Interesting.No, you don't. So far, in the current version, it doesn't make much of a difference. It very well might at a later point, though.
I'm kind of curious about what entity we got when we evolved.
I remember it fighting back when Jake tried to take control of the MC's mind "I won't bow down to the Authority" or something like that. If Jake's entity is supposed to be this Authority then what is the MC's? Why is their symbol a red hand with an eye and what does it mean? Actually I'm curious about several powers and their origins. Klaus is supposed to be some kind of plasma, while Alice is supposed to be... uhh... something that can counter plasma? We got something related to the Moon...
Argh! So many questions!
Very interesting! Before going down this inquiry I had theorized that this "Mother" had given us superior transformative abilities, whereas the other monster, "Father", would give us better mind-sight abilities, on the principle of their encounter. Mother transforms, Father does mind stuff. So while we get both powers, one is better at one thing versus the other. But alas... it doesn't seem to be the case.No, unfortunately. It's the same no matter what. Only difference is you gain a new Monster Parent. Mother(4th) who gives you a BJ or a Father(3rd) who mindfucks you.
As for High Corruption, you learn some abilities faster and can dominate other monsters(Minyak) but at the cost of you sanity. For example, you understand more of what your Monster parent is saying among other things.
I don't remember the limit allowed but it should be between 10 and 12 points for corruption currently. You should have around 50 or 51 Power Points as well if you played full corruption by the end of the current update.
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