
Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Is Danica dead?
I hope not. She is a cool character with an awesome power, plus her monster parents looked the third coolest to me.
it's up to the player if she lives or dies, you can either spare her or kill her
Sadly it is not up to the player. The player can only state intention. Unless WeirdWorld pulls out a ridiculous plot twist out of their ass (which is more unlikely than Bezos suddenly becoming humble), she died as collateral damage amidst the chaos, during the assault that lead to the fight against Klaus.


May 30, 2020
Sadly it is not up to the player. The player can only state intention. Unless WeirdWorld pulls out a ridiculous plot twist out of their ass (which is more unlikely than Bezos suddenly becoming humble), she died as collateral damage amidst the chaos, during the assault that lead to the fight against Klaus.
I'm not sure why you're so certain she died in the assault on klaus. In my playthrough the mc only reopened her old wound and blinded her. She was still very much alive and yelling at the mc when he left her. The more likely scenario to me is that she was captured by the teleporter girl and is now a prisoner of hero.

I'm not sure why weirdworld would have the mc point out the he was blinding her so he didn't have to kill her if she was going to be killed anyways.


Nov 21, 2021
They do mention "three bodies" but it's unknown if Danica is properly dead, or only seemed dead at that time. She already survived a spear through the heart, what's a bit of eye gouging compared to that?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
I'm not sure why you're so certain she died in the assault on klaus. In my playthrough the mc only reopened her old wound and blinded her. She was still very much alive and yelling at the mc when he left her. The more likely scenario to me is that she was captured by the teleporter girl and is now a prisoner of hero.

I'm not sure why weirdworld would have the mc point out the he was blinding her so he didn't have to kill her if she was going to be killed anyways.
They do mention "three bodies" but it's unknown if Danica is properly dead, or only seemed dead at that time. She already survived a spear through the heart, what's a bit of eye gouging compared to that?
The game works in chapters, and Danica, like Oscar, was an inherent part of Klaus' chapter. She even doesn't have much ties to the universe of the game outside of Klaus himself. Now that he's death, she has narratively no use at all, even if somehow she survived. So bringing her back just to be able to put sex scenes would make little sense.

Also I seem to remember on my run her getting tentacle-stabbed while the MC made his escape because of the confusion of the attack and the goons trying to take him down. Might be missremembering but that's what's in my head about that part. And I didn't want to kill her.


May 30, 2020
I just took a quick peak through the code and the label for that section seems to hint that she is alive.

label danicalives:
play sound "audio/blimpact.mp3"
scene sliceattack with hpunch
play sound "audio/flimpact.mp3"
scene blood with hpunch
"Taking no chances this time, I form a blade in my other hand and slice across her face."
Danica "AAaaaahh!!! My eyes!!!"
You "Sorry, that power of yours is too dangerous, if I'm going to spare you again, I can't let you keep it."
Danica "Fuck you! You fucking-"
scene black with dissolve
"Danica wails and cries, her hands clutching her head over her missing eyes, completely destroyed by my jagged blade."
You "You'll forgive me I'm sure, if you survive this that is."
You "Now tell me, how do Klaus's powers work?!"
Danica "Fuck you!!"
stop music fadeout 1.0
"I see it, I see what I've been searching for..."
jump findklaus


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
I just took a quick peak through the code and the label for that section seems to hint that she is alive.

label danicalives:
play sound "audio/blimpact.mp3"
scene sliceattack with hpunch
play sound "audio/flimpact.mp3"
scene blood with hpunch
"Taking no chances this time, I form a blade in my other hand and slice across her face."
Danica "AAaaaahh!!! My eyes!!!"
You "Sorry, that power of yours is too dangerous, if I'm going to spare you again, I can't let you keep it."
Danica "Fuck you! You fucking-"
scene black with dissolve
"Danica wails and cries, her hands clutching her head over her missing eyes, completely destroyed by my jagged blade."
You "You'll forgive me I'm sure, if you survive this that is."
You "Now tell me, how do Klaus's powers work?!"
Danica "Fuck you!!"
stop music fadeout 1.0
"I see it, I see what I've been searching for..."
jump findklaus
Doesn't mean much though. Just a variable existing doesn't mean WeirdWorld has particular plans to use it. There are likely many other "dead" variables in the game.
Of course, I could be wrong, but as I said, from a narrative standpoint, Danica is pretty much useless now, with what we know of her. So bringing her back would be pretty pointless to the story.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Sadly it is not up to the player. The player can only state intention. Unless WeirdWorld pulls out a ridiculous plot twist out of their ass (which is more unlikely than Bezos suddenly becoming humble), she died as collateral damage amidst the chaos, during the assault that lead to the fight against Klaus.
I find it highly doubtful. I am pretty sure it was clear that she escaped if you spared her.
Is Danica dead?
You get a choice to "spare" or "kill" her... either way she survives at that moment, but the game remembers your choice and a little later you will either kill or spare her based on that choice.

It looked to me like a very clear case of her surviving and escaping if you spared her
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Is Danica dead?
Maybe. :cry:

All I know for sure is the MC didn't kill her himself there(if you chose spare in their 1st fight). The problem is what happened after the MC left. Did she crawl out of there? Did Nico kill her? So much could've happened in that moment.

Or maybe Nico took her alive and made her join Hero? If yes then did Danica snitch since she knows our identity? Are we about to get detained and finally fuck that sexy cross tattooed lady in a super tight Hero uniform :oops:.

Sorry I got distracted with that last thought. Anyway, I personally still think she's alive. I hope that's the case in game after sparing her and then doing all that flirting. Her powers are also really dope. She's in my top 3 favorite Waifu's list with Ella and Alexis too. Top 4 if Monsters were included because Mother 4th would be 1st :love:.
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Jan 28, 2019
Well, having the choice of either killing or sparring Danica, then having a scenes of either finishng her off or letting her go, just to have her killed off screen anyway seams kinda cheap.

There's no way for her to have big impact on the story, coz that would obviously be a pain in the ass to write that for a character that can potentially be dead (in my playthrough I killed her by accident, I didn't know that particular choice mattered).
But maybe some tiny side story or a scene? I think it plausible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Well, having the choice of either killing or sparring Danica, then having a scenes of either finishng her off or letting her go, just to have her killed off screen anyway seams kinda cheap.
Narratively speaking, it's not a bad way to show ("Show, don't tell") that the playable character doesn't control the fate of others, though.


Jan 20, 2018
The game works in chapters, and Danica, like Oscar, was an inherent part of Klaus' chapter. She even doesn't have much ties to the universe of the game outside of Klaus himself. Now that he's death, she has narratively no use at all, even if somehow she survived. So bringing her back just to be able to put sex scenes would make little sense.

Also I seem to remember on my run her getting tentacle-stabbed while the MC made his escape because of the confusion of the attack and the goons trying to take him down. Might be missremembering but that's what's in my head about that part. And I didn't want to kill her.
I saw the same comment about her death some time ago and I double checked last update, no, she is not confirmed dead.
MC stabbed her close to/in the same spot (and he said so) , then proceeded to cut her eyes out to so he wont have to worry about leaving her alive again. Now, if I am not wrong, he also said "if you live" (as she got yet another bad stab), so WW really left it up in the air.
Either way no, she is not confirmed dead.
Edit: Ok, so I went ahead and triple checked and...yep, up in the air. At the end of the dialogue between the doctor and whoever that girl was, she said "3 corpses coming right up". That would mean she is dead, only...she says the same thing if you devour Danica too and, correct me if I am wrong, we eat our victims whole. That, to me, suggests that the 3 will be brought back later, and alive or eaten makes no difference to the story.
That, or WW made an opsie....or I went insane... yeah, that could be it.
And I just realized, she probably said corpses before seeing/bringing them so...yeah, I would not trust that line as a hint for Danica's death.
Man, I edited this 5 times in 5 mins...damn you WW for making me have to think.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
You've seen the last sex scene with Ella. You know WeirdWorld would make her explode the MC's dick since it's gonna grow back anyway...
She'll mark his dick and tell him to make her cum before the cross gets darker on him. The MC panicked and fucks her silly. As she cums she explodes his dick :eek:. Once it's regenerated, she'll then give him a blowjob as an apology but also says paybacks a bitch for her eyes.

A road that only the brave would be rewarded for taking. :KEK:


Mar 16, 2019
Did you read any of my previous posts at all ? I literally mentionned my theory about ambushing him while he's out with friends could be a guarantee of sorts to limit the risks of him going on a rampage and injuring his friends (of even using them as leverage in a hostage manner).

Also, they aren't attacking him outright. They are asking him to surrender peacefully which can be helped by the presence of pretty much all of his friends, as well as his identity being out, meaning him lashing out and massacring the law enforcement(?) would not only risk injuring his friends, but also destroy his image not as a vigilante hero, but as the person, since the deaths would be linked not to a faceless masked character but to the person underneath.
It's literally one of the worst places to ambush someone if you want to avoid potential collateral damage, friends or no friends in tow. The thought behind ambushing the MC seems to be: Lets ambush him at the mall, either he surrenders to avoid us killing him, his friends and possibly other civilians or we shoot up a mall possibly killing him, his friends and other civilians while he tears some of us to pieces. This can be inferred from what the cops said: "Surrender yourself peacefully and you will not be harmed", which logically means they are fully prepared to start shooting if the MC doesn't surrender himself.

The problem here is that your reasoning of the event at the mall and the cops motives is based on breaking the 4th wall, ie we as players know to a large degree how the MC would react, the cops at the mall don't and the one who sent the cops most likely don't know either which is why I'm saying that ambushing someone that has powers at a mall is a bad idea on so many levels unless it's deemed that collateral damage is an acceptable outcome if it goes wrong.

Of course, there is a 3rd alternative, the one who sent the cops is so stupid and ham-fisted that this was the result of their intent to bring the MC in just to talk to him.

When a madman takes hostages and threaten to blow everything up, cops don't sent the nice old neighbor lady. They send a guy with a bulletproof vest on.
Which has as much relevance to the discussion at hand as a pimple on a bear's ass since the MC hasn't taken any hostages, or threatened to blow something up, or in general threatening to go on a rampage. He was just minding his own business while having a good time with his friends.

If you think threat are met, by law enforcement, by just going guns blazing with total disregard for collateral casualties, you live in a very fucked up country, friend, and I'm very sorry for you.
May I suggest you concentrate on the discussion of what goes on in the game instead of getting sidetracked by some imagined dystopian country you think I live in.


Mar 16, 2019
Still though, we'll have to wait and see. It could be anyone, I agree, and doesn't necessarily have to be Hero.
Remember, HERO can teleport people which makes it less likely that they are behind confronting the MC at the mall with cops because they could have just sent in Clark or another operative to "talk" to the MC and then teleport him to a safe location to be dealt with. Well, unless there is some mechanic to the teleporting that makes it difficult/impossible to teleport non-HERO people.

And on the topic of teleportation, there is someone we haven't talked about who could be behind the outing of the MC and the event at the mall, Xanthe. We know he had dealings with Klaus and we know he has an agenda of his own even though he were more less responsible for creating HERO, so it's entirely possible he instigated the whole thing. We know from the discussion he had with Clark and Alexis after they killed a monster instead of tagging it that he thinks collateral damage is just fine: "Xanthe: Of course you fool. Let it kill a dozen people if you need to. Understanding these creatures is paramount. No number of individual lives is worth more than that"
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Remember, HERO can teleport people which makes it less likely that they are behind confronting the MC at the mall with cops because they could have just sent in Clark or another operative to "talk" to the MC and then teleport him to a safe location to be dealt with. Well, unless there is some mechanic to the teleporting that makes it difficult/impossible to teleport non-HERO people.

And on the topic of teleportation, there is someone we haven't talked about who could be behind the outing of the MC and the event at the mall, Xanthe. We know he had dealings with Klaus and we know he has an agenda of his own even though he were more less responsible for creating HERO, so it's entirely possible he instigated the whole thing. We know from the discussion he had with Clark and Alexis after they killed a monster instead of tagging it that he thinks collateral damage is just fine: "Xanthe: Of course you fool. Let it kill a dozen people if you need to. Understanding these creatures is paramount. No number of individual lives is worth more than that"
I already addressed Nico and her teleporting. That's exactly why they don't need Clark there or anyone else from Hero actually. Nico alone can one shot the MC if he gets out of hand.

Also, even if you lean into Xanthe, Nico would still be lurking since he values her a lot and would still task her to retrieve the MC.
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