
Jan 27, 2021
Let's be honest. If Alice and Michael were out there the Twins would have gotten fisted. Deryl is a glorified support character. Very convenient to temporarily write the both of them out of the story
Match-ups are very important in Superhuman.

Like, Michael might actually lose if he fought Evander, because his power is partly fueled by monster energy, and if he runs out, he's screwed. He also doesn't have great compatibility with his trait.

Alice would probably have a lot of trouble with Devana, because Devana can create a flying monster to ride and Alice can't fly. She could probably pull Devana down with her gravity power, but she might not get the chance if Devana is constantly attacking her.

Lastly, as I already stated, Deryl would probably destroy Evander, because his currently capabilities match up very well against him, while MC is really struggling against Evander and probably won't be able to beat him.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
Alice would probably have a lot of trouble with Devana, because Devana can create a flying monster to ride and Alice can't fly. She could probably pull Devana down with her gravity power, but she might not get the chance if Devana is constantly attacking her.
I wouldn't be surprised if Alice's gravity power evolves to allow her to fly, possibly as a result of combatting Devana or some other flyer/flight capable monster/superhuman, or possibly even evolution-jab.

Powers relating to gravity manipulation are potentially among the most OP in any superpower setting. Plus it could open up a "hole" slew of jokes/memes about staying away from her "black hole". :sneaky:


Oct 23, 2019
I wouldn't be surprised if Alice's gravity power evolves to allow her to fly, possibly as a result of combatting Devana or some other flyer/flight capable monster/superhuman, or possibly even evolution-jab.
Well...more likely it would be Alice on lvl 3+


Jun 22, 2017
Oh boy, its good to be back, good update overral though not as bombastic as others, mostly i think we had a lot of preparation for the future.

I admit i expected a lot more fighting at SIN's infiltration but it was pretty chill actually, Met and Rina were good aditions to the game, Met is a less awkward Michael and Rina is just too cute, guess the milf lovers will have a good time with her.
The battle Royale was cool but i was dissapointed that Mc had to hold back so much, at least we had a good look at some of the new SIN people, metal girl, rock punch guy and of course the twins. Those two may corfirm many of the wildest theories around here and some people at SIN already think tha being twin spawns of apostles is a pretty big deal.
On an unrelated note the monster dog really did call my attention, the way he seemed to respect Mc a lot, i can only imagine that it is because of Mc being a spawn, the thing didn't care at all about SIN or even Ella's orphans but he did look up to the strong monsters, poor thing just wants to eat in peace, wish we could adopt it as our monster dog.
By the way fucking Jared officially has the strongest plot armor in this whole game, mf just let me kill you already !!!

At first i thought that SIN had some kind of partnership with the monsters but things are not really that, Charlie and Zara use their power to keep them in check as much as the captains do that at HERO, though the last are still only considering mind control, if SIN has any chance to be what their name means Langdon has to go.
The escape was also so easy that we were even able to hang out with Nico, i knew she was just waiting to get some tentacle love but watching her get flushed thinking about hot teleporting sex across the universe made me laugh :KEK:.
And to finish, so that's how Zack's powers work, he basically resets everything and picks the timeline he wants, how do you even fight a guy like that, time travel fuckers are going to be a REAL pain in the ass if Mc ever turns against HERO, but that begs the question, what did he fight that forced him to chose a timeline where he and his whole team were down ?

The rest of the update we didn't see a lot of trouble and even the fights didn't feel that hard, we had a lot of training for memory powers and i think this is a build up for some major development very soon, Mc's mom never fails to be entertaining, either for being a hot airhead or a true mistery, the fact that she is afraid of lighting and all her conversation fits more and more with monster mom theory.

We also had a very awaited moment:
Ella returns, though not the one expected, the idea of a mini Ella hanging out in Mc's pocket or shoulders is so damn funny, a lot of stuff on this front and even some development on her relationship with Mc at the player's choice, hope to her big version back soon.
Also now we know what happened at Ella's school and it seems she saved Chris by stopping herself during evolution trance, do you think she was trying to get acess to memory powers by eating people's brains ?

Plenty of scenes with our girls though i have to say Nico takes first place, that was THE wildest scene maybe of all game, Nico simps can finally rest in peace after that crazy shit :BootyTime:.

And to finish seems like HERO did took the L this time, Mc info didn't help since it led to believe only Eishet was coming for the twins but had they sent Bernhartd as it was the plan Mc wouldn't be in a 3v1 now, also i have to say some time ago i theorized Shen would appear and try to mind attack Mc and this would help him get acess to the memories of his mom, and even more teach him to use mind powers at distance, glad to see that at least in part that seems to be the case :WeSmart:.


Nov 23, 2020
So, what do we think of that monster not attacking MC? I've seen multiple instances in where the slightly more intelligent mosnter (aside from Valravn) the monsters are willing to not attack the MC. It's.....idk, respect? A connection? Something is going on there for sure for them to willingly not want to attack him. Also, I'm hoping next update sets up a choice for us on SIN and HERO. Maybe now all our choices regarding HERO, Xanthe, SIN, and Ella will come into play. If your MC has been incredibly negative about HERO and always decided not give all the info you had about SIN/Ella you get to break away. If you've been helpful and positive about HERO you stay with them. It seems, and maybe I'm wrong, that Ella wants MC to join SIN. I may be totally off-base here but from the hints we get about how Ella views us I get the feeling she wants MC to be leader or co-leader of SIN. Lastly, and this is my totally tin-foil theory here, but what if MC's mother is a monster or has some connection? Him being called a spawn and his mother...well....not knowing how to behave like a normal human just gets me spit balling about theories
I don't see there being a choice as to whether you can join SIN or stay with HERO in the game. WW would either have to write two variants of the storyline, or there wouldn't be any meaningful difference between the choice. Since WW is only one developer and doesn't have a team that would be too much work for each update. You might be able to make a choice towards the end of the game that gives different endings, but it would be too much work before the end.

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
liz and amber might become superhuman and then we will have twins vs twins..
Well... if they do get suped up then they would probably be under SIN's control too. MC would need to find a way to break Zara and Charlie's control before we get our Twins back.
With Ella dead there's no one to keep Langdon from dragging SIN into a more evil selfcentered direction.
MC and Nico ruin whole ceremony before Mett, Rina and Twins get their marks.
Yea they wrecked the ceremony but ... Met and Rina were still in the Hexringe's dimension... don't think they could have just gone back to the "real world" on their own just cause everyone else got portaled away. That is why I worry that they probably got whisked away somewhere else or captured and forced under SIN's control.

It useless. To counter Delvana ability you need be regenerative monster like MC or be able to dematerialise your body
Ya no I agree to that... the Moon Chick would have been beaten by the MC if nothing else than purely on Stamina, the MC would have eventually just outlasted her if he did'nt impale or knock her out sooner.
We obviously will down the line. Fucker has it coming
Ya just Can't wait to shove one of his explosive arrows right up his own ass. Or maybe 10 of em...
Although, I am pretty sure the only reason they don't force people is that the vow based mind control does not work unless it is a genuine vow.
I am not completely sure if I remember correctly but from the earlier updates it was mentioned that as long as the person agrees to the oath verbally it doesn't matter if they mean it or not. Pretty sure the Pink cow lady forces Nathan to take the oath. ah wait nvm just replayed the route. You have to take the oath on your own even if she forces you to speak the words it wont count.
As for the rest, I do agree both HERO and SIN are just peddling bullshit, the higher ups at HERO just want to maintain the status quo with them and their allies around the world Staying on top while SIN under Ella wanted to execute a more Survival of the Fittest style global sink or swim style apocalypse while ensuring they themselves stay safe ... but with Ella dead it seems Langdon is going to corrupt that organization for his personal gains. Most of the kids from Ella's orphanage seem mostly innocent aswell just following their Big sis... committing heinous atrocities just cause they believe their Big Sis's Big Plan... except Cole... that cole's a real ass'hole.

Well, we don't actually know, I think. Deryl himself seemed unsure as to whether he was level 2 or level 3. Regardless, his power doesn't seem to put much strain on his body so he's probably pretty weak physically.
Not sure how "deployable armour seeds" would save him from bombs that are literally strapped to him. Would the seeds grow from his skin or something? How would they get between him and the bombs?
Oh ya his evolution status is kinda vague and complicated since he basically constructed his own clones and then later on fused with them to become the final Deryl ... probably gave up large chunks of the corrupted mind of monster Deryl that fought the MC... that one was evo3 ...
anyways Ideally yeah instant armor seeds would be preprogrammed like all other seeds and hidden on his person to instantly spread nanites or Deryl's personal superior version of nanites... that golden liquid he makes things out of... spreading it over his body in a thin layer and then building outwards repelling, crushing or removing any foreign objects embedded or attached to him. Prioritizing his head where his Big Genius Melon is then the torso and then the limbs. Or alternatively multiple seeds in bracelet's, anklets and necklace/collar/choker whatevers that work together to cover him up faster.
My point is Deryl is the smart one AND he was the perfect person there to quickly grasp the Moon twin boy's powers and counter them and he ended up getting knocked out too easily. As soon as he found out about the MC being a superhuman the first thing he did was go test a sample of his genetic matter and come back to tell the MC what his weaknesses are. Guy like that, if he knew his body wasn't physically as strong as other super humans then he would have used his means to reinforce himself against that weakness. heck a helmet would have atleast kept him from getting knocked out by the concussive force of the bombs the Moon chick put on him, since those did'nt blow his limbs off I assume its the force that just knocked him out.
Then again maybe Deryl did develop a badass Gundam mode offscreen with seeds that form multiple automaton arms that fire a wide and deadly array of beams and projectiles... he just didn't get to use them cause he lost a quickdraw ? I guess the point is moot, if Deryl did know he could have been physically overpowered he would have armored up as soon as combat began... instead of just using a big ass shield. Maybe big bulky armor is just not his style ? and he prefers the mobility and dodging attacks.
Ella told the MC that consuming large amounts of flesh can provide energy to fuel transformations, but so far I don't think it's really been necessary.
Huh, maybe that will come into play later/now. MiniElla has given MC tips on how to give permanence to objects after detaching them from his main body. MC also has somewhat mastered turning flesh to metal... Maybe MC will go find a nest and have an artsy fartsy phase creating sharp shiny jewelry for all his babes ... just grab a monster, remove its head and absorb it to recharge and make a new spikey chain or a heavy steel brick, just to grind up some stats, expand his stamina pool.


Oct 23, 2019
I don't see there being a choice as to whether you can join SIN or stay with HERO in the game. WW would either have to write two variants of the storyline, or there wouldn't be any meaningful difference between the choice. Since WW is only one developer and doesn't have a team that would be too much work for each update. You might be able to make a choice towards the end of the game that gives different endings, but it would be too much work before the end.
After SIN kidnap Liz and Amber which probably would led to at least 1 of them end up dead, i dont see how MC could join SIN. Because it would become personal to him.


Nov 23, 2020
Yea they wrecked the ceremony but ... Met and Rina were still in the Hexringe's dimension... don't think they could have just gone back to the "real world" on their own just cause everyone else got portaled away. That is why I worry that they probably got whisked away somewhere else or captured and forced under SIN's control.
You run into Met and Rina when they visit the shopkeep, so they got out of the dimension. They were calling each other partner. I warned them and they refused the oath and mark in my playthroughs, so I'm not sure if that's different if they take the mark.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
What, how is that possible?
Do the tournament path, use the drug you find and get the other power boost for reaching the end. Then try to kill Jared, Zack will use his power to reset the loop but you get to keep the power increase. Now do the infiltration path dropping out of the tournament early, and proceed to the end.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I warned them and they refused the oath and mark in my playthroughs, so I'm not sure if that's different if they take the mark.
If you don't warn them the MC objects alone and winds up marked with the brand. So that's probably not the best choice to make.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
Let s say - he is naive stupid child, who view world in pink colors with pony and rainbows

How it change the fact that SIN basicly help those creatures to conquer Earth?

Truth is - THEY NEVER HAD CONTROL FROM THE START. Basicly this means - Estheth could beat their ass (or eat them alive)

if they even think about oppose her urges. They even fail to take weakling like Valvaran under control. Estheth did whatever she want and until certain point of time her needs just werent so hard to hide. Rest of sentient Monsters are the same as Estheth
And we dont mention rouge monsters who hunt people on daily basis

I support that. What i mean - SIN present real threat to HERO. Threat that is taken very lightly until now. HERO must do something huge in order to escape War on two fronts which probably would be hard to win if not deadly for whole world. Now HERO need somehow rapidly improve their ground troops (1-3 lvl agents) so they could stay for themself and protect area from monsters or SIN agents attacks, while HERO Big Shots (captains and lieutenant) would manage main threat (S-rank monsters and top SIN members)
As it is for now - HERO recruit big numbers of civilians and lets be fair - at least 50% of them are not suited for combat mentally ( and i doubt that they are OK with killing humans = SIN agents). On contrast SIN recruit former soldiers, assassins, mercenaries, etc - people who have actual combat experience or at least serve in military, police, all that kind of organisations. Needles to say that they are by far better troops, then HERO have (this is why i think it would be wise for HERO to hire Mett into their ranks as field commander officer and make Michail Chief instructor for incoming recruits)
SIN by itself presents no current threat to HERO. Clark makes that clear between the captains and lieutenants they can basically stalemate the monster threat forever

Nobody in SIN can fight Alexis or Clark, never mind Henri or Malik or Bernhardt. The MC would murk either twin in a 1v1
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Oct 23, 2019
SIN by itself presents no current threat to HERO. Clark makes that clear between the captains and lieutenants they can basically stalemate the monster threat forever
And Zack in this update said that S rank monsters present a threat even to captains. Not to mention SENTIENT S rank monsters and SIN have at least equal to Captains number of Sentient S rank Monsters and bunch of usual ones. MC already think that even if HERO win this fight - there are not much from Earth left in aftermath
Nobody in SIN can fight Alexis or Clark, never mind Henri or Malik or Bernhardt. The MC would murk either twin in a 1v1
1. We dont know this for sure. For example guy who tied with Estheth - look pretty strong to me
2.MC would die against Male Twin. We basicly cant touch him and escape from this Twin - best of what we can do against him
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