So I've been curious if Weird planned to put this game out on steam or not (would be awesome) and if so will he complete the game in its entirety then do it or once he's done with the path we are on now the game will be early access and the new content will follow the path that wasn't chosen during the first major vote (back during the party it was a vote if the MC would stay and fight the monster (Kenny) or escape, the patrons went with fight)
I am genuinely looking forward to some fights and plot development, especially considering we've been taken by H.E.R.O. Now whether that's bad or not is up for grabs (though personally I'd say it's bad). We know H.E.R.O's public introducion was pushed back due to the public backlash of the MC coming out.
What I'd like from a general perspective Ex. 1:
Personally I'd like to see the MC get recruited (probably though force), and get to choose what to do in fights (for public opinion). Teaming up with H.E.R.O to grow our strength for a bit, and perhaps Ella starts hatching her plans and we fight against her "tests". It would also be nice to get to know Clark (I like him), and more info on some of the endgame fights people (Deus, Zack, etc.)
Ex. 2:
Another gander would be that after we are captured, we get a few lore drops and then Mission Impossible escape, which could turn into some funny dialogue and epic fights. We'd probably escape to the next Sector as planned and be able to gain further insight on the beautiful world that's been created. Perhaps even evolving, although I'd assume a larger update would be our next evolution, but with the end of our training and start of a new arc we're close!
I'm cool without any of the aforementioned bits but I'm curious and will be thrilled to see what direction Weird World takes regardless.
Now that the mc's identity has been exposed being part of the HERO can be a good alternative for the mc to get stronger and learn more about monsters and artifacts like the mask.
I like the idea of being a part of HERO
but I think it will be according to how the mc acted
If I had to guess what's going to happen next(it most likely won't), the MC will escape Hero. From a moderately good or neutral playstyle, I can see him joining Hero for a bit and honing himself. That would be the obvious outcome for those playstyles but this below is what I can imagine of a corrupt/evil playstyle.
Since the MC is captured by Nico as he tries to flee with Alice and friends, it's safe to assume he's going to be held captive, collared and/or possibly brainwashed. While Hero is pretty corrupt in their way of doing things, I don't think they'll just let the MC be free with that playstyle.
Now his potential escape comes in 3 possibilities with the 2nd being chaotic but somewhat likely and the 3rd being extremely epic but absolutely not happening at all.
The 1st would be obviously with Deus help. The guy is purposely leading everyone to a specific thing and he's gearing it ever in the MC's favor. Probably the most straightforward and likely outcome beyond just a theory.
Now the 2nd would involve Ella either directly or indirectly. Unlikely, in my opinion, but who knows. She already knows where Hero's base is at. I also wouldn't be too shocked if she indirectly saved us via all of the ruckus she's causing over the place with whatever project she's working on. It doesn't necassarily have to be her but stuff she put in motion(Valravn and so on).
The 3rd would be the MC using his 3rd Evolution to escape. Now this is just pure headcanon. This is assuming a new ability(which would be broken) will be gained that'll have the MC being able to inject himself into other's memory and let his body "die" to escape. It also assumes that he doesn't need his physical body anymore and can actually store his full mind into tiny pieces of memory. He would wait until they leave and reform his body outside. That's the ability I've been thinking the MC would develop when he evolves more.
I don't even need to go further with the last one. You can tell it's crazy and it also relies heavily on him reaching the 3rd Evolution in the first place. All in all, I think the MC will be chilling at Hero for most of the update and probably get a lot of info on the monsters with hopefully some juicy lore being gained.
If I had to guess what's going to happen next(it most likely won't), the MC will escape Hero. From a moderately good or neutral playstyle, I can see him joining Hero for a bit and honing himself. That would be the obvious outcome for those playstyles but this below is what I can imagine of a corrupt/evil playstyle.
Since the MC is captured by Nico as he tries to flee with Alice and friends, it's safe to assume he's going to be held captive, collared and/or possibly brainwashed. While Hero is pretty corrupt in their way of doing things, I don't think they'll just let the MC be free with that playstyle.
Now his potential escape comes in 3 possibilities with the 2nd being chaotic but somewhat likely and the 3rd being extremely epic but absolutely not happening at all.
The 1st would be obviously with Deus help. The guy is purposely leading everyone to a specific thing and he's gearing it ever in the MC's favor. Probably the most straightforward and likely outcome beyond just a theory.
Now the 2nd would involve Ella either directly or indirectly. Unlikely, in my opinion, but who knows. She already knows where Hero's base is at. I also wouldn't be too shocked if she indirectly saved us via all of the ruckus she's causing over the place with whatever project she's working on. It doesn't necassarily have to be her but stuff she put in motion(Valravn and so on).
The 3rd would be the MC using his 3rd Evolution to escape. Now this is just pure headcanon. This is assuming a new ability(which would be broken) will be gained that'll have the MC being able to inject himself into other's memory and let his body "die" to escape. It also assumes that he doesn't need his physical body anymore and can actually store his full mind into tiny pieces of memory. He would wait until they leave and reform his body outside. That's the ability I've been thinking the MC would develop when he evolves more.
I don't even need to go further with the last one. You can tell it's crazy and it also relies heavily on him reaching the 3rd Evolution in the first place. All in all, I think the MC will be chilling at Hero for most of the update and probably get a lot of info on the monsters with hopefully some juicy lore being gained.
I'd go with the 3rd Evolution Choice, though the reason I'm so general in my explanations is because a choice game like this can only go so many directions, without branching off too much and making Weird World have to write (and illustrate) more. I'm assuming whatever outcome has already been decided in this upcoming update because there wasn't a vote on which path to take, but my thoughts were just guess work on the matter of the Nico cliffhanger.
I'd go with the 3rd Evolution Choice, though the reason I'm so general in my explanations is because a choice game like this can only go so many directions, without branching off too much and making Weird World have to write (and illustrate) more. I'm assuming whatever outcome has already been decided in this upcoming update because there wasn't a vote on which path to take, but my thoughts were just guess work on the matter of the Nico cliffhanger.
Weird World has stated that the plot outline has been written up to the point of the originally planned end of the story. There won't be any more plot polls to determine where the story goes in a major sense. There are likely to be more minor polls for things like what sex scenes to include in the update, but those won't determine things like how long we're going to work with H.E.R.O..
The latest monster preview shows what looks to me like the full power version of Valravn, so I think we're going to have that as a major plot twist in the next update.
Deryl has also been telling the MC about the nightmares he's been having about monster Deryl and how he thinks we need to stop it, so I think that's going to be a major factor in where the story goes next. It ties in with the flashbacks to the MC and Deryl's childhood. A major point there was that the MC stole Deryl's mother's necklace and pawned it to the shopkeep. Then later we had the scene with the shopkeep that gave the MC a necklace that he recognized. So I think that's setting up a choice to either attempt to kill monster Deryl, or show him the necklace to remind him of his human self and resolve things without killing him.
Weird World has stated that the plot outline has been written up to the point of the originally planned end of the story. There won't be any more plot polls to determine where the story goes in a major sense. There are likely to be more minor polls for things like what sex scenes to include in the update, but those won't determine things like how long we're going to work with H.E.R.O..
The latest monster preview shows what looks to me like the full power version of Valravn, so I think we're going to have that as a major plot twist in the next update.
Deryl has also been telling the MC about the nightmares he's been having about monster Deryl and how he thinks we need to stop it, so I think that's going to be a major factor in where the story goes next. It ties in with the flashbacks to the MC and Deryl's childhood. A major point there was that the MC stole Deryl's mother's necklace and pawned it to the shopkeep. Then later we had the scene with the shopkeep that gave the MC a necklace that he recognized. So I think that's setting up a choice to either attempt to kill monster Deryl, or show him the necklace to remind him of his human self and resolve things without killing him.
Like I said, no poll, so it's only going one of two ways, joining H.E.R.O or escaping, like we were saying. What we were debating was HOW we were going to go about it. Because again, with the amount of writing it would take to branch the entire story into two different paths is an unrealistic expectations. I'll be honest I couldnt care less about the whole Deryl thing, I'll cross that bridge when we get there. My main concern is H.E.R.O and the cliffhanger that was presented (i.e us being kidnapped). It's not going to be some walk in the park to escape, which is why either joining force for a bit (to grow your strength whether it be forced or not) or escaping via our Evolution is probably our only options. Ella is not going to save us I can bet money on that. She's essentially said it's kill or be killed if you aren't strong enough, she'll probably just sum it up as a surprise test. But I could see an indirect interference with say, Valravan as you mentioned, because A. he got stronger (perhaps some payback for the alley would be his motivation) or B. (my personal choice) to pursue Michael being Chosen by the Second. As far as we know Ella doesn't have control over him anymore, she just released him to help her time table in distracting H.E.R.O. I highly doubt we will fight H.E.R.O head on just yet, Because they are pretty much all Lvl 5s and that's like end game. Fighting Ella's Arsenal and her "siblings" seem more plausible, and that's where I could see Monster Deryl making an appearance, but not in this update.
Yeah, I can't see us fighting our way out of Hero. That's why all of my thoughts of potential escape had as little conflict as possible from the MC, himself. Even with a hypothetical evolution boost(similar to when he first entered lvl 2 and was operating at a higher lvl than his normal lvl 2 self later), I can't really see him doing much of anything at lvl 3.
That's why I think he's either going to be chilling with Hero for a while or try to escape using some kind of method. His evolution, if it happens, could possibly aid him in escaping better or it could just be some outside interference stuff that makes it much easier for him. I personally think Deus, likely, might play a part in it, if we do try to escape.
Even if we do have an option to save monster deryl ... what would the point of that be since if we dont help him we have his clone which is pretty much him our friend but probabbly with less powers. Or maybe if we kill monster deryl it seves his link with the clone thus making him a regular human? Im guessing if we do save monsfer deryl hell just merge with his clone wouldnt he?
Even if we do have an option to save monster deryl ... what would the point of that be since if we dont help him we have his clone which is pretty much him our friend but probabbly with less powers. Or maybe if we kill monster deryl it seves his link with the clone thus making him a regular human? Im guessing if we do save monsfer deryl hell just merge with his clone wouldnt he?
It would be kind of weird to save the monster version when the clone is pretty much fully Deryl. Unless it's harmful to his clone, I'm most likely going to eat him.
Outside of a Dead End, I don't think we're going to have much choice about joining HERO. Even if we could escape from them, between Deus' foresight and Nicoletta's teleportation, we'd be right back where we started in a heartbeat. So long as they're working together.
I doubt Deus will help us evade HERO either. If the MC remaining free was in his interest, he probably wouldn't have told Nicoletta where to find us. The only real option for escape is if someone or something takes out either of those two.
Ella might be able to do it, but pulling us out of danger hasn't exactly been her style. Besides, keeping HERO distracted gives Monster-Deryl more time to finish whatever she's had him working on. Then, there's the leak itself. Let's face it, it wouldn't be the first time Ella revealed our identity or made one of her students a fugitive from HERO. She has form.
More than that, I think there's already been plenty of hints that joining HERO was always the plan. Why do you think the MC's father sent him to a college built on top of a HERO Institute? Picked a course for spy-games on top of a secret society of superhumans. Even blackmailed the Dean to get him in. Maybe those were just coincidences? So many of those around dear old Dad.
Yeah, I can't see us fighting our way out of Hero. That's why all of my thoughts of potential escape had as little conflict as possible from the MC, himself. Even with a hypothetical evolution boost(similar to when he first entered lvl 2 and was operating at a higher lvl than his normal lvl 2 self later), I can't really see him doing much of anything at lvl 3.
That's why I think he's either going to be chilling with Hero for a while or try to escape using some kind of method. His evolution, if it happens, could possibly aid him in escaping better or it could just be some outside interference stuff that makes it much easier for him. I personally think Deus, likely, might play a part in it, if we do try to escape.
Well when you Evolve, it seems during that first time period you get a boost. I thought it was just for the MC due to the Numbered speaking with him, but if you notice almost every character has a surge in their power right after achieving evolution, though it seems to die down after the fact. Examples being MC fight with Klaus (we owned him, and have never really looked the same since), Clark's Partner (forgot her name because it's 3am, but she summoned an enormous fucking sword out the ass right off the bat, no training necessary), and of course Ella (who upon fighting two Lvl 5s escaped right after evolving, when she should be in the same level and outmatched in a 2 v 1, especially considering they know some of her tricks AND she was helping Jake get out too, quite the feat). So while a 3rd Evolution wouldn't help us escape in a prolonged fight, it might just be the split moment variable we need to escape.
Outside of a Dead End, I don't think we're going to have much choice about joining HERO. Even if we could escape from them, between Deus' foresight and Nicoletta's teleportation, we'd be right back where we started in a heartbeat. So long as they're working together.
I doubt Deus will help us evade HERO either. If the MC remaining free was in his interest, he probably wouldn't have told Nicoletta where to find us. The only real option for escape is if someone or something takes out either of those two.
Ella might be able to do it, but pulling us out of danger hasn't exactly been her style. Besides, keeping HERO distracted gives Monster-Deryl more time to finish whatever she's had him working on. Then, there's the leak itself. Let's face it, it wouldn't be the first time Ella revealed our identity or made one of her students a fugitive from HERO. She has form.
More than that, I think there's already been plenty of hints that joining HERO was always the plan. Why do you think the MC's father sent him to a college built on top of a HERO Institute? Picked a course for spy-games on top of a secret society of superhumans. Even blackmailed the Dean to get him in. Maybe those were just coincidences? So many of those around dear old Dad.
Yes and no, that's how I feel about most of your points at least.
1. H.E.R.O: It's true, there's not much of a choice to avoid H.E.R.O, but your missing a big point. It's mentioned that it's only a matter of time before Superhumans are identified and added to H.E.R.O's ranks. But they are still working things out. Dexter even mentions with the release of the MC's identity reveal, they'll have to push back their time table, which we know is in reference to their debut to the public. I don't think they have the time to worry about us, which means someone is influencinv our capture from the inside. My guess is Deus, which brings me to the next point.
2. Escape: It's possible like you were says, from an outside source, but that source isn't going to take out Deus or Nicolette, too strong, and too end game. It would most likely be Ella's pets, either Valravan or someone else, but NOT Goliath (she mentions it's not time yet, definitely endgame), and NOT herself (she's not that nice). As you mentioned, Deus wouldn't free us, he probably already knows how it'll all play out, so I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know we even got to H.E.R.O in the first place.
3. The Leak: Ella didn't do it, calling it now, her MO is ALL about subtlety, imagine if our UNDYING LOYALTY is tested and we reveal everything we know about Ella. Publicity is not in the cards for her, she wouldn't leak us. I honestly don't know who, but I have a gut feeling it could be Deus for whatever plan he's concocting. There's literally only a hand full of people who know who we are, not even CLARK or any of his subordinates that we know could identify us at the College face to face on serval occasions, so I doubt that it's someone we haven't seen yet. Deus is the only variable that has shown to know more than meets the eye, and work for his own agenda despite affiliation (i.e helping Valravan, Dexter mentioning he's not Zack and will be the death of Xanthe, or something along those lines). Tiffany wouldn't, we are her only ally outside of her Father's influence. And Ella is, Ella, despite what she does and says; I trust her more than I do Deus. Deryl no, nothing has indicated that, and Jake is a variable that Weird World will cameo at endgame in my opinion, water under the bridge, if you even let him live.
4. H.E.R.O Foreshadowing: You're looking way too deep into it bud, this is a porn game, not Attack on Titan, our dad isn't Keith Shadis (unimportant character foreshadowing). The MC's Dad is more of an informant if anything than some criminal mastermind who planned to send his son to a next big thing superhuman college. Let's look at the facts:
A. He picked the College because it's the best in the Sector, if not the world in cutting edge research. It's a prestigious place, in case you haven't noticed, EVERYONE wants to get in whether they know about Superhumans or not.
B. The spy course isn't to spy on the Superhuman research, perhaps it's because that's all our Dad ever does, stick his nose where it doesn't belong. And we know Blackmailing the Dean was kind of just for shits and giggles for his own ego, the Dad even mentions he loves getting information on people to use it against them, and there was no way we were getting in a prestigious college by normal means.
C. The mysterious job is just that, a mysterious job because it's SHADY and probably ILLEGAL. He knows people like his friend Jeff (the investigator you mention) loves to get info on him to use against him. If I were up to no good, telling everyone about it would be the LAST thing I'd do. But he also has flaws, because if he was as smart as you seem to make him out to be; he wouldn't have brought us along to spy on his friemisis (Jeff).
D. Knowing about the Monsters is probably all true, no arguments there, our Mother was indeed probably kiled by said Monster and we got our scars from it, and arrived at the same hospital. (Again though, this is Sector 1, the top of the top, everything about it is shady and has their hand deep in the cookie jar of Superhumans as far as companys or businesses go).
E. Yes Dexter trusts our Dad based on the conversation, but I don't think it's as cut and dry as that. The MC mentions a strong grip, most strong grips can psychologically be placed as establishing dominance, i think the last sentence to the MC is more of a warning rather than a friendly gesture. This IS one of if not the most powerful man, you think he'd stupe so low as to pretend to trust OUR Dad? (Blackmail is his middle fuckin name for God's sake). But like I said, I think our Dad was an informat for one of the first Monster cases, not some insider mastermind. And as to why he'd share classified information with us, again, this isn't someone you just stab in the back, he knows it, we know it. He's powerful, hell he's not even phased by knowing the fact that his daughter wants to kill him. He doesn't need to hide government information.
F. Lol no, our Dad isn't fucking Zack. In fact, I'd put money on the two being totally unrelated to some extent. It's one of two options in my opinion. 1, Zack is just a super OP Superhuman, and one of the first of his kind and fought something ridiculous, and got injured for it. And our Dad got injufrom trying to defend us and our Mother from the Monster that attacked us. Or 2. it's semi related, and the monster that attacked us and killed our Mother was one of the Numbered, which explains why Zack got his ass kicked, more that's the reason we were selected by 2 of the Numbered, it would also explain our Dad knowing Dexter, because he was kept on the hush hush as an insider (hence the warning I mentioned earlier). And even IF they were the same person (which they aren't), they can't be because you have to be a certain level of fucking stupid, to one of if not your most reliable INJURED Agent, not be in your sight at all times, let alone having to sneak around against a private investigator (Jeff), who seems to know nothing about Superhumans in the first place.
Knowing for an adult game where the story would be the last thing we were discussing would be more like who would be the next girl that mc would fuck with the powers he gained.
Totally different I like it just to show that the story is amazing and incredibly written and each theory that appears adds a unique touch to the way of looking at the story and the characters.
I love this game
Well when you Evolve, it seems during that first time period you get a boost. I thought it was just for the MC due to the Numbered speaking with him, but if you notice almost every character has a surge in their power right after achieving evolution, though it seems to die down after the fact. Examples being MC fight with Klaus (we owned him, and have never really looked the same since), Clark's Partner (forgot her name because it's 3am, but she summoned an enormous fucking sword out the ass right off the bat, no training necessary), and of course Ella (who upon fighting two Lvl 5s escaped right after evolving, when she should be in the same level and outmatched in a 2 v 1, especially considering they know some of her tricks AND she was helping Jake get out too, quite the feat). So while a 3rd Evolution wouldn't help us escape in a prolonged fight, it might just be the split moment variable we need to escape.
Slight correction here. Ella at lvl 5 never fought Alexis and Clark at lvl 5. She has only fought them at lvl 4 in both fights. She reached lvl 5 after leaving Hero with Jake and killed a lvl 3 Hero member.
That also reminded me of what I was forgetting during there first fight at the park. They couldn't beat Ella at lvl 4 until they used a serum to evolve. That evolution boost must've been what I overlooked and why they could temporarily overpower her at that point.
Also, yeah that's what I mean't by Evolution Boost. It seems to only be temporary and allows them to operate at a sort of peak lvl performance, with a burst of energy. I do feel that the MC's may have been partially fueled by his monster some. Not all the way of course but a bit.
Outside of a Dead End, I don't think we're going to have much choice about joining HERO. Even if we could escape from them, between Deus' foresight and Nicoletta's teleportation, we'd be right back where we started in a heartbeat. So long as they're working together.
I doubt Deus will help us evade HERO either. If the MC remaining free was in his interest, he probably wouldn't have told Nicoletta where to find us. The only real option for escape is if someone or something takes out either of those two.
Ella might be able to do it, but pulling us out of danger hasn't exactly been her style. Besides, keeping HERO distracted gives Monster-Deryl more time to finish whatever she's had him working on. Then, there's the leak itself. Let's face it, it wouldn't be the first time Ella revealed our identity or made one of her students a fugitive from HERO. She has form.
More than that, I think there's already been plenty of hints that joining HERO was always the plan. Why do you think the MC's father sent him to a college built on top of a HERO Institute? Picked a course for spy-games on top of a secret society of superhumans. Even blackmailed the Dean to get him in. Maybe those were just coincidences? So many of those around dear old Dad.
I'm pretty sure everyone knows the MC's dad is involved with Hero or more specially M-Corp in some capacity. I mean, Tiffany's Dad said he was looking forward to meeting him and he already knew the MC's Dad. Some of us even think the dad is the one who purposely leaked the MC's identity so he would have no choice but to take things seriously. As for the MC joining Hero, most people thought that would be the case early on, eventually, as well.
As for the Deus thing, he only works for the benefit of the future he saw. It is entirely reasonable that he would definitely help the MC, if it was required. As Hero pointed out, Deus is the reason that stuff isn't happening as it supposed to in the timeline they saw and it involved the MC, who he let go when he first infiltrated Hero base. I don't deny that Nico could found and capture the MC, if he escaped. I'm just saying that if Deus wants the MC to escape, he'll allow it.
Lastly, on the Zack = Dad thing. I don't think that's the case personally. Then again, I originally used to think the Dead End Monster that killed the 4th was actually Zack. At this point, Zack has been a complete mystery and it's anyone's guess.
I'm kind of wondering what is going on with Angelina. I know shes a side character but all these side interactions really help flesh out the story. MC sent her to HERO to get help. I wonder if they could help her, and he meets her there. Kind of a "friendly face" situation(light scenario). Maybe they could only elevate the symptoms and shes basically stuck there for treatment (neutral scenario). Or maybe they couldnt really help her, and just made use of her. The bat thing seemed to get energy from what it did to her, so maybe they hooked her up to machines to take advantage of that in a similar way. (dark scenario)
Slight correction here. Ella at lvl 5 never fought Alexis and Clark at lvl 5. She has only fought them at lvl 4 in both fights. She reached lvl 5 after leaving Hero with Jake and killed a lvl 3 Hero member.
That also reminded me of what I was forgetting during there first fight at the park. They couldn't beat Ella at lvl 4 until they used a serum to evolve. That evolution boost must've been what I overlooked and why they could temporarily overpower her at that point.
Also, yeah that's what I mean't by Evolution Boost. It seems to only be temporary and allows them to operate at a sort of peak lvl performance, with a burst of energy. I do feel that the MC's may have been partially fueled by his monster some. Not all the way of course but a bit.
I'm pretty sure everyone knows the MC's dad is involved with Hero or more specially M-Corp in some capacity. I mean, Tiffany's Dad said he was looking forward to meeting him and he already knew the MC's Dad. Some of us even think the dad is the one who purposely leaked the MC's identity so he would have no choice but to take things seriously. As for the MC joining Hero, most people thought that would be the case early on, eventually, as well.
As for the Deus thing, he only works for the benefit of the future he saw. It is entirely reasonable that he would definitely help the MC, if it was required. As Hero pointed out, Deus is the reason that stuff isn't happening as it supposed to in the timeline they saw and it involved the MC, who he let go when he first infiltrated Hero base. I don't deny that Nico could found and capture the MC, if he escaped. I'm just saying that if Deus wants the MC to escape, he'll allow it.
Lastly, on the Zack = Dad thing. I don't think that's the case personally. Then again, I originally used to think the Dead End Monster that killed the 4th was actually Zack. At this point, Zack has been a complete mystery and it's anyone's guess.
I honestly just really don't think the Dad knows about H.E.R.O. Let alone is as smart as everyone seems to give him credit for. I think he's just an informant, he grabs whatever information he can get his hands on and has a lot of connections. Which we know isn't how we got into the college in the first place, it was blackmail. He doesn't strike me as a criminal mastermind at ALL just because a few key figures know him. Dexter is rich, he knows probably everyone of interest. Tiffany is his daughter, she too has shown to have influence second only to her father (plus she has daddy issues, of course she'd be interested in meeting her partner's shady Dad). Again, this is the same Goddamned Dad who spies on Jeff, who's shown to know next to nothing about anything, minus surface level dealings like with Klaus. I believe he's seen a Monster, but I have no doubt he knows next to nothing if anything about H.E.R.O. And he sure as shit didn't leak the info about us, my money is on Deus to keep fucking up the time table, so far he's the most unpredictable character that we know the least about in a serious format. I feel the Dad, and the plot has shown that the Dad is more of a comical side character. He's probably here to give us exposition on our Mother and perhaps why two of the Numbered are interested in us. At MOST he knew about the start of H.E.R.O, but I have no doubt he knows nothing about it now, let alone is involved.