Do we know yet WHY the monsters want to devour people?
Food/power mostly. There's also the possibility that they're doing it to mutate themselves too but that's unlikely.
As far as we can tell currently, Monsters need humans for food, reproduction, and possibly evolution/advancement for themselves. There's billions of humans and we reproduce moderately fast. That's like an endless supply of food, depending on their eating habits. For reproduction, they can convert several into their kind or flat out mate with them for offspring.
As for the evolution/advancement bit, this is just a guess but they really do seem to put a lot of focus on genetics and people's mind set playing a part. Ella also mentioned that it's possible for humans to diverge and get powers that even their monster parents don't have and so on. Since a monster's thought process is different from humans, they could be using humans way of thinking to advance their set powers. The fact that a human, who's compatible with them, can alter their powers because of their mind state seems like a pretty big deal.
It's only just a guess though. Besides food and reproduction, we don't really know what they want for sure. Well, that and absolute power.