
Active Member
Jul 13, 2021

Personally i think superhumans can get stronger than their monster parents because they are not getting their powers per se, when they evolve they are instead connecting to either their numbered, arbiter or maybe even something stronger. Deus bad end shows that Mc connected to (apparently) another plane of existence, maybe they connect to something at the place of origin of the monsters.
It is highly probable that the source of power that facilitates the superhuman evolution is something fundamental and cosmic, even beyond monsters. We get some hints about the cosmos during MC's evolution and the deadend37 events.

There is this line during MC's third evolution:

"My heartbeat quickens, the powerful muscle bursting with ancient power, pumping raw strength throughout my body, so much so that it blazes through the black armor that is now my own flesh."
Or these snippets from the lvl 5 MC.
"I crash through the ceiling, out into the open sky."
You "*deep breath*"
"It feels better, but still oh so confined. I don't like this place; I don't like it at all."
"It's part of me, born from me, and yet still.... I can't abide it."
"But I must, there is more I need to do here. Someone I need to see. Their chosen."
You "WherRe.."
"I scan the area, it's filled with our tainted lineage, too many for me to count."
The word tainted here probably means something important. Perhaps the monsters beyond the numbered are an accident that wasn't supposed to happen?

Goliath thinks that whatever this being is, it's a god. The word faith is used. In a lot of fantasy works, gods are creators.

When talking about Malik, it says this:
"This body has surpassed its fifth, and yet still, the looming warrior fills me with apprehension. I'm not yet ready, I need at least one."
When he sees Ella and Nico:
"Rock breaks beneath my body, as it crashes through the mountain."
"Waiting for me are two perfected spawn, engaged in heated battle."
While this may not be a surprise, I think it's important to note that even to monsters, gods, or whatever this being is, the superhuman evolutions are a universal truth. It's not just something abstract, or some theory that humans and superhumans have conceived to explain the increases in power.

Is it possible that both humans and monsters descent from/are created by the Arbiters? That humans and monsters are actually related? Who knows.


Jun 22, 2017
It is highly probable that the source of power that facilitates the superhuman evolution is something fundamental and cosmic, even beyond monsters. We get some hints about the cosmos during MC's evolution and the deadend37 events.

There is this line during MC's third evolution:

Or these snippets from the lvl 5 MC.

The word tainted here probably means something important. Perhaps the monsters beyond the numbered are an accident that wasn't supposed to happen?

Goliath thinks that whatever this being is, it's a god. The word faith is used. In a lot of fantasy works, gods are creators.

When talking about Malik, it says this:

When he sees Ella and Nico:

While this may not be a surprise, I think it's important to note that even to monsters, gods, or whatever this being is, the superhuman evolutions are a universal truth. It's not just something abstract, or some theory that humans and superhumans have conceived to explain the increases in power.

Is it possible that both humans and monsters descent from/are created by the Arbiters? That humans and monsters are actually related? Who knows.
There are a few things that caught my attention:

1. Bad end Mc says that he doesn't like the place, even if it is part of him and born from him, at the moment HERO and SIN are fighting inside the pocket dimension made by hexenringue, is Mc refering to it ? because it doesn't look like something that resembles the powers of Body or Memory.

2. He mentions both "perfected spawn" refering to Ella and Nico, two superhumans, yet maybe "tainted lineage" refers to the monsters, so could it be that monsters consider infecting other creatures as their real way to reproduce ?

3. He says that he needs to "meet their chosen"and "i need at least one", so it's not his chosen, maybe this shows that 3rd and 4rth chose Ella and Mc so it makes sense to think it IS the arbiter talking, but at the same time he says he needs at least one, does that mean it could potentially be a chosen of another numbered? i mean if he absorbed a different spawn not related to his numbered could that work to restore his power?.


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
The word tainted here probably means something important. Perhaps the monsters beyond the numbered are an accident that wasn't supposed to happen?
Tainted lineage probably means not the pure form of the origin (or the parts of that from the Apostles)..
Aglaecwif tells us Ella is collecting the hearts of creatures with a pure and untainted lineage to the Apostles (or something like that anyway) so pure would be from just 1 Apostle and untainted would mean no other influences, like being tainted or part of their own species (either monster or spawn) deforming the powers of said Apostles in any way...

If the purpose of the Apostles is to bring back their Arbiter, only offspring of the 2 twins would matter, any combination of spawns that have a different Origin is useless... A spawn of the first breeding a spawn of the seventh simply will not match...


Sep 1, 2017
Or these snippets from the lvl 5 MC.
The stats screen shows ??? for our Evolution Level during that dead end, so I'm inclined to believe that we actually reach a state beyond simply just fifth evolution. Whether that's a true "level 6" sort of thing or just a very powerful level 5 however is obviously still up for debate.
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Monsters obviously can get stronger, but it seems as if the way evolution works for us, where we basically remake our whole self every time we evolve, to not just become stronger but become like the next version of ourselves is something beyond them. Like instead of just tuning a car, you get a new one.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Tainted lineage probably means not the pure form of the origin (or the parts of that from the Apostles)..
Aglaecwif tells us Ella is collecting the hearts of creatures with a pure and untainted lineage to the Apostles (or something like that anyway) so pure would be from just 1 Apostle and untainted would mean no other influences, like being tainted or part of their own species (either monster or spawn) deforming the powers of said Apostles in any way...

If the purpose of the Apostles is to bring back their Arbiter, only offspring of the 2 twins would matter, any combination of spawns that have a different Origin is useless... A spawn of the first breeding a spawn of the seventh simply will not match...
This explanation makes a lot of sense.

The stats screen shows ??? for our Evolution Level during that dead end, so I'm inclined to believe that we actually reach a state beyond simply just fifth evolution. Whether that's a true "level 6" sort of thing or just a very powerful level 5 however is obviously still up for debate.
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Monsters obviously can get stronger, but it seems as if the way evolution works for us, where we basically remake our whole self every time we evolve, to not just become stronger but become like the next version of ourselves is something beyond them. Like instead of just tuning a car, you get a new one.
I have entertained the thought in a previous post, that there is actually a 6th evolution, based on something Ella said after fixing Mia. I was probably overreaching and reading too much between the lines, but the main idea is that level 5 is the state where the Superhuman is ready to fullfill the purpose it was turned, and those select few that can actually complete their assignment evolve again.

Of course Humans have their own agenda, no matter if they are super or normal. It probably requires a certain level of "monster affinity" (for the lack of a better term) just to get the task.

The relative snippet is this:
Ella "Mhm. Once you've reached your fifth evolution, your body will lose its ability to evolve further."
Ella "The mechanism inside you will cease to function, you will be for all intents and purposes, complete."
Ella "No more deviation in your powers, no more unlocking new abilities. Only improving on what you already have."
You "(Five huh? I guess I have a number to shoot for. Assuming I can even endure them.)"
Ella "Until you're ready to fulfill the purpose of the powers given to you."
You "Purpose?"
Ella "Of course. You don't think monsters just give out power for no reason, do you?"
This can be read two ways:
1) Reach level 5 and continue getting stronger until you are strong enough to fullfill the purpose.
2) Reach level 5 and you will be given a purpose. The evolution mechanism will stop till you are ready to complete it.

I won't say that the chances of the second interpretation are high but I think it's something to keep in the back of my mind.
Ella is very cryptic about what the monsters want even if she claims that it's "simple". However perhaps the "simplicity" lies in.. passing the torch? Isn't that a big part of what parenthood is about?

If that's the case, then there's your 6th evolution. Not that groundbreaking of a revelation, but it makes some sense.


Sep 1, 2017
This explanation makes a lot of sense.

I have entertained the thought in a previous post, that there is actually a 6th evolution, based on something Ella said after fixing Mia. I was probably overreaching and reading too much between the lines, but the main idea is that level 5 is the state where the Superhuman is ready to fullfill the purpose it was turned, and those select few that can actually complete their assignment evolve again.

Of course Humans have their own agenda, no matter if they are super or normal. It probably requires a certain level of "monster affinity" (for the lack of a better term) just to get the task.

The relative snippet is this:

This can be read two ways:
1) Reach level 5 and continue getting stronger until you are strong enough to fullfill the purpose.
2) Reach level 5 and you will be given a purpose. The evolution mechanism will stop till you are ready to complete it.

I won't say that the chances of the second interpretation are high but I think it's something to keep in the back of my mind.
Ella is very cryptic about what the monsters want even if she claims that it's "simple". However perhaps the "simplicity" lies in.. passing the torch? Isn't that a big part of what parenthood is about?

If that's the case, then there's your 6th evolution. Not that groundbreaking of a revelation, but it makes some sense.
I'm of the opinion that said purpose is to be a vessel for the return of the arbiters, for those apostles working towards that goal, which seems to at least be our twin pair of apostles. It's possible that it's ??? because by allowing the origin into you, you've transcended into a higher plane of existence and as such labels like evolution levels stop mattering, rather than just level 6 or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I'm kinda curious if the MC (or HERO) in general will ever encounter a monster beyond S rank. the way the teacher made it sound it seems like they do not exist but he does say when a student asks about it "then we're all fucked" seems like level 5s won't be able to stop it and in such case perhaps there is something beyond level 5 but what exactly I have no clue.

My guess is that no one has been able to breach past level 5 simply because no one found a way around what has ceased functioning to even allow further evolution to begin with so it's just assumed 5 is the hard limit. Perhaps evolving beyond level 5 requires something else rather than the usual people have done and that's why everyone is just stuck at 5 when they get there.
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Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
I'm kinda curious if the MC (or HERO) in general will ever encounter a monster beyond S rank.
It's probably just S+ if it's a really strong S rank monster... Superhumans on their 5th evolution still get stronger too, they're just the top level... And why would that change any time soon, there's only 13 of them.... ;) (12 Hero, + Ella)
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
So what emy wanna talk about? How many women are we cockzilling? XD ; Gonnna ditch us for being a manwhore? Or as lexi said gonna do a Group job with the harem to give us a free sex change?


New Member
Oct 27, 2020
Just played the new update and I want to say the sex scenes really improved. Good job WeirdWorld. The action keeps reaching new heights. This transcended being a porn game with inspiration from prototype into one of the best visual novels I have ever seen. It's a cool experience, the art keeps improving and the story is solid. While as a horny game it's alright to good. As a game it's a blast to play, read and watch.
I am really glad to see a world with it's own worldbuilding and concepts. This is one of the games best strengths. Good characters that feel real and are fun to watch and interact with.
Just a thought weird. If you ever want this gem to blow up, put it on steam and get someone with a following to give a shout out and if you want main stream add an option for either censored or implied sexual content.

P.S Been playing and following your work for a long time and it always put a smile on my face and I hope you enjoyed making the game.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Just played the new update and I want to say the sex scenes really improved. Good job WeirdWorld. The action keeps reaching new heights. This transcended being a porn game with inspiration from prototype into one of the best visual novels I have ever seen. It's a cool experience, the art keeps improving and the story is solid. While as a horny game it's alright to good. As a game it's a blast to play, read and watch.
I am really glad to see a world with it's own worldbuilding and concepts. This is one of the games best strengths. Good characters that feel real and are fun to watch and interact with.
Just a thought weird. If you ever want this gem to blow up, put it on steam and get someone with a following to give a shout out and if you want main stream add an option for either censored or implied sexual content.

P.S Been playing and following your work for a long time and it always put a smile on my face and I hope you enjoyed making the game.
I still need some proper god damn pov doggystyle and a mating press back view personally but yes, the sex scenes have improved I suppose. I was thoroughly impressed by the new Liz NTR scene (looks wise) in particular. They've also improved their descriptive dialogue as well I've noticed, which can make or break a scene for most people. All I know is if we get some missionary or tentacle bullshit with Lisa I'm gonna lose my my fuckin mind.
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Nov 21, 2021
Micheal Carlowe - Level 2 - Energy Absorption and Emission. Absorbs ambient energy and superhuman energy to mix with his own internal energy. Energy can be repurposed to augment his physical abilities or be emitted as radiation blasts. Combat veteran. Confirmed child of the 2nd Apostle (the Power).
Hey, late in this, Michael is still on Evo 1. His big scene in the last update was just "figuring out how his powers work" not him evolving.

He's due for the serum, because "it's been a while since his evolution" while Alice and MC couldn't get it because they were too fresh.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Yeah, I would say we need some more variety with the sex scenes. We have to fuck Danica doggy style. Like, come on. The joke completes itself with her not being able to take it from the back. For Ella, she pretty much has variety already. We just need normal solo scenes with her really. Alice has a lot of variety too.

It's not that there's no variety, honestly, but more so that the scenes seem limited with the character it's with. Take Lexi for example. She thicc as hell after her rework. You would think the MC would be grabbing her titties, groping her ass and pulling on her piercings during sex but it's just missionary. It is their first sex though so maybe the MC was being more reserved with her? I hope we get to fuck her in her suit at least once and come on, sleep sex has to happen too. Similar to how he does it to Liz. Lexi just tells us we can do whatever we want with her body while she sleeps. Saying "It's not like you can actually hurt me during it" before making his dick diamond hard while pounding her.

Back to Ella though, I'm more surprised that she doesn't do something as simple as kiss the MC at times. All she does is make claims of being possessive without actually showing it. I believe she only kissed us at the start and that's it. If she forcibly kissed us at times like we're her property, it would make a lot of scenes wild(especially with Christie). Like that park scene where the MC can doubt her intentions. That actually felt like one of the best moments for that, in my opinion. But hey, imagine their reunion after she revives and the MC tries to read her memories. Only to be pulled in for a kiss in front of everybody. It would be insane. Alice might just lose her shit.

Even something as simple as kissing like that would've made her seem serious about it. I get that some players would've found it annoying, especially if they hated her but it would only happen for players that have high relationship points with her, like myself. I think I have like 9 or 10 points with her or something.

But yeah, I think some scenes could use some more spice to them. Nico definitely needs to be fucked into submission. If any character needed to be dominated, it's her. I wouldn't want her personality to be changed outside of sex but during it, she gets pounded into oblivion. Face pinned down and her ass up, ready to be ravaged. I'm getting horny just thinking about it, if I'm being honest.


Sep 1, 2017
Yeah, I would say we need some more variety with the sex scenes. We have to fuck Danica doggy style. Like, come on. The joke completes itself with her not being able to take it from the back. For Ella, she pretty much has variety already. We just need normal solo scenes with her really. Alice has a lot of variety too.

It's not that there's no variety, honestly, but more so that the scenes seem limited with the character it's with. Take Lexi for example. She thicc as hell after her rework. You would think the MC would be grabbing her titties, groping her ass and pulling on her piercings during sex but it's just missionary. It is their first sex though so maybe the MC was being more reserved with her? I hope we get to fuck her in her suit at least once and come on, sleep sex has to happen too. Similar to how he does it to Liz. Lexi just tells us we can do whatever we want with her body while she sleeps. Saying "It's not like you can actually hurt me during it" before making his dick diamond hard while pounding her.

Back to Ella though, I'm more surprised that she doesn't do something as simple as kiss the MC at times. All she does is make claims of being possessive without actually showing it. I believe she only kissed us at the start and that's it. If she forcibly kissed us at times like we're her property, it would make a lot of scenes wild(especially with Christie). Like that park scene where the MC can doubt her intentions. That actually felt like one of the best moments for that, in my opinion. But hey, imagine their reunion after she revives and the MC tries to read her memories. Only to be pulled in for a kiss in front of everybody. It would be insane. Alice might just lose her shit.

Even something as simple as kissing like that would've made her seem serious about it. I get that some players would've found it annoying, especially if they hated her but it would only happen for players that have high relationship points with her, like myself. I think I have like 9 or 10 points with her or something.

But yeah, I think some scenes could use some more spice to them. Nico definitely needs to be fucked into submission. If any character needed to be dominated, it's her. I wouldn't want her personality to be changed outside of sex but during it, she gets pounded into oblivion. Face pinned down and her ass up, ready to be ravaged. I'm getting horny just thinking about it, if I'm being honest.
Lexi especially seems like she can handle a lot of pain, bit sad that we haven't had a chance to go ham on a pure masochist/painslut character.
Ella kissing the MC after waking up in full view of the more possessive girls in the harem definitely seems like something she'd do, just to stir shit up.
Both Ella and Nico need to be dominated hard and properly fucked into oblivion, Nico especially, the bratty shit.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Yeah, I would say we need some more variety with the sex scenes. We have to fuck Danica doggy style. Like, come on. The joke completes itself with her not being able to take it from the back. For Ella, she pretty much has variety already. We just need normal solo scenes with her really. Alice has a lot of variety too.

It's not that there's no variety, honestly, but more so that the scenes seem limited with the character it's with. Take Lexi for example. She thicc as hell after her rework. You would think the MC would be grabbing her titties, groping her ass and pulling on her piercings during sex but it's just missionary. It is their first sex though so maybe the MC was being more reserved with her? I hope we get to fuck her in her suit at least once and come on, sleep sex has to happen too. Similar to how he does it to Liz. Lexi just tells us we can do whatever we want with her body while she sleeps. Saying "It's not like you can actually hurt me during it" before making his dick diamond hard while pounding her.

Back to Ella though, I'm more surprised that she doesn't do something as simple as kiss the MC at times. All she does is make claims of being possessive without actually showing it. I believe she only kissed us at the start and that's it. If she forcibly kissed us at times like we're her property, it would make a lot of scenes wild(especially with Christie). Like that park scene where the MC can doubt her intentions. That actually felt like one of the best moments for that, in my opinion. But hey, imagine their reunion after she revives and the MC tries to read her memories. Only to be pulled in for a kiss in front of everybody. It would be insane. Alice might just lose her shit.

Even something as simple as kissing like that would've made her seem serious about it. I get that some players would've found it annoying, especially if they hated her but it would only happen for players that have high relationship points with her, like myself. I think I have like 9 or 10 points with her or something.

But yeah, I think some scenes could use some more spice to them. Nico definitely needs to be fucked into submission. If any character needed to be dominated, it's her. I wouldn't want her personality to be changed outside of sex but during it, she gets pounded into oblivion. Face pinned down and her ass up, ready to be ravaged. I'm getting horny just thinking about it, if I'm being honest.
Well it's not even just that though. If it's not reserved missionary style then it's pump and dump tentacle porn or a front view of their tits or lack of. I think the main issue though is the angles. Take Christine for example; she has some cowgirl, doggystyle, ass jobs, yadda yadda yadda. But the angles for most of said scenes is a...side angle view? Why? Doggystyle you wanna see that ass get in deep but what we get is usually her facial reaction or an almost too close shot of her ass, maybe I'm just picky I dunno.

Missionary isn't boring by any means and I like tentacles occasionally, but when all of these women have so much fuckin meat EVERYWHERE none of it is being appreciated when they are dangled by tentacle dicks or lovingly cuddled by missionary.

Ella has some good scenes too with her Dead End. She's riding you but not only do we get to see a front view of her tits, but a back view of her ass.

Alice her tits are everywhere, so we will see them even in doggystyle which has been fruitful thus far. We got a tit job, handjob, etc. Luckily her front view is tagged with alternatives during her scenes.

Jess got a blowjob and you guessed it, a fucking missionary. And then AGAIN when you futa fuck her but from an EVEN WORSE angle somehow. And if it's not that, it's a tentacle pump and dump fuck.

Amber's got some scenes that I like, with her deepthroat probably standing out the most, her slight tentacle hold fuck and breast play, not my thing but it was still I wide variety. We got some reverse cowgirl too but Amber isn't as meaty in the ass as some of the other gals I'd like to see. Ooo front view!......

Tess was, you guessed it, missionary. With a kind of nice spitroast but the angle was restricted to a side view which was essentially just 2 Legos mashing a piece of clay together from my view. Her female route stuff was alright I liked it, and her futa stuff was also okay. The rest of hers is yet again, tentacle shit with a barely visible handjob.

Demi has a meaty ass too in fact it's literally stated multiple fucking times, and yet; we've only gotten ONE ass view from reverse cowgirl and that's it. The other scenes are yet another dogshit viewpoint of holding her at the beach so I can admire her chest board despite her very tempting ass sticking out moments earlier. Her blowjob was really good with Clover annnnd the double did would've maybe been my forte if it wasn't a basic sideview.

Angelina is walking tits, so I literally couldn't care less about most of her scenes, that being said, W.W stuck true to her quality features, and even sprinkled in some doggystyle to boot which was alright. Oh and there's some missionary.

Emily probably pisses me off the most, she's probably got the meatiest ass other than Lisa ofc, and has been noted as such, yet our first doggystyle scene is a down view of her tits, even after the initial enticement was a VIEW OF HER ASS. That's like promising a tit job and giving you an ass job as if it was going to happen what did you expect? Her deepthroat was fun, her masochist side is also very nice, and the rest of her scenes kinda didn't care for as she's riding us from frontal or side view, lots of rides. Ah did I mention there was some missionary?

Clover was some weird clitoris cowgirl that I don't really care for and her blowjob was far better, other than that, not much else to say. There's some lesbian missionary...

Laurie was, WOW a MISSIONARY.

Brianna was, WOWZERS ANOTHER MISSIONARY your fist scene, then there's some nice Doggystyle from a better angle than most in this game but then right back to, you guessed it, missionary.

Alexis missionary.

Miniak with Kenny's Mother was frontal view cowgirl and the sewer bitches were a front view partial thing.

Tiffany first time, missionary, the second time a frontal view of her cowgirl. Her tit job was nice tho.

Bailey was a lot of tentacle stuff and for the most part enjoyable rather than just tossing her up then down like Tess or Jess.

Nikki had some nice ass fuckin doggystlye, chef's kiss, and she was thicc to boot.

Liz has lots of cowgirl if I'm not mistaken, even in her NTR with a nice balance of doggy on her NTR side. She kinda just does whatever, lots of front view tho.

So I'm sensing a pattern here, we got some passionate fucks down at the Patreon that need to spice up the sex life a LITTLE more than just staring at tits and viewing the entire front of the female form.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Lexi especially seems like she can handle a lot of pain, bit sad that we haven't had a chance to go ham on a pure masochist/painslut character.
Ella kissing the MC after waking up in full view of the more possessive girls in the harem definitely seems like something she'd do, just to stir shit up.
Both Ella and Nico need to be dominated hard and properly fucked into oblivion, Nico especially, the bratty shit.
Ella is pretty much a bottom for the MC so it's not really going to have the same effect. Even though she gives off energy of being a top, she lets the MC have his way with her in most scenes. Which is something I spoke about a long time ago. So dominating her isn't really going to be as exciting since she pretty much lets us do what we want already.

Well it's not even just that though. If it's not reserved missionary style then it's pump and dump tentacle porn. I think the main issue though is the angles. Take Christine for example; she has some cowgirl, doggystyle, ass jobs, yadda yadda yadda. But the angles for most of said scenes is a...side angle view? Why? Doggystyle you wanna see that ass get in deep but what we get is usually her facial reaction or an almost too close shot of her ass, maybe I'm just picky I dunno.

Missionary isn't boring by any means and I like tentacles occasionally, but when all of these women have so much fuckin meat EVERYWHERE none of it is being appreciated when they are dangled by tentacle dicks or lovingly cuddled by missionary.
I covered this by saying the scenes are limited with the characters, using Lexi as an example, basically. Alice is the major counter point to it all though, in reference to me saying they're limited. Her Bunny scenes alone was pretty hot and had plenty of positions. Hell, most of Alice scenes have been great. It's more like the other LIs aren't getting as much action and angle work during their scenes.

Thinking about it, I believe Alice is the MC's first girlfriend. Time wise, I don't think you can get Liz or Amber fast enough to be your girlfriend. Emily isn't really looking for a hard relationship when we're talking to her. Christie doesn't really count. She was just down bad for our cock and wanted to be pole sisters with Ella. So basically, Alice is legal wifey.
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