
Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I'm a bit biased but I think if I had to lower my opinion of her I'd say I "respect" Ella.

The ONLY instance of her trying to "kill our friends/take us away from our harem" is when she lets go of Kenny. You "could" even argue that wasn't her fault because Kenny himself Monsterfied but due to her giving him the power to slaughter everyone I'd say it is her fault.

So what about the other times? There are none, Jake wasn't really our "friend", unless befriending someone you literally just met and barely know anything about counts, that's up to you. But with only a WIFF of power the FIRST thing Jake does is immediately try to fuck you over, your harem, etc. Sure Ella spun the idea into his head, but that's not an excuse. For the smartest guy at the college he sure did the bear fucking minimum to use his god damn brain and be like, "What IS Ella and MC's power?" He never tries to talk to us, never realized Ella needs him so he could use that as leverage, etc.

So then what about what she did to Deryl? So if I have my facts right, Ella needed him ordered by Jake to do whatever she said, in this case it was to combine the Hearts, but Deryl went OUT OF HIS MOTHERFUCKING WAY to BURN US ALIVE, ELECTROCUTE US, and TORTURE US all just to prove a nonsensical childhood rivalry, we killed the god damn mall cops for much less. In all that emotional build up he broke his Order, but then Monsterfied, in which Charlie? kept his loyalty in check to finish the work? But from what I know he also finished the Heart AGES ago and fought against us yet AGAIN as a personal monster nature grudge and to complete his Rebis, he fucking sucks. Oh ya! His independent CLONE is so petty, that he fucking LEAKS OUR IDENTITY so that we get shot up by the cops, putting our friends and loved ones through emotional distress, and forcing us to try and leave everyone we love, that wasn't an Ella order either, that was Deryl being "friend of the fucking year" by NATURE, fuck him. This isn't a Kenny scenario, this is Deryl being a fucking shit "best friend", which he did of his own, knowing volition.

So then what about us? Her being "hard on us" is putting it mildly, as she will literally kill us for being, "too strong" in the beginning of our relationship. Her throwing people at us to kill us is also annoying, but again you could wager she did it to further our progress and she was just looking out for us, for her own gain obviously for her master plan, but looking out none the less. Because, and I'll always die on this hill; her focusing so much on us PROVES that it's a personal interest at least later on, because in the beginning of our relationship she outright kills us as mentioned previously.

As far as S.I.N goes I see a lot of people giving her shit for that cause of this update. What Cole and Jared did to Laurie (or tried to do to you) was PERSONAL. Those fuckers are irredeemable pieces of shit that deserve death and will get it when the time comes. But take Zara or I'd wager even Charlie, or the hoodie kid for example, or even Shen, they all seem agreeable. They have literally done NOTHING to us or the people we care about, in fact Charlie even saved Deryl from Cole's annoying ass behavior, despite only being used as a tool from everyone else (if anyone cares). Zara wanted us to join S.I.N she seemed pretty excited about the prospect, and Shen over here be HATING on Cole, we could DEFINITELY get along. There are a few bad apples to rid of, it's not the whole tree and DEFINITELY not the seed (Ella).

While she is a dickish, manipulative, sensei; the reason I say I respect her is because she is one of the few realistic and "honest" people in this game. Sure she doesn't tell us everything but she doesn't need or have to, we can't make her; what's the point of being strong if you bend over for everyone? Other than that, she's honest about her spending people after you (ONLY Jake and Kenny), and she's honest on how we'll eventually have to fight (I'd assume for worthiness?) at the end of our training, and that if we win we could do whatever we want with her, even saying she'll still root for us which I wager is deeper than we think but more on that later. She invites you for dinner with her personal life, parties with you and her friends for a concert, goes to the beach with you, gives you tips, offers to help with Klaus, being sad that we Monsterifed (SUS for someone that doesn't care), etc. etc.
I think towards the middle of our relationship there is some form of change of heart in there, but I find that odd due to the latest info drop about Ella.

Okay so the ONLY thing I find odd about Ella is her killing us early on if we get too strong or rather we reveal our deeper connection to the 3rd. But that's when we show her our jelly fish move right? Yet earlier if you show her the move and even surprise her in the fight (Michael Power point) she invites you to see the 3rd and engage more in her plans... it's a wee bit odd because we don't have all the facts, but I wager it's because of WHAT we said rather than showed (i.e how we entered the Jellyfish's memories to gain the power). But then, how does Ella get her animal moves? Is it just from constant DNA adjustment and experimentation? Yet she has moments where she talks with the 3rd, so I don't know about that.

Back to my point; in the latest update it's revealed that Ella KNEW us almost personally in the past BEFORE we meet her at the beginning of the game. Now whether or not she means it as just scouting out her next Superhuman victim or that she met us as an orphan during our month gap of running away is up for debate. But if the latter IS true, as the dialogue seems to dictate, then it would make no sense as to why she would kill us so early on if we were already a personal investment like she's shown we are now. My only theory is that our relationship is only solidified AFTER she realizes she wasn't worthy upon her 5th Evolution, and that it was up to us to complete whatever mission she's after. Now I do find that ALSO odd because she says she'd still be routing for us when we eventually fight, it almost strikes me as someone who's pursuing something they don't actually want to, but can't stop themselves from doing.

Long story short, I respect her at the very least for being someone straight to the point, trying to mentor you (in her own twisted way) when she CLEARLY can just replace you, and love her at most for her clear interest in us, and crazy unpredictable, always keeping the game interesting nature. Personally she is NEVER a nuisance, she gave you powers for god's sake. BUT if I were to put myself in the MC's shoes, I'd only hold a slight grudge against her from the initial Kenny incident.

I'm more mad at H.E.R.O forcing us to join their lab rat slave labor cult that if I didn't join they'd launch me into space. Disrespectful members like Nicolette or whiny Alexis, sociopathic Nyx, or narcissist Lucius, Omni-Homelander fuckin Bernhardt, or cocky Gernard or whatever the fuck his name is, no emotion Tiffany, or psycho CLEARLY EVIL END GAME MASTERMIND Xanthe, or scummy rich Dexter, oh so friendly BLAST YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE despite KNOWING we can't hurt him Clark, the list goes on, at least we know Ella to some extent, and her group of misfits are interesting save for Cole and Jared. H.E.R.O meanwhile forcing Alice to practically kill herself to break a barrier so they could commit the biggest massacre of human soldiers to save their own kind and then try to justify it on national television. Valravn was also a MUCH harder fight, and we didn't even fucking Evolve, so screw them and their work loads to "save humanity". Oh but ya they help us, with...oh wait that's right, NOTHING, they have literally done NOTHING for us, except put us in arguably more life threatening scenarios, and gave us a mantis spear and spider webs, congratu-fucking-lations H.E.R.O lovers, you've made a LOT of progress with them in the last month dozing off to Danica dream porn. Hell, one trip to Ella's house and we meet a monster that gave us a bigger lore/info drop than all of H.E.R.O's big brain book drops put together. They wouldn't bat an eye if you died, and would much rather just replace you with a loyal dog to their cause or use your friends to further their agenda. I see a lot of people support Xanthe as trustworthy, when it's probably taking every fiber of his being not to make you a god damn test subject as a SHAPESHIFTER (it's like his wet dream), Bernhardt when he's not seeing humans lesser beings, he's just regarding you as a loyal dog to the mission of Superhuman supremacy. Nicolette only sees you as capable of you aren't simping for her attention via being strong (despite being fucking pathetic against Ella DESIPTE BEING CHARGED UP BY CLARK AND TEAMING UP SITH A LVL 4 AND 3). Tiffany only using those around her like tools with no room for even her own sister as anyone important, Nyx would rather murder people to increase her powers than play good cop. They fuckin suck.

I dunno unless Ella takes a fucking gun to the head of Laurie, Amber, Liz, Emily, Christine, Demi, Angelina, Claudia, Alice, or Michael herself, or quite literally tortured us; I do not fucking care what she does, and welcome the extra help or content she provides.
Not going to lie, you typed way too much for me to hit everything so I'll get straight to my own point. She has said for several updates now that we'll eventually join her side. With this update blatantly saying whether we like it or not. You're mentioning different scenarios to explain away Ella's actions without looking at the effects they had. To justify why one shouldn't have a problem with her when she tells you to your face that she manipulated you and the events around you. That she continued to do it because she's stronger than you and needs you, and some of your friends, for her plan, without telling you anything.

It also doesn't really matter if Ella knew the MC for a long time. The MC didn't actually know Ella for that long. Which should make all of her actions from the start even more messed up from the MC's perspective. If you're going to go with the "we didn't know Jake for that long" stuff then the same applies for Ella and in that short window she's tried to "test" us several times while ignoring the consequences to us and our friends. Anyone else would have several people here hating on them *cough* HERO *cough*. Hence, I circle back to my comment about people excusing her behavior.

Ella's the only character in this game that people let get away with toying with their lives, consistently. Some of you guys don't mind being on Ella's puppet strings because she said she "cares" about you and "it wasn't too bad". For me? Nope. There's a limit to how much fuckery a character can commit. I can only turn a blind eye for so long. I don't let my biased and love for a character cloud me too much. I guarantee if we switched Ella with someone like Nico, you guys would be on the same type of time I'm on. In fact, some did with Deryl plotting against us.

So yeah, you do you. I don't really mind that others see Ella's actions differently or blatantly ignore everything she did. My reasons are my own in the first place and I'm not looking for others to agree with me. While WW did a great job writing Ella, they also isolated her and I'm looking forward to seeing how they plan to further develop their relationship because Ella did way too much for any reasonable person to willingly follow her. Especially now that we're Level 3. While MC still can't beat her, he can now hold his own and can firmly tell her no. She wants to keep her secrets, then she can but I'm not joining her on blind faith. Even if she told us her plan, I still wouldn't join her because that doesn't erase everything that led up to that plan succeeding.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Yeahhhhh fuck the cunt no no that way you horny perverts XD. And let's be honest is not if H.E.R.O tries to fuck us is when they are gonna fuck us first they have to milk the MC dry of use then boom out with you. And brah ella's so toxic that is not better option most likely we are gonna go with Deus to fuck everything endgame style.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Ella being quirky/evil isn't really a good argument for me. A huge part of the cast fits the description. She probably works towards something apocalyptic, but then we have people like Bernhardt who is a superhuman supremacist with the power to singlehandedly beat any and all opposition.

Quirky is quite normal in this game. The majority of the cast are quirky, corrupt and unecessarily evil. Also the normal girls tend to also have higher levels of naivety than their counterparts.

From there on, Ella has many great qualities.

She is willing to help MC and Jake become stronger despite knowing that they have potential to surpass her in power and mess with her plans.
She seemingly doesn't force her schemes on her "kids". Instead she provides a sandbox for them to play and grow and doesn't punish failure. She only teases Cole a bit, and considering how big of a fuckup he is, that alone makes her a saint.
She is a great strategist, creative, with huge amounts of knowledge and a master at deception.
She knows how to lose and holds no grudges.

This last update took her already cool scenes and turned them up to 11, along with a (very successful) makeover for good measure.

The problem with her is that she acts like a zealot, puts the MC in a bind because it's part of her plan, yet she doesn't give any explanation. This gets tiring, and along with a few other things that have happened, it's easy for anyone to take it personally.
Yeah if we are criticizing her because she hurt your feelings with her "evilness" there are plenty of other characters that either fit the bill equally yet get more love, or are even WORSE than her morally.

Ella has a lot of of negatives obviously, but she also has I'd wager the most positives out of everyone here. It's like a gamble, if your for it go for it, if not; tough luck doing it the long way with reliable H.E.R.O.

Ella's Negatives:
1. Transforms people into Superhumans, but sometimes creates monsters in the process, too lazy to deal with them.
2. Sends 2 WHOLE PEOPLE to kill you.
3. WOULD HAVE killed you if you reveal your Memory power early on.
4. Would probably kill anyone in her way (hasn't).
5. Manipulates those around her for personal gain.
6. Doesn't tell you all of her master plan but actively puts you in its works expecting you to blindly obey like a dog.

Honourable Mention:
-She had SOMETHING to do with the Middle School Massacre, but it's not confirmed that she herself killed all of those students.

Ella's Positives:
1. Gave you fucking Superpowers.
2. Trains you up.
3. Warns you about the world of Superhumans and Monsters (later proven by H.E.R.O's lvl 5s and Monsters like Goliath, otherwise we'd be just as naive and useless as a basic H.E.R.O member).
4. Has friends she gave DEATH saves to (Name a friend that does that), and actively protects them or offers you help.
5. Runs an orphanage and may give them some powers on the side.
6. Has always been honest with us, no matter how fucked the situation.
7. Give powers to your "friends" plus Michael.
8. Helps Mia cause why not?
9. Fucks you every other meeting.

Now how about some of the "beloved" members of H.E.R.O some of you people like to cope with.

Why the fuck do people like this guy again? We know him for 4 seconds and he helped us with our homework, right friend he was, let's look at his record.

Jake Negatives:
1. He whines about everything.
2. Distrusts you just from the THOUGHT that Ella puts in his head, without any further research.
3. Is a coward.
4. Powers immediately go to his head, and with all the aforementioned above; it's a wonder this fucker didn't Monsterfy on the SPOT.
5. Tries to cuck you.
6. Manipulates those around him for personal benefit (mind fucking Jess).
7. Makes you fed for yourself in prison.
8. Uses a bunch of working joes to fight you.
9. Explodes your brain ONLY a couple dozen times, no biggy.
10. Makes you clean up his mess and runs away from his problems.

Jake Positives:
1. He was alright before he got his powers.

I'm not going to get into Deryl, but let's just say if given the choice to kill him later on; in a heartbeat. Between burning us alive multiple times, electrocuting us, cutting us in half, leaking out identity, being a spiteful little bitch, and then justifying all of it as being for the sake of making a god damn Rubix Cube, he deserves sooo much worse than a slap on the wrist on our "friendship". I've personally cut ties with long time friends for much less.

Deryl Positives:
1. He was alright before he got his powers.

Tiffany I don't see a lot of support, but she works for H.E.R.O, and is there for someone you have to work with in good conscience.

Tiffany Negatives:
1. Tries to stab you in your sleep. If you didn't have powers, you'd be dead.
2. Blackmails you into service.
3. Hates the best Waifu.
4. Doesn't even care about her own SISTER, whom admires her like a beacon.
5. Main goal is to kill her father, that's a rational sane person right there peeps. If I'm out in the field, she's my go to partner!
6. Doesn't care about the lives of others for the sake of her pursuit of "info"? Next council spot for H.E.R.O right there...
7. Still hasn't given you a power point (ik your salty DrakoGhoul )

Tiffany Positives:
1. Gives her virginity?
2. Mmm, that's about it.

Alexis Negatives:
1. Whines about everything.
2. Doesn't care about the recently traumatized victims of a murder massacre.
3. Doesn't care about saving lives.
4. Did I mention she whines about everything?

Alexis Positives:
......she's hot...?

Nicolette Negatives:
1. Whines about everything.
2. Lazy about everything.
3. Talks a big game about being stronger than everyone around her, yet fails MISERABLY against Ella; a literal new Lvl 5, yet she was boost by CLARK a Lvl 5, teamed up with a Lvl 4 and 3, hurled a piece of the SUN at her, and yet STILLLLLLL LOST. Fuck off, she's all bark no bite, yet criticizes her elders like Zack or his whole squad.
4. Disrespectful to those around her regarding them as less than disposable if they aren't "at her level".
5. Would have hurled you into space.
6. Actively WAITED to see how you would handle the end of the Valravn fight (at the brink of death) when she could've helped.
7. Overall just a nasty personality, why do we like her again?

Nicolette Positives:

While I don't see support for him he's so great to work with right?

Bernhardt Negatives:
1. Sees people as less than him SO MUCH he refers to them as "human", comon......
2. Doesn't have a sense of camaraderie if you aren't a Superhuman, as he actively shits on the sacrifice of 200,000+ human lives on national television.

Bernhardt Positives:
......he's strong...?

I see a LOT of support for this guy, so much so there a god damn choice in the game to dictate whether or not he's trustworthy? Get the fuck outta here.

Xanthe Negatives:
1. Doesn't care about decisions and is willing to go behind the back of coworkers/bosses to fulfill his own agenda. VERY trustworthy.
2. Says he can just replace you for you don't act as a puppeteering mascot.
3. Has had countless human/superhuman test subjects in the past, probably still does.
5. Pretty much disregarded his family in the pursuit of knowledge.

Xanthe Positives:
1. He gave you some spider webs...yay......

Nyx Negatives:
1. Kills people to further her corruptive powers, that's a sane person right there!
2. Won't spend her power to save those around her that even ask if you don't fit the criteria, it "wastes" her marks, and her time. This is one of the council members for the most powerful corporation on earth and our only defense against monsters mind you.

Nyx Positives:
1. Personality wise, she seems nice.
2. She's hot.

So how about group benefits cause people LOVE to be team H.E.R.O as if it's the greatest thing that's ever happened to them since the coming of christ.

H.E.R.O Negatives:
1. Actively experimented on human and Superhuman victims against their will.
2. Used people as bait for Monsters and WAITED for the initial attack to capture test subjects.
3. Kidnapped you and your friends.
4. Forced you into service via the threat of DEATH.
5. Used Valravn as a display of power to the world so they could debut you as their mascot and steal your image. This costed human lives and the partial destruction of the city in the process, including the near death of harem member Brianna.
5. Made you fight Valravn pretty much to the brink of death, with no alternative (other than come back to die).
6. Locked you in isolation underground without visitation so they could demean what little dignity you had left.
7. Forced the government to bend over backwards for them via threats and essentially now run the planet (that's always ended well NEVER).
8. Is run by:
-The Richest Man Alive (didn't get that rich being Keanu Reeves)
-Xanthe (typical mad scientist)
-Nyx (cares about death more than life)
-Malik (completely outclasses by uncaring individuals)
-Bernhardt (have you SEEN Invincible?)
-Lucius (If it's not to increase his beauty, probably doesn't care)
-and Zack (probably doesn't care)
9. Actively put a strain on your relationships.
10. Recruits criminals regardless of background as long as they are a useful Superhuman dog, nothing wrong there...*cough* The Boys *cough*
11. Used Alice's arm to essentially open a way to obliteration, only to discard her at a hospital tent and not even be capable of protecting it.
12. SPAT IN THE FACE of families and the world when they lost the lives of 200,000+ people. Even if you are on Malik's Good Boy Path, they don't have an excuse, and there's nothing you can do about it either. What a great company I want to get behind.
13. Is euthanizing the FUCKING WATER YOU DRINK so that they can isolate the Superhuman gene. I'm sorry, did you want kids? Yes? Well too bad, we don't care.
14. Slave labored you into Monster slaying work and all at the grand prize of NO EVOLUTION (where's Ella's tests when you need her).
15. An entire month spent there is to launch a spear out of your shoulder, congratu-fucking-lations.
16. Just when you think you're strong, you have a bunch of Lvl 5 different reasons to make you feel like a useless piece of shit, y'all are some cucks :LUL:

Honor Mentions:
-I'll bet everything I own they are using that Superhuman Testing Power Consumer Orb for something NEFUCKINFARIOUS down the line.

-You get to meet fun folks like Danica! The bitch that tried to kill you multiple times, put a giant cross through your fucking torso, whines about everything, and defended Klaus; the guy who tried to cuck you from the best Waifu! Good on them right? Or Jake, the quintessential nerdy fuck up that mind controlled a mass amount of innocent people for his dirty work (fighting you), put you in a prison, mind fucked your friend Mia, tried to cuck you from Jess, Amber, AND Liz, hated you for not being a big enough fucking GENIUS that he's critically claimed to be, exploded your brain dozens of times, that never hurts! And once all was said and done, he took a rain check on fixing his problems so YOU could fix them for him! Wow, great people we have here at H.E.R.O~

H.E.R.O Positives:
1. You get 10k a month?
2. You get some lore books/lessons to dive more into stuff you more or less already knew.

S.I.N gets a lot of hate, why is that?

S.I.N Negatives:
1. You have to deal with Cole and Jared+his Dad.

Honorable Mention:
-They add a mark for member ship for POTENTIAL but probable manipulation against your will. The equivalent of a bunch of Lvl 5s at H.E.R.O.

S.I.N Positives:
1. Free to do pretty much whatever you want.
2. They helped you kill the most annoying fucking T.V Host that had it out for you regardless of your karma.
3. INVITED you to join (at least Zara) rather than trying to force you.
4. They are associated with Ella, the one person that has actively helped you grow. (You literally get the best lore from one visit there then you do an entire month with H.E.R.O, plus an Evolution).

Overall I think Ella gets a lot of shade for annoying people reasons or morally questionable actions, while others get praised for next to no reason and doing the most unethical or inhumane things known to man. H.E.R.O sounds good on paper, but that's only because it's the closest thing to our lobotomized system. I mean at this point they practically ARE the government, how many veterans get praised coming home for commiting potential war crimes, like slaughtering families just because they were "on the opposite side" (some not all) and that isn't JUST the soldiers with that mind set. Or the opposite where they are just defending their home, yet get betrayed by the system, much like overworked and "caring" Malik (burned our friends alive via the Dead End of the Kenny Massacre) or Alexis, Clark, etc. The fact that the people aren't in MORE of an uproar from the EUTHANIZATION of their entire species, or blatant disregard for human life, just goes to show how docile everyone is if the promises are high enough, much like a chunk of the fanbase loving that same system in opposition of literal freedom. Boggles my fucking mind.

Edit: Apologies for my passion, I love Ella and will always die on that hill any day (lest she murder the harem or Michael). At the end of the day we all have our opinions and I find the debates in good fun despite my exclamation, happen to be a DrakoGhoul simp too so you're good bro, just get off that H.E.R.O and Alexis/Danica/Nicolette cope :HideThePain:
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Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
S.I.N Positives:
1. Free to do pretty much whatever you want.
2. They helped you kill the most annoying fucking T.V Host that had it out for you regardless of your karma.
3. INVITED you to join (at least Zara) rather than trying to force you.
4. They are associated with Ella, the one person that has actively helped you grow.

1 : You have to put Zara's mark on you and make an oath to Charlie.... So you pretty much do what they want...
2 : the host was annoying because Zara's mark/powers made him...
3 : okay, true that, Zara at least seems friendly towards you...
4 : I see Ella as a necessary evil, her work needs to be finished, i like her but i really don't trust her...
most importantly, she's the one that will stand between you and Cole, Jared... You can't kill them if you're in S.I.N.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
1 : You have to put Zara's mark on you and make an oath to Charlie.... So you pretty much do what they want...
2 : the host was annoying because Zara's mark/powers made him...
3 : okay, true that, Zara at least seems friendly towards you...
4 : I see Ella as a necessary evil, her work needs to be finished, i like her but i really don't trust her...
most importantly, she's the one that will stand between you and Cole, Jared... You can't kill them if you're in S.I.N.
1. That's true I forgot about that, I'll add it as an Honorable Mention because while they COULD make us do anything it doesn't mean they have (probably would though).
2. Yeah but I feel that was only towards the end of the rant. It for sure wasn't before the break or at the start of it, which is when he kinda started to hammer in all our actions, I could be wrong though.
4. Suppose that problem has fixed itself regarding Ella stopping us from killing them. But the way she talks about it with Cole seems like she doesn't care if we surpass him. I'd wager we are far more relevant to her plans than Cole's heat stroke power or abhorrent personality.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Yeah if we are criticizing her because she hurt your feelings with her "evilness" there are plenty of other characters that either fit the bill equally yet get more love, or are even WORSE than her morally.

Ella's Negatives:
1. Transforms people into Superhumans, but sometimes creates monsters in the process, too lazy to deal with them.
2. Sends 2 WHOLE PEOPLE to kill you.
3. WOULD HAVE killed you if you reveal your Memory power early on.
4. Would probably kill anyone in her way (hasn't).
5. Manipulates those around her for personal gain.

Honourable Mention:
-She had SOMETHING to do with the Middle School Massacre, but it's not confirmed that she herself killed all of those students.

Ella's Positives:
1. Gave you fucking Superpowers.
2. Trains you up.
3. Warns you about the world of Superhumans and Monsters (later proven by H.E.R.O's lvl 5s and Monsters like Goliath, otherwise we'd be just as naive and useless as a basic H.E.R.O member).
4. Has friends she gave DEATH saves to (Name a friend that does that), and actively protects them or offers you help.
5. Runs an orphanage and may give them some powers on the side.
6. Has always been honest with us, no matter how fucked the situation.
7. Helps Mia cause why not?
8. Fucks you every other meeting.

Now how about some of the "beloved" members of H.E.R.O some of you people like to cope with.

Why the fuck do people like this guy again? We know him for 4 seconds and he helped us with our homework, right friend he was, let's look at his record.

Jake Negatives:
1. He whines about everything.
2. Distrusts you just from the THOUGHT that Ella puts in his head, without any further research.
3. Is a coward.
4. Powers immediately go to his head, and with all the aforementioned above; it's a wonder this fucker didn't Monsterfy on the SPOT.
5. Tries to cuck you.
6. Manipulates those around him for personal benefit (mind fucking Jess).
7. Makes you fed for yourself in prison.
8. Uses a bunch of working joes to fight you.
9. Explodes your brain ONLY a couple dozen times, no biggy.
10. Makes you clean up his mess and runs away from his problems.

Jake Positives:
1. He was alright before he got his powers.

I'm not going to get into Deryl, but let's just say if given the choice to kill him later on; in a heartbeat. Between burning us alive multiple times, electrocuting us, cutting us in half, leaking out identity, being a spiteful little bitch, and then justifying all of it as being for the sake of making a god damn Rubix Cube, he deserves sooo much worse than a slap on the wrist on our "friendship". I've personally cut ties with long time friends for much less.

Deryl Positives:
1. He was alright before he got his powers.

Tiffany I don't see a lot of support, but she works for H.E.R.O, and is there for someone you have to work with in good conscience.

Tiffany Negatives:
1. Tries to stab you in your sleep. If you didn't have powers, you'd be dead.
2. Blackmails you into service.
3. Hates the best Waifu.
4. Doesn't even care about her own SISTER, whom admires her like a beacon.
5. Main goal is to kill her father, that's a rational sane person right there peeps. If I'm out in the field, she's my go to partner!
6. Doesn't care about the lives of others for the sake of her pursuit of "info"? Next council spot for H.E.R.O right there...
7. Still hasn't given you a power point (ik your salty DrakoGhoul )

Tiffany Positives:
1. Gives her virginity?
2. Mmm, that's about it.

Alexis Negatives:
1. Whines about everything.
2. Doesn't care about the recently traumatized victims of a murder massacre.
3. Doesn't care about saving lives.
4. Did I mention she whines about everything?

Alexis Positives:
......she's hot...?

Nicolette Negatives:
1. Whines about everything.
2. Lazy about everything.
3. Talks a big game about being stronger than everyone around her, yet fails MISERABLY against Ella; a literal new Lvl 5, yet she was boost by CLARK a Lvl 5, teamed up with a Lvl 4 and 3, hurled a piece of the SUN at her, and yet STILLLLLLL LOST. Fuck off, she's all bark no bite, yet criticizes her elders like Zack or his whole squad.
4. Disrespectful to those around her regarding them as less than disposable if they aren't "at her level".
5. Would have hurled you into space.
6. Actively WAITED to see how you would handle the end of the Valravn fight (at the brink of death) when she could've helped.
7. Overall just a nasty personality, why do we like her again?

Nicolette Positives:

While I don't see support for him he's so great to work with right?

Bernhardt Negatives:
1. Sees people as less than him SO MUCH he refers to them as "human", comon......
2. Doesn't have a sense of camaraderie if you aren't a Superhuman, as he actively shits on the sacrifice of 200,000+ human lives on national television.

Bernhardt Positives:
......he's strong...?

I see a LOT of support for this guy, so much so there a god damn choice in the game to dictate whether or not he's trustworthy? Get the fuck outta here.

Xanthe Negatives:
1. Doesn't care about decisions and is willing to go behind the back of coworkers/bosses to fulfill his own agenda. VERY trustworthy.
2. Says he can just replace you for you don't act as a puppeteering mascot.
3. Has had countless human/superhuman test subjects in the past, probably still does.
5. Pretty much disregarded his family in the pursuit of knowledge.

Xanthe Positives:
1. He gave you some spider webs...yay......

Nyx Negatives:
1. Kills people to further her corruptive powers, that's a sane person right there!
2. Won't spend her power to save those around her that even ask if you don't fit the criteria, it "wastes" her marks, and her time. This is one of the council members for the most powerful corporation on earth and our only defense against monsters mind you.

Nyx Positives:
1. Personality wise, she seems nice.
2. She's hot.

So how about group benefits cause people LOVE to be team H.E.R.O as if it's the greatest thing that's ever happened to them since the coming of christ.

H.E.R.O Negatives:
1. Actively experimented on human and Superhuman victims against their will.
2. Used people as bait for Monsters and WAITED for the initial attack to capture test subjects.
3. Kidnapped you and your friends.
4. Forced you into service via the threat of DEATH.
5. Used Valravn as a display of power to the world so they could debut you as their mascot and steal your image. This costed human lives and the partial destruction of the city in the process, including the near death of harem member Brianna.
5. Made you fight Valravn pretty much to the brink of death, with no alternative (other than come back to die).
6. Locked you in isolation underground without visitation so they could demean what little dignity you had left.
7. Forced the government to bend over backwards for them via threats and essentially now run the planet (that's always ended well NEVER).
8. Is run by:
-The Richest Man Alive (didn't get that rich being Keanu Reeves)
-Xanthe (typical mad scientist)
-Nyx (cares about death more than life)
-Malik (completely outclasses by uncaring individuals)
-Bernhardt (have you SEEN Invincible?)
-Lucius (If it's not to increase his beauty, probably doesn't care)
-and Zack (probably doesn't care)
9. Actively put a strain on your relationships.
10. Recruits criminals regardless of background as long as they are a useful Superhuman dog, nothing wrong there...*cough* The Boys *cough*
11. Used Alice's arm to essentially open a way to obliteration, only to discard her at a hospital tent and not even be capable of protecting it.
12. SPAT IN THE FACE of families and the world when they lost the lives of 200,000+ people. Even if you are on Malik's Good Boy Path, they don't have an excuse, and there's nothing you can do about it either. What a great company I want to get behind.
13. Is euthanizing the FUCKING WATER YOU DRINK so that they can isolate the Superhuman gene. I'm sorry, did you want kids? Yes? Well too bad, we don't care.
14. Slave labored you into Monster slaying work and all at the grand prize of NO EVOLUTION (where's Ella's tests when you need her).
15. An entire month spent there is to launch a spear out of your shoulder, congratu-fucking-lations.
16. Just when you think you're strong, you have a bunch of Lvl 5 different reasons to make you feel like a useless piece of shit, y'all are some cucks :LUL:

Honor Mentions:
-I'll bet everything I own they are using that Superhuman Testing Power Consumer Orb for something NEFUCKINFARIOUS down the line.

-You get to meet fun folks like Danica! The bitch that tried to kill you multiple times, put a giant cross through your fucking torso, whines about everything, and defended Klaus; the guy who tried to cuck you from the best Waifu! Good on them right? Or Jake, the quintessential nerdy fuck up that mind controlled a mass amount of innocent people for his dirty work (fighting you), put you in a prison, mind fucked your friend Mia, tried to cuck you from Jess, Amber, AND Liz, hated you for not being a big enough fucking GENIUS that he's critically claimed to be, exploded your brain dozens of times, that never hurts! And once all was said and done, he took a rain check on fixing his problems so YOU could fix them for him! Wow, great people we have here at H.E.R.O~

H.E.R.O Positives:
1. You get 10k a month?
2. You get some lore books/lessons to dive more into stuff you more or less already knew.

S.I.N gets a lot of hate, why is that?

S.I.N Negatives:
1. You have to deal with Cole and Jared+his Dad.

S.I.N Positives:
1. Free to do pretty much whatever you want.
2. They helped you kill the most annoying fucking T.V Host that had it out for you regardless of your karma.
3. INVITED you to join (at least Zara) rather than trying to force you.
4. They are associated with Ella, the one person that has actively helped you grow. (You literally get the best lore from one visit there then you do an entire month with H.E.R.O, plus an Evolution).

Overall I think Ella gets a lot of shade for next to no reason, while others get praised for next to no reason. H.E.R.O sounds good on paper, but that's only because it's the closest thing to our lobotomized system. I mean at this point they practically ARE the government, how many veterans get praised coming home for commiting potential war crimes, like slaughtering families just because they were "on the opposite side" (some not all) and that isn't JUST the soldiers with that mind set. Or the opposite where they are just defending their home, yet get betrayed by the system, much like overworked and "caring" Malik (burned our friends alive via the Dead End of the Kenny Massacre) or Alexis, Clark, etc. The fact that the people aren't in MORE of an uproar from the EUTHANIZATION of their entire species, or blatant disregard for human life, just goes to show how docile everyone is if the promises are high enough, much like a chunk of the fanbase loving that same system in opposition of literal freedom. Boggles my fucking mind.
Yeah I'm surprised more people didn't feel a certain way in regards to HERO doing literal Eugenics shit is wilddddd man.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
how did yuo arive to that conclusion, it heavely implied he was being mind controled by SiN
Yeah RonaldGrand6969 just right after the break is announced by him Brianna says he is very keen on supporting MC and then outta nowhere after the break takes a sharp turn in what he says. It's quite clear he was being mind controlled to some degree or being forced to say it from some other means other than his mind.

It's not really a benefit tbh in any case he's such a minor inconvenience even if it was him pretending entirely being supportive initially just to throw the MC and Brianna off than yeeting the hard questions at us.

Personally, I consider it a negative in SIN's favor, as they are killing someone innocent (even if he is annoying). Let's pretend he isn't (obviously) being controlled; you can't just pop someone's head (or kill them) just because they are saying things you do not like. In some cases, like Nico, we've seen her do us harm in a heartbeat (via bad ends) and allow us to get fucked up (in the case of the Val fight) when she could of helped/saved us, which is why I want to outright kill her, but in this dude's case, he can't do shit to us other than spout words, and that's about it.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
If we're really going to lay it all out there between them, I'm sure you'll be surprised by how much worse Ella actually is and how much people are willing to excuse her for. Meanwhile, you have Nico getting hate instead for some of the most dumbest reasons. I'll only do the stuff that actually sticks and not the Dead Ends. It would actually be even worse for Ella if I included the Dead Ends.

Nico's "crimes" against the MC:

- Insulting him and everyone else..... Not going to lie, the fact that this is even a crime is hilarious. But for some, this is a very serious one.

- Leaving him hanging with the Valravn fight.

- Leaving Alice drained and possibly causing her to die from energy exhaustion. Not really a crime because she didn't owe Alice her power and it's her right not to give it all but I'll add it anyway.

That's pretty much it by the way. A lot of people hate Nico just for those 3 reasons alone. Mainly that first one, for some reason, even though Ella has a habit of doing it as well. Though, if the dead end was included, that would be the actual main reason a lot of people hate Nico. Now, let's show Ella's and why something seems completely off here.

Ella's legit crimes against the MC:

- Stalked him and his friends so that she could turn them into Superhumans.

- Was the one that told Klaus about us. Sent mafia members out to kill MC at a diner.

- Tries to kill MC herself to test his progress.

- Left Kenny at the party instead of cleaning up her own mess to also "test" the MC. Nearly killing him and his friends in the process.

- Purposely pushes Jake to be our adversary. Something that spirals completely out of control.

- Blatantly made Jake mindfuck Deryl so that she could use him for her plan. Which created the current clusterfuck. This also indicated that she would most definitely forcibly turn any of our others friends, if she had to. The same way she forcibly turned Kenny when he rejected her offer.

- Also looked down on us and blames us for falling under Jake's influence, even though she was the one that told him our identity and lied about our motives to him. This is all while refusing to tell us anything at all and pointing the finger back at us, like it's our fault.

- Secretly plotted to use Charlie powers on us without us knowing. This is a maybe since we don't exactly know how Charlie setups her power. Later with Zara as well, who marked us with her powers on Ella's instructions, most likely.

- Purposely aggravated Cole, a Peak Level 3 Superhuman, so he would beef with us, a level 2 Superhuman. Literally for no reason. Something which nearly costed Brianna and Laurie their lives. In Laurie's case, it actually did since Cole told Jared to do that attack on us later.

- She also, in fact, tried to get William, the TV Host to trash us on TV. It's hilarious that anyone would think Ella did the MC a favor when Willy was clearly being influenced by Cole and so on. You think William would suggest us to join "them"(SIN) so they can use our power better? On his own will? That is some selective reading, if I ever saw it.

Now look at the vast difference above. You would think the reaction would be totally opposite when it comes to these two but clearly one gets a lot more hate than the other. The funny thing is, I probably forgot some stuff with Ella and if I added the dead ends, it would be even more ridiculous. Hell, you can probably change Nico with almost anyone else as well and Ella would still come out as worse. From Klaus to Danica and on. Even Jake because Ella is just as much to blame for all of that as him and even the stuff he did outside of her plan doesn't bring him close to Ella's actions. I'll even go over it quickly.

Jake did this all of this by himself with caveats:

- Used his power on the twins and tried to do the same to the MC. All of that was influenced by Ella.

- Fucked up Mia and Deryl on the beach, which caused a lot of problems. Also because of Ella.

- Put us in prison and tried to kill us or our friend if we tried to escape. Ella wanted him to kill us but he chose the non violent way. it's still fucked up he put us in prison. It's also still Ella's fault by the way.

As you can see, Ella's still worse. Even for stuff Jake did, she still influenced it. Don't get it twisted either, I still held Jake accountable for it all and he paid for that with his life.

Yeah I'm surprised more people didn't feel a certain way in regards to HERO doing literal Eugenics shit is wilddddd man.
Why would I care about the eugenics? That's most likely the only reason we actually survived being infected by the monsters, by the way. They also did that years ago and even if they still did it today, it doesn't really matter, for me personally. I can't change the past and it was well before the MC and possibly even his dad's time.

It's also not like anyone's saying HERO is the hero of humanity. You can point out Ella's bullshit and still be against HERO's nonsense. As far as I'm concerned, the eugenics stuff is completely irrelevant and is only really mentioned to try to make HERO out as being the bigger "evil" of the two in a discussion about Ella. Like I said in the past, it's not an either or scenario. You can dislike and/or hate them both. So far, HERO hasn't done anything wrong against me since I joined.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Why would I care about the eugenics? That's most likely the only reason we actually survived being infected by the monsters, by the way. They also did that years ago and even if they still did it today, it doesn't really matter, for me personally. I can't change the past and it was well before the MC and possibly even his dad's time.

It's also not like anyone's saying HERO is the hero of humanity. You can point out Ella's bullshit and still be against HERO's nonsense. As far as I'm concerned, the eugenics stuff is completely irrelevant and is only really mentioned to try to make HERO out as being the bigger "evil" of the two in a discussion about Ella. Like I said in the past, it's not an either or scenario. You can dislike and/or hate them both. So far, HERO hasn't done anything wrong against me since I joined.
Sorry, but I don't care how long ago something so vile as Eugenics was done be it 10, 100, or 1,000 years ago. I don't care if it was the only reason we 'may' have even survived being infected by monsters the fact it was done and is just glazed over is well, horrid.

I recall regular humans in a scene (with either Malik or Bernhardt, I think its dependent on certain choices as I got either of them via 2 playthroughs) asking if it was true and even being angry over the instant idgaf attitude about it (at least in Bernhardt's case i don't remember how Malik reacted if he did at all.)

Also, while yes we cannot change the past in any regards we can still hold those liable for such a crime against humanity and it gives me further reason to tear HERO a new one if we can one day defect be it on our own or by Ella (honestly even with my dislike of Ella I rather be with her than the Eugenics squad).
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Sorry, but I don't care how long ago something so vile as Eugenics was done be it 10, 100, or 1,000 years ago. I don't care if it was the only reason we 'may' have even survived being infected by monsters the fact it was done and is just glazed over is well, horrid.

I recall regular humans in a scene (with either Malik or Bernhardt, I think its dependent on certain choices as I got either of them via 2 playthroughs) asking if it was true and even being angry over the instant idgaf attitude about it (at least in Bernhardt's case i don't remember how Malik reacted if he did at all.)

Also, while yes we cannot change the past in any regards we can still hold those liable for such a crime against humanity and it gives me further reason to tear HERO a new one if we can one day defect be it on our own or by Ella (honestly even with my dislike of Ella I rather be with her than the Eugenics squad).
And again, why would I care about the eugenics? It's irrelevant to me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
And again, why would I care about the eugenics? It's irrelevant to me.
Irrelevant to you? They played with not only our MC but the rest of the world's genetics. I see you are the type to stand idly by while evil triumphs but even you have to see the actual issues with this yes? No matter which way you swing it even if it's for the 'greater good' (on some villain type speak shit) what they did was a crime against all humans, even our MC whom is a superhuman now.

Anyone and everyone involved in that Eugenics fuckery is most likely still alive (I'm sure all of the captains in HERO were involved in some way heck I think Bernhardt basically confirms he was involved more or less) and yes as we are now we could do nothing against anyone involved but if we got strong enough (and our allies as well) than perhaps we could do something.

At the end of the day this is not only a moral but ethical dilemma in which humanity as a whole had ZERO say in but instead a small group of elites got to decide on such an extremely important thing. You can say it's irrelevant to you all you wish but I'm sure Weird wouldn't just drop something as massive as Eugenics in without it playing a major role later (especially since humans got fucked up big time during the assault and then the Eugenics shit got dropped on em...I personally wouldn't be surprised if even some folks in HERO would try to defect (low level thugs not captains or anyone high up).

This is also something in which we'll see plenty of folks side with SIN in be they superhuman or just a regular human, HERO outright said "human lives do not matter" (more or less) in regards to their superhuman counterpart. I'm actually excited to see how that evolves as well (I doubt HERO gives a fuck what humans think but getting more superhumans to turn to SIN isn't in their best interests even if none of them currently could hold a candle to the strongest members or even mid level HERO members).


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Irrelevant to you? They played with not only our MC but the rest of the world's genetics. I see you are the type to stand idly by while evil triumphs but even you have to see the actual issues with this yes? No matter which way you swing it even if it's for the 'greater good' (on some villain type speak shit) what they did was a crime against all humans, even our MC whom is a superhuman now.

Anyone and everyone involved in that Eugenics fuckery is most likely still alive (I'm sure all of the captains in HERO were involved in some way heck I think Bernhardt basically confirms he was involved more or less) and yes as we are now we could do nothing against anyone involved but if we got strong enough (and our allies as well) than perhaps we could do something.

At the end of the day this is not only a moral but ethical dilemma in which humanity as a whole had ZERO say in but instead a small group of elites got to decide on such an extremely important thing. You can say it's irrelevant to you all you wish but I'm sure Weird wouldn't just drop something as massive as Eugenics in without it playing a major role later (especially since humans got fucked up big time during the assault and then the Eugenics shit got dropped on em...I personally wouldn't be surprised if even some folks in HERO would try to defect (low level thugs not captains or anyone high up).
Yeah, no, see this isn't the gotcha you think it is. One of your biggest mistakes is thinking I'm actually virtuous as a person when I literally said on several occasions that I would slaughter countless people for the 4th. It's like people forgot who they're talking to here and that I actually killed Demi for basically no reason. You're legit talking to someone with corruption brain rot.

They played around with our gene pool, generations ago. It had no negative impact on me or my friends in current times. Am I not a superhuman? Yes. So why the hell would I care about anything else not related to my own immediate surroundings? Once again, why should I give a flying fuck about their eugenics? :KEK:

So yes, I don't care about the eugenics. You asked why we don't mention it often and I gave you my own reason to satisfy that curiosity of yours. It didn't affect me negatively or anyone I'm associated with so I don't care. Yes, it's irrelevant to me and trying to push it as something that's a huge problem is literally barking up the wrong tree. My tree, specifically.
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Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
Again, probably I'm the minority but I respect Jake a lot more than most. His power is extremely strong and he did
try to make things right with Mia. Even if he did fuck shit up worse

When you finally have him beaten, his last act (he thinks) is to protect Mia. That shows balls.

He's much better as a potential ally


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Yeah, no, see this isn't the gotcha you think it is. One of your biggest mistakes is thinking I'm actually virtuous as a person when I literally said on several occasions that I would slaughter countless people for the 4th. It's like people forgot who they're talking to here and that I actually killed Demi for basically no reason. You're legit talking to someone with corruption brain rot.

They played around with our gene pool, generations ago. It had no negative impact on me or my friends in current times. Am I not a superhuman? Yes. So why the hell would I care about anything else not related to my own immediate surroundings? Once again, why should I give a flying fuck about their eugenics? :KEK:

So yes, I don't care about the eugenics. You asked why we don't mention it often and I gave you my own reason to satisfy that curiosity of yours. It didn't affect me negatively or anyone I'm associated with so I don't care. Yes, it's irrelevant to me and trying to push it as something that's a huge problem is literally barking up the wrong tree. My tree, specifically.
You see Drako, I don't pay much attention to many folks around here but a select few cause I like what they have to say even if I disagree with it (you bein one of em...and lowkey your turning me into a mommy simp slowly but certainly...I'm starting to see da appeal) I've seen you say plenty of times you slaughter folks for your goddess mommy 4th (bloody simp but I can't talk much I simp over a fuckin dog who probably has arthritis) and I have said prior that I do the same but not cause of some hot mommy but because I'm a murderhobo but god damn I'm a murderhobo with some morals and ethics in place (Eugenics being my hard line although I will fuck house plants if given the chance).

I'll drop this topic cause it'll obviously go nowhere but it is nice to see differing opinions on such a heavy topic indeed.

On another note I agree with most of what you said in the prior page in regards to Ella.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Again, probably I'm the minority but I respect Jake a lot more than most. His power is extremely strong and he did
try to make things right with Mia. Even if he did fuck shit up worse

When you finally have him beaten, his last act (he thinks) is to protect Mia. That shows balls.

He's much better as a potential ally
Oh he's most def a great potential ally just for his ability alone for real. That shit is strong af and even more so when he evolves again.
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