Yes, Numbered are, as far as we understand it so far, the most powerfull monsters there are. Potentially among the oldest, even. They are far smarter than your average Minyak.
Though, there might be one even higher than them, the "Dark God", unless he's also the first, that's not very clear so far.
Most major actor superhumans are likely "reborn" from Numbered. The MC is, Ella probably is (unconfirmed), Alice clearly is, Danica and Klaus potentially are as well (unconfirmed too). Oscar might have been turned by a Numbered, among the lower ones.
The thing with Numbered as we understand it so far, is that it's not a "those born first/oldest". It's a power ranking, so Oscar could very well have killed the lowest rank at the time, that got replaced by a newcomer to the ranking.
And for the MC, the titty monster is the 4th (lovingly nicknamed Mommy 4th) and the freaky guy is the 5th (jokingly nicknamed Daddy 5th from comparaison with the 4th). ...or was it 3rd ?
DrakoGhoul can you confirm ? was he the 5th or 3rd ? I forgot.

Altough, in the MC's case, there seem to possibly be another entity that talks to him. We're pretty unclear on who it is, but the eye symbol that appears during the Klaus fight doesn't seem connected to you monster parent of choice (I mean, I love Mommy 4th but girl doesn't have freaking eyes at all, so...).
And before you ask : so far the parent chosen has no bearing on anything, but WeirdWorld hinted, if memory serves, that it'll have influence later on possibly ?