.

-I personally really don't see too much (if any) plot holes, rather we just don't have all the information yet. So to criticize the work as lackluster just because the facts don't add up to a desired conclusion just seems, ridiculous no?

I'll always ride W.W so maybe I'm biased but compared to literally almost everything else on this site and even some work beyond, the writing is peak, BELIEVE me.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
-The choices while limited, quite literally can decide the fate of an entire character, or HUGE lore drop. I suppose if I had to nitpick it would be that lore being locked behind picking one or the other, but that's what makes a choice, get over it.
The only thing that bothered me this whole update was the lack of a choice when Alice brings up staying with HERO or not. Deryl wants to stay because he idolizes Xanthe and wants to learn under him. Alice is having a partnership with HERO (although that could fall apart later on if they no longer need her for), and Michael doesn't comment.

It's interesting to me during that exchange the MC doesn't give any input about how they feel or if they wanna still leave or stay. If you all remember the MC when first forced into HERO actually has a choice of saying they wanna go or stay so I was hoping that prior choice would of had a call back to it of some sort if whatever choice the player made if they still felt the same way (like the eye scene).
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Nov 12, 2021
Go right, overpower, fight yourself, take out red light, hesitate, take out crystal sword. I had 30 skill level, but others have mentioned that you can save Laurie as long as you have 28 skill level.
Thanks for the option might do that on a different playthrough but I think for the most part her death serves as a good point in the story for the MC and Derly to help them grow
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
The only thing that bothered me this whole update was the lack of a choice when Alice brings up staying with HERO or not. Deryl wants to stay because he idolizes Xanthe and wants to learn under him. Alice is having a partnership with HERO (although that could fall apart later on if they no longer need her for), and Michael doesn't comment.

It's interesting to me during that exchange the MC doesn't give any input about how they feel or if they wanna still leave or stay. If you all remember the MC when first forced into HERO actually has a choice of saying they wanna go or stay so I was hoping that prior choice would of had a call back to it of some sort if whatever choice the player made if they still felt the same way (like the eye scene).
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I actually remember that, sorry I go on unhinged rants sometimes.

I also wanted that choice, but I think it's prevalent that our position in H.E.R.O isn't going to change any time soon, as we are a corner stone for their support, and flipping the game into 2 separate plotlines would double the game's narrative and update content, too long.

Perhaps this interaction is W.W's way of showing that this is a "safe space". The MC has been more grounded here than he ever was at R&X. Not only being able to be himself (Superhuman) but also having his college of friends right above, along with his Superhuman friends finding a place to grow their powers and ambitions.

If I had my choice despite all of the above, I'd leave to go be with S.I.N, and truly help Ella with whatever she has planned but that would also probably make for a more boring story. Destroying H.E.R.O is probably an end game choice, and will already be in the process due to plot to finish them off, so for now; I think we are stuck with them.

I could see a potential side switch in the future update where we take on S.I.N, perhaps W.W will use the opportunity to shed more light on Ella (as there are plenty of other threats in the world than what she concocts). It would also be a way to allow Corrupt players enjoy their gameplay, or challenge Pure players to change S.I.N's ways, who knows.
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