Syther pondering the girls
Liz: Eh I never cared for Liz tbh much like
Sorreah has stated she only likes MC now because of his powers and that's bout it. She wouldn't of given MC a chance (perhaps a pity fuck which I believe she offered at one time).
Amber: she's cool and often says supportive things to people (like Jordan who doesn't have much confidence with his dick size) meanwhile Liz is just mean with her response to Jordan. But I will say much like with her sister I don't really care about Amber either but she is a good friend but not someone I tried to romance (although other than my not caring for Amber I didn't go after her at all because Deryl had a thing with her and I didn't think that would be very cool to go after my bro's girl ya know and yes I know how their relationship ends still not very pog to do to your bro none da less).
Alice: she's mid. Hot take I'm sure but I never cared about her and often overlook her for other girls we see in the game. The mafia arc was one of the best in the game and I truly did enjoy it but didn't romance her as I had zero interest in her (I am happy we got the mafia in our pocket thanks to her tho).
Emily: I think it's cool that we get to help her with her confidence issues and even help with her family stuff as well. I'd be lying if I said I never went after her (out of every girl we get introduced early on she's one of the best).
Christie: I don't like having pussy yeeted at me (I like to work for pussy god damn it!) and I dislike the fact she keeps referring to MC as boyfriend.
Mia: She's a flat chest girl who gets embarrassed easily if the MC even shows a slight bit interest in her which makes me laugh a bit...I only wish we had a mini arc fleshing her out a bit more since she's kinda just there as a plot device for Jake's arc more or less.
Demi: I love her design but much like with Christie I don't like having pussy handed to me. I do like the fact she can increase how the public/govt views us.
Kelsey: We only see her during the prison stuff but god damn was that red head dommy mommy fine asf. She can hit me whenever she wants fr fr.
Tiffany: I have no interest in her but I am down to help her off her pops.
Claudia: Wholesome Waifu who I hope retains her good nature. She is the best girl imo and fits nicely with MC.
Shadow: Ya'll all damn know I wanna fuck the dog....
WeirdWorld lemme fuck the dog.
Danica: As I say often enough, she's dead in every playthrough of mine.
Brianna: A sexy lady in uniform...but on a serious note i love her interactions with MC.
Nyx: I have no sexual interest in her but god damn is her power cool as hell!
Laurie: She was really warming up to me not gonna lie. Her powers are pretty neat and I like the fact she was able to make armor out of it too...just too bad I have to choose between her and big titty baby momma.
Bailey: Now usually i complain about getting handed pussy but Ima have to let it slide with this breed freak of a monster.
Nikki: I thought she was pretty cool and the fact that they are the first person we can genderbend sweetens the deal for me.
Angelina: Big titty...I have nothing more to say bout this one.
Lucy: She's meh.
Nico: She's gonna suffer the same fate as Danica but she did gain a bit of respect for her badassery against Ella.
Ella: She gives us brain which is pretty cool I suppose. Never really had much interest in her sexually if I'm bein honest feels like she could go all prayin mantis on us and kill us while we're like 40 inches deep.
Zara & Charlie: I have zero interest in these two. I do wanna kill Charlie now tho kinda.
Alexis: She's pretty cool.