*The story that Demi told, of her and Clover's history gave me a bit to speculate on. The bullying was INTENSE, and climatically hugely criminal, the while Clover was soft on them but ultimately didn't stop it even at the climax. Demi's very naïve: they've rationalized all that, as if they can't accept the notion of malice.
Or it's the... Fuck I forgot how it's called... The same thing that happens to women beaten to shit by their husband, but who keep defending them and ultimately running back to them when other people try to save them. Though in Demi's case, there's likely some psychological stuff going on with them likely not being psychologically able to face the fact they were being (essentially) tortured for fun. Facing and accepting that type of stuff can destroy someone if they aren't strong enough mentally.
*When the monster finds them burnt, and bound in the sun it there's more to think on. The nature of the monster perhaps taking pity on them; If Demi had taken a pill and didn't know or think to tell us, or just chance the monster found her.
Likely just chance. After all, not all superhumans are created by Ella. She didn't create the people at HERO, and herself. Demi's probably just one of the "natural superhuman" so to speak.
*There's also each person who'd taken part in it disappearing save for Clover which makes one wander if that was on Clover's or the Monsters initiative and it just spared her or even tasked her with protecting Demi as recompense.
Ho that one's easy. It's clearly Clover going full yandere on each of them. I thought the subtext on that one was pretty obvious. Clover very likely decided to lure out each of the bully and deal with them someway or another.
She has, so far, pretty much all of the telltale signs of a yandere : obsessive to the extreme, no regards for decency or morality, a disregard for the object of their obsession's opinion in a "I know what you need best" type of deal, a tendency to violence with anyone they deem too close, and often ends up with extreme measures like kidnapping and locking up the person they're obsessed with.
And given this game, if it was a pure horror game and not also smut, it's likely Clover could go so far as to maim Demi to prevent them from fleeing (seen that in another yandere based hentai game, the girl ended up cutting off the guy's legs and arms to prevent him from running away again).
So yeah, Clover definitely either killed the bullies herself, or led them to their death one way or another.
*For Clover's part, apart from having a great deal of guilt for not protecting Demi, she fucked off and got yoked, before returning to protect them. Demi's ability probably fan's the fire, but Clover seems aware of what Demi is and seeks to protect them not only from external harm, but from their naivete of human nature. Like seeing herself as Demi's only true ally because of their past before turning and taking extra measures not only from guilt but also because Demi failed to recognize the malice for what it was or hold it against any of them.
Possible. Though if by "aware of what Demi is" you mean superhuman, I doubt it. I don't doubt that her guilt and Demi's power threw oil in the fire though, but I think there's something else going on in her head that made the whole cocktail to explosive.
Basically what Rutonat said. I'm never sure what's corruption locked or not while playing since I always have high corruption stats(except for my main but he's getting there). That Tower scene might be one of the corruption locked scenes. Rutonat also plays with little to no corruption, if I recall right, so they might not see it even if they did kill him.
No corruption at all !
My proud boy is still at an absolute 0 corruption so far. Though if the Sponsor guy's trying to kidnapp/NTR Liz, I might bloody my hands and not regret it.
Same with Neil actually.