I named mine "Darkness". The Armor looks similar enough to Jackie's from the Darkness comics. The tentacles and tendrils as well. Plus it was one of the Dev's inspiration for this game so I thought it would be fitting. Then seeing how Jackie Estacado(the host of The Darkness) was apart of the mafia and stuff. It all just worked out well.
Also, the Bailey thing resembled what happened in the comics as well. If the Dev did that unintentionally that's amazing. In the comic, Jackie can't have sex from fear of dying as a consequence/stipulation with the Darkness. Basically the power passes on to the next generation if a child is conceived, killing the host immediately, unless the Darkness itself does the deed. Anyway, Jackie creates a female darkness lifeform for sex and she became sentient. She was extremely loyal against even the main Darkness itself(if I recall correctly). It was pretty cool and similar to how Bailey is. Though the MC didn't create her in game.
That's about it. Just a bit of further details for why I did the "Darkness" name and how it fit in perfectly with the game. I might've mentioned this Bailey similarity thing before in an older post. If I didn't then this was the perfect chance to do it.