Give the game a re-read really put a ton of things onto perspective, now I'm far more curious about various things, one of the most relevants being Henri more now than before, I didn't really remembered being mentioned bout him having jumped from level 1 straight to 5 on one night, no wonder the poor guy look so traumatized, that must have been a wild ride.
Keeping the topic on him though, a ton of people(me included) think about the theory of him being 'Paradox' on the same manner than MC is Evolution as a fact, but, how would that even happened?, I mean, the MC was converted by the third and the fourth personally, the direct "offspring" of Evolution, but I dobut Henri was converted by Fantasy/Truth on the same manner, and I can't really think on a monster born of those two paths naturally being the Sire, since according to Syla, the last six apostles don't mesh well, of course, is also possible that Henri was simply born(as a human) with Paradox already dormant inside him, and being converted by a random monster simply awaken that, while not actually inheriting anything of his direct Monster Parent.
But I don't know, after Ella's mention of a type of Gods that are basically 'Aliens' that come from other realms/universes(a category that we haven't seen represented so far since Arbiters/Apostles are more likely on the category before Universe creation) I'm thinking that Henri might be just that, a spawn of an "Alien Deity" totally outside the lineage of Arbiters/Apostles, instead of Paradox, that would explain why the Great King of the alternate humans despite embrace it's power still lost to the Second, being the spawn/reincarnation of an Outer being make you cracked as fuck, but not exactly a top dog like being an Arbiter born anew, what do you people think?, I'm onto something or Henri being paradox is simply the truth?