
Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Personally I think we can cross off Tiffany and Dexter:

Tiffany always knew at some point she'd be forced to get married for political gain or whatever gain her father wants. She accepts the fact she'll have to marry Alaric and I believe she even comments to the MC that maybe she'll learn to love him or at least be civil.

Dexter well if he wanted Alaric dead he could of done it at any time...there would be no reason to put a spotlight on himself. For example he could of gotten a regular human to assassinate him easily without the usage of superhuman intervention.

Ima quickly skip Ella (for now) and head straight to Langdon:
Is it possible he was involved via Ella and her crew? Yes but honestly I doubt he personally would go after Alaric. Yeah Alaric is influential but he's hardly anyone of real risk to Langdon and if he truly was refer back to Dexter. Langdon much like Dexter wields a good portion of power and could of easily killed Alaric whenever he wished.

Back to Ella:
I feel like she was probably involved to a degree but it was more likely her crew (Cole, Zara, and Charlie) who off'd Alaric but I have a theory:
Alaric wasn't who they were going for but instead Tiffany. She's a far more valuable target to them than Alaric is and the daughter of the leader of an organization they are against.

Now you could argue they could of went after her at any time but it wasn't until recently that HERO announced itself (with Dexter at the helm) and even then going after Dexter or his family is a huge gamble just due to how much power they wield.

Also something of note is this wouldn't be their first time fucking up an assignment/hit (recall their blunder with MC although that was more of Jared's fault but eh).

Now what if...someone else at the party was involved?

Maybe Nyx or one of the other lvl 5s had there hand in this Alaric stew?

We can cross off Malik (The dude seems to be completely loyal to HERO and likes Tiffany).
Nyx is a good possibility since she seems to have some sort of connection/partnership (maybe) with Ella.
Lucius? Idk dude is too into himself and is literally a one man army helping HERO I doubt this is something he'd do.
Alexis? No probably not.
I don't remember if any other lvl 5s were there or not tho maybe they could of still been involved.
It's actually funny you mention Nyx cause I found her VERY fuckin suspicious at the party; as I find her character in general. A person who actively murders people for power and corruption yet wants to stop the monster attacks and "save the world?", is seemingly uncaring about those around her, and is nye unkillable even for a Lvl 5? I don't buy it...she even mentions her late husband being killed a similar way...

But then that begs the question...why? What's the motive, for any of them for that matter. Maybe it's like you said, their target was actually Tiffany, except again; what is the motive to KILL her? That monster wasn't going for a hug it was trying to murder someone, killing Tiffany only brings anger and thorough investigation, almost all the Captains have known Tiffany as a baby. Even if it was Cole and the gang of retards fucking it up you're still bringing unwanted attention to yourselves as the main suspects when what they really need is ALL the time to prepare for H.E.R.O, shit that wedding was their biggest distraction, killing her would've just made them vent their anger out on Ella once and for all. If it was Nyx, I have a feeling she wouldn't fuck it up so bad. But then there's also the factor of it not being able to be detected by even Malik bro...there were literally 4 Lvl 5s sitting right in the second row, and 3 of them have over 80 years of experience.

Call it a hunch, and I have literally no evidence to back this, but maybe it was Deus? The guy is shifty as fuck and has a habit of meddling in whatever he wants. Perhaps he WANTED to fast forward the time table to the Diamond War so that we could Evolve in time for whatever the monsters have planned against humanity. It's mentioned several times that Deus has been unforthcoming in regards to the MC and while he only mentions Ella as like an indirect associate; he has convenient night terrors like a day before all the Captains start to discuss how to deal with her, maybe he recognizes her usefulness to our growth...? That's the only thing I can think of, unless it REALLY was just Cole and the retards fucking up for the sake of fucking with H.E.R.O, but W.W has a knack for making shit not so simple.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Frankly, Christie isn't even a student in R&X and Emily avoids parties. We can't confirm that Ella would even know those two were there.
Additionally while we got some confirmation for Alice and Jess, Christie and Emily would survive regardless.

Christie fled the fraternity and Emily was with Deryl so she would get saved by MC. There is no chance in hell MC would just flee with so many of his friends trapped there. Choosing not to fight Kenny is one thing. Abandoning his friends is something else entirely. Also Jake was with Liz and Amber so he would survive too.

Lastly for Tiffany's wedding, I think that this is Dexter+Xanthe doing. We know that there are monsters and superhumans that can hide their supernatural aura. It's possible that Dexter used a luring pill so that his daughter would get the benefit of being married to Alaric without getting tied down. After all he talked about how his father knew exactly what he wanted in a spouse, but it's obvious that Tiffany wouldn't give a fuck about Alaric.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Call it a hunch, and I have literally no evidence to back this, but maybe it was D ineus? The guy is shifty as fuck and has a habit of meddling in whatever he wants. Perhaps he WANTED to fast forward the time table to the Diamond War so that we could Evolve in time for whatever the monsters have planned against humanity. It's mentioned several times that Deus has been unforthcoming in regards to the MC and while he only mentions Ella as like an indirect associate; he has convenient night terrors like a day before all the Captains start to discuss how to deal with her, maybe he recognizes her usefulness to our growth...? That's the only thing I can think of, unless it REALLY was just Cole and the retards fucking up for the sake of fucking with H.E.R.O.
You know what it could of been Deus...although Ima toss my conspiracy theorist hat into that ring.

Honestly? I doubt Deus is so powerful that the level 5s there couldn't sense it...perhaps this was Dexter's plan all along.

Think about it HERO does all sorts of fucked up shit like Eugenics perhaps a public murder is something right up there alley as well.

As to why? Simple, give HERO a Martyr to rage against their enemies (Monsters) and if they wanted to they could spin it against SIN as well.

Tiffany was never told by Dexter which is why her reaction is so genuine meanwhile the captains dont really care (you could just say its because they've seen so much death or whatever) but I bet they were in on it which is why they didn't care which would allowed Deus or literally any of the high ranking HERO goons to just let that beast in to kill Alaric their Martyr.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Frankly, Christie isn't even a student in R&X and Emily avoids parties. We can't confirm that Ella would even know those two were there.
Additionally while we got some confirmation for Alice and Jess, Christie and Emily would survive regardless.

Christie fled the fraternity and Emily was with Deryl so she would get saved by MC. There is no chance in hell MC would just flee with so many of his friends trapped there. Choosing not to fight Kenny is one thing. Abandoning his friends is something else entirely. Also Jake was with Liz and Amber so he would survive too.
I'll agree with you with Christie surviving but not with Emily and the other friends. The patrons were literally given the choice of "Run!" or "Fight!" could the MC go back down and get his friends? Yeah sure but this was at a point in the story where the MC was being quite secretive and it seemed like at the time MC wanted to get out of dodge ASAP due to the situation and as usual he wouldn' use his head and therefore think about his friends and the such and would just dip.

More or less this feels like a choice that would have severe reprecussions not just the MC being weaker but characters we know and like out right dying. If the MC at the time was to remain the course of (at the time) in a state of panic of deciding what to do he most def would just leave.

Is it possible his friends could of got out of dodge? Sure some of them but I doubt all of them would just survive. That kinda makes the choice kinda...watered down? Why would the MC run down stairs to save his friends I mean he'd have to show off his powers to get them out which I doubt he'd do since he just wants to leave unlike in the fight route where he shows off his powers.

But no matter how any of us feel, we only have 2 actual confirmations of survival: Alice and Jess. That's it. No other character comments on how they'd get out and hell we don't even know if Jess would of gotten out truly since she was in a place Alice had no clue about at the time although MC could of took her with him out a window (which is how Alice would of done if it I remember right).
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Frankly, Christie isn't even a student in R&X and Emily avoids parties. We can't confirm that Ella would even know those two were there.
Additionally while we got some confirmation for Alice and Jess, Christie and Emily would survive regardless.

Christie fled the fraternity and Emily was with Deryl so she would get saved by MC. There is no chance in hell MC would just flee with so many of his friends trapped there. Choosing not to fight Kenny is one thing. Abandoning his friends is something else entirely. Also Jake was with Liz and Amber so he would survive too.
Yeah but this is Ella we're talking about. There's no way in the seven hells she DOESN'T know party animal Christie that is best friends with Emily, friends with Jess, and loves to party ISN'T at that party. She also has no guarantee Emily or even Christie for that matter wouldn't have been right at the crux of the onslaught that Monsterfied Kenny/MC's fight was about to ensue in an enclosed space.

This is the same bitch that "potentially" dealt with a monster in a similar enclosed space with a bunch of kids that didn't go so well. Or at the very least knocked Christie out for even the thought of her wanting to party near the about to ensue massacre.

Shit I even JUST showed a picture of her petty killing Christie's club harasser, a nobody human. No SHOT she left gamble debut MC to defend her best friends from a monster attack in good knowing conscious, which is why I find it so odd that she DID.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
You know what it could of been Deus...although Ima toss my conspiracy theorist hat into that ring.

Honestly? I doubt Deus is so powerful that the level 5s there couldn't sense it...perhaps this was Dexter's plan all along.

Think about HERO does all sorts of fucked up shit like Eugenics perhaps a public murder is something right up there alley as well.

As to why? Simple, give HERO a Martyr to rage against their enemies (Monsters) and if they wanted to they could spin it against SIN as well.

Tiffany was never told by Dexter which is why her reaction is so genuine meanwhile the captains dont really care (you could just say its because they've seen so much death or whatever) but I bet they were in on it which is why they didn't care which would allowed Deus or literally any of the high ranking HERO goons to just let that beast in to kill Alaric their Martyr.
I dunno man, I'm starting to even doubt Deus is even a Lvl 4...he clapped something that bitch slapped Alexis out of the stratosphere and then some like it was nothing. Shit he hid his power so fucking well that our beyond Lvl 5 Origin couldn't even perceive him as a threat until he actually used his power, I'd say he's pretty damn good at hiding shit or possibly a monster if he wanted to...I guess having power over time and space makes someone with 80+ years of experience on you kinda irrelevant if you know what you're doing ahead of time.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I don't think Ella would've helped. She would've, in fact, made the Klaus fight much harder for the MC, if he asked for help. As I've said in the past, it's not in Ella's character to help the MC with his fights. Aside from advice, she won't help him. For her, that's a sign of weakness. You'll pick that up from her dialogue in game. She would have instead played both sides and actively made sure we would struggle even more and if we died then that was our own luck.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one that tipped Klaus off about electricity doing the trick after we beat Danica. It was always odd that Klaus knew to bring our weakness to capture us. She did say she set up the Klaus thing so that he would target us. Who knows what else she did in the process of that. No one but Deryl and Ella, for obvious reasons, would know we're weak to that. It's also right after the MC talks about bringing her in or not before going back home.

So, long story short, she wouldn't have helped at all during the Klaus fight. If anything, that might've made her dislike the MC and she would've increased the difficulty. Especially, when he's a spawn of the same set of Twin Apostles as her. Jake was different, in that he was weak willed from the beginning. Because of that, she mentored him to make him depend on her for her own needs. This is where the MC differs. She holds him to a higher standard. One that won't tolerate him being like Jake. You get an example of this when you tell her about your thoughts on the Minyak fight. She'll flat out insult you, if you say you nearly died.

I could totally see the bringing Ella in option leading to a dead end or to Ella lowering her respect towards the MC.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I don't think Ella would've helped. She would've, in fact, made the Klaus fight much harder for the MC, if he asked for help. As I've said in the past, it's not in Ella's character to help the MC with his fights. Aside from advice, she won't help him. For her, that's a sign of weakness. You'll pick that up from her dialogue in game. She would have instead played both sides and actively made sure we would struggle even more and if we died then that was our own luck.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one that tipped Klaus off about electricity doing the trick after we beat Danica. It was always odd that Klaus knew to bring our weakness to capture us. She did say she set up the Klaus thing so that he would target us. Who knows what else she did in the process of that. No one but Deryl and Ella, for obvious reasons, would know we're weak to that. It's also right after the MC talks about bringing her in or not before going back home.

So, long story short, she wouldn't have helped at all during the Klaus fight. If anything, that might've made her dislike the MC and she would've increased the difficulty. Especially, when he's a spawn of the same set of Twin Apostles as her. Jake was different, in that he was weak willed from the beginning. Because of that, she mentored him to make him depend on her for her own needs. This is where the MC differs. She holds him to a higher standard. One that won't tolerate him being like Jake. You get an example of this when you tell her about your thoughts on the Minyak fight. She'll flat out insult you, if you say you nearly died.

I could totally see the bringing Ella in option leading to a dead end or to Ella lowering her respect towards the MC.
Oh shitttt a wild Drako has appeared. How do ye do Elder brother! A thousand blessing to ye and mommy 4th!

And yeah idk why I didn't consider the fact she'd make it harder (since well that fits perfectly with who she is...such a sadistic bitch).
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
MC is still a shapeshifter. Before engaging Kenny, he was trying to figure out if he could do it while maintaining a transformation. Even if he never thought about the armor, he could just turn into an unknown person and use his powers normally while avoiding Kenny as much as possible.

Frankly he wouldn't even need to do that cause he is a huge motherfucker and no one would bat an eye even if he punched Kenny's dolls to submission. I don't think that MC's friends being banded together was a random choice.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I dunno man, I'm starting to even doubt Deus is even a Lvl 4...he clapped something that bitch slapped Alexis out of the stratosphere and then some like it was nothing. Shit he hid his power so fucking well that our beyond Lvl 5 Origin couldn't even perceive him as a threat until he actually used his power, I'd say he's pretty damn good at hiding shit or possibly a monster if he wanted to...I guess having power over time and space makes someone with 80+ years of experience on you kinda irrelevant if you know what you're doing ahead of time.
Tru dat. I hope W.W expands upon him some more since his power just seems to the automatic no to whatever fuck shit your doing. He can just railroad whatever he wants whatever way he wants which I feel like has to have some sort of nerf or weakness to it...


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I don't think Ella would've helped. She would've, in fact, made the Klaus fight much harder for the MC, if he asked for help. As I've said in the past, it's not in Ella's character to help the MC with his fights. Aside from advice, she won't help him. For her, that's a sign of weakness. You'll pick that up from her dialogue in game. She would have instead played both sides and actively made sure we would struggle even more and if we died then that was our own luck.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one that tipped Klaus off about electricity doing the trick after we beat Danica. It was always odd that Klaus knew to bring our weakness to capture us. She did say she set up the Klaus thing so that he would target us. Who knows what else she did in the process of that. No one but Deryl and Ella, for obvious reasons, would know we're weak to that. It's also right after the MC talks about bringing her in or not before going back home.

So, long story short, she wouldn't have helped at all during the Klaus fight. If anything, that might've made her dislike the MC and she would've increased the difficulty. Especially, when he's a spawn of the same set of Twin Apostles as her. Jake was different, in that he was weak willed from the beginning. Because of that, she mentored him to make him depend on her for her own needs. This is where the MC differs. She holds him to a higher standard. One that won't tolerate him being like Jake. You get an example of this when you tell her about your thoughts on the Minyak fight. She'll flat out insult you, if you say you nearly died.

I could totally see the bringing Ella in option leading to a dead end or to Ella lowering her respect towards the MC.
Klaus was thoroughly surprised by the fact that the tasers worked on us so she didn't tip him off on that, she just nudged the target on us from the get go.

But the Patreon vote wasn't to make Dead Ends guys it was to continue the story that way which is why we find it so odd she would even consider helping us in the first place, not in her character, so what was the plan to have the vote in the first place? I guess increasing the difficulty is as good as any, or maybe she would've ONLY gave us a tip? But the poll almost implies INSTEAD of just us, Alice, and Michael; she would also tag along herself so who knows what could've been.

But thank you Drako for putting Ella as a referee in the background to the Klaus and MC fight, with Michael/Alice and Danica/Oscar as tag teammates outside the ring like it's a wrestling match into my head, kinda wholesome way to end the night. Love you all :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
MC is still a shapeshifter. Before engaging Kenny, he was trying to figure out if he could do it while maintaining a transformation. Even if he never thought about the armor, he could just turn into an unknown person and use his powers normally while avoiding Kenny as much as possible.

Frankly he wouldn't even need to do that cause he is a huge motherfucker and no one would bat an eye even if he punched Kenny's dolls to submission. I don't think that MC's friends being banded together was a random choice.
Doesn't him going down even in shapeshift form and punching the dolls defeat the point of the poll choice anyway? He's still going down there to fight but this and fight.

Now his friends being banded together...well I mean when I'm at a party I'm usually with my homies or at least people I know about. They all know each other so they are together and hanging vibes and all mah boi. Now knowing W.W it may of had some meaning to it but I doubt it...they just knew each other and wanted to vibe together.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Klaus was thoroughly surprised by the fact that the tasers worked on us so she didn't tip him off on that, she just nudged the target on us from the get go.

But the Patreon vote wasn't to make Dead Ends guys it was to continue the story that way which is why we find it so odd she would even consider helping us in the first place, not in her character, so what was the plan to have the vote in the first place?

But thank you Drako for putting Ella as a referee in the background to the Klaus and MC fight, with Michael/Alice and Danica/Oscar as tag teammates outside the ring like it's a wrestling match into my head, kinda wholesome way to end the night. Love you all :sleep:
Have a good night mah boi and love ya too mannnnnnn.

Speaking of rest I should of went to bed :cry: too late now I gotta leave in a few hours to see family...fuck it one more round of Kichikuou Rance!
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Doesn't him going down even in shapeshift form and punching the dolls defeat the point of the poll choice anyway? He's still going down there to fight but this and fight.

Now his friends being banded together...well I mean when I'm at a party I'm usually with my homies or at least people I know about. They all know each other so they are together and hanging vibes and all mah boi. Now knowing W.W it may of had some meaning to it but I doubt it...they just knew each other and wanted to vibe together.
I don't think it defeats the purpose. The poll was either Fight or "Retreat". Kenny has seen MC so a confrontation is imminent unless someone else deals with him, but that doesn't automatically mean that MC will just jump out of the window never to be seen again.

WW said this in regards to the poll result
Second order of business is the poll. As you might’ve guessed FIGHT won, by a landslide. it’s even more overwhelming when you count the extra votes of the tiers. I guess the idea of getting hunt down by a monster wasn’t as appealing as fighting it outright. I probably should’ve made the sales pitch for that option a bit better. But whatever, next time. Oh, and speaking of next time, should there be a next time? What do you guys think of the community voting on ingame choices? I still haven’t decided if it’s something I’m going to repeat.
And while I agree that people are likely to stay with people they know in parties, Liz and Amber never met Jake formally as far as I remember and Deryl was introduced to Em once, but then ignored her to lust after the Nymphs. So I'm not sure if it's normal that he would stick with Em.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I don't think it defeats the purpose. The poll was either Fight or "Retreat". Kenny has seen MC so a confrontation is imminent unless someone else deals with him, but that doesn't automatically mean that MC will just jump out of the window never to be seen again.

WW said this in regards to the poll result

And while I agree that people are likely to stay with people they know in parties, Liz and Amber never met Jake formally as far as I remember and Deryl was introduced to Em once, but then ignored her to lust after the Nymphs. So I'm not sure if it's normal that he would stick with Em.
You got me on the first point. The way W.W makes it sound MC would most def head back down stairs to get out and not escape via window upstairs like I assumed which going by what Weird says we would of avoided Kenny be it in MC's regular form or perhaps shapeshifting.

Now in regards to Liz and Amber, if I remember right them being together with Jake was a complete and utter coincidence and nothing more. Jake simply ran into the room they were in during the fight and hell if I remember right they weren't even visible (they were hiding in a closet I believe) nothing shows that Jake knew they were there at all...hell he even seemed surprised or rather, confused about them being in the room with him/in the closet (if I remember right).

Now I can explain the Deryl and Em being together thing: If you remember Christie ditches Em to give MC a tit job and at some point she sees Deryl (or he sees her) and they talk. Boom monster attack happens and they just happen to be together or hell they dont even meet until that point and just happen to be near each other when meeting MC in armored form.

Edit: It seems like Deryl didn't stick with Em but rather she followed him (probably because it's safer together rather than being alone.)
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
You got me on the first point. The way W.W makes it sound MC would most def head back down stairs to get out and not escape via window upstairs like I assumed which going by what Weird says we would of avoided Kenny be it in MC's regular form or perhaps shapeshifting.

Now in regards to Liz and Amber, if I remember right them being together with Jake was a complete and utter coincidence and nothing more. Jake simply ran into the room they were in during the fight and hell if I remember right they weren't even visible (they were hiding in a closet I believe) nothing shows that Jake knew they were there at all...hell he even seemed surprised or rather, confused about them being in the room with him/in the closet (if I remember right).

Now I can explain the Deryl and Em being together thing: If you remember Christie ditches Em to give MC a tit job and at some point she sees Deryl (or he sees her) and they talk. Boom monster attack happens and they just happen to be together or hell they dont even meet until that point and just happen to be near each other when meeting MC in armored form.
You are probably correct in both accounts. I don't remember the circumstances that put them together by heart. The only reason I made the connection is because it made sense to me that MC will at least try to pull his friends out of the slaughterhouse, and being banded together would make it both convenient and more likely to save them all.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
You are probably correct in both accounts. I don't remember the circumstances that put them together by heart. The only reason I made the connection is because it made sense to me that MC will at least try to pull his friends out of the slaughterhouse, and being banded together would make it both convenient and more likely to save them all.
Yeah I get what ya mean. Damn us talking about this makes me sad we'll never see how the other choice would of went down fully :cry:

Oh well always happy to speculate at least. Always a fun time doin that.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Klaus was thoroughly surprised by the fact that the tasers worked on us so she didn't tip him off on that, she just nudged the target on us from the get go.

But the Patreon vote wasn't to make Dead Ends guys it was to continue the story that way which is why we find it so odd she would even consider helping us in the first place, not in her character, so what was the plan to have the vote in the first place? I guess increasing the difficulty is as good as any, or maybe she would've ONLY gave us a tip? But the poll almost implies INSTEAD of just us, Alice, and Michael; she would also tag along herself so who knows what could've been.

But thank you Drako for putting Ella as a referee in the background to the Klaus and MC fight, with Michael/Alice and Danica/Oscar as tag teammates outside the ring like it's a wrestling match into my head, kinda wholesome way to end the night. Love you all :sleep:
Him being surprised it worked doesn't rule it out though. If I told you, you could see the 1st if you ate Jake and you didn't know, prior. Does that rule out me telling you, if you were shocked at it actually working when you see the 1st? No. He could've been surprised that it actually worked like he was potentially told.

Different paths would, indeed, add different dead ends. The story continuing doesn't rule out the possibility of dying. It could, in fact, lead to a dead end, if she helped you. That's not saying the story couldn't continue from picking Ella. It's saying that it would potentially lead to a new set of dead ends.

Realistically, what advice could Ella have given us about Klaus? The MC already learned about his barrier weakness from their first fight. Michael already prepared for Oscar's ability. Only thing that would change is their original plan would've worked, as the MC wouldn't have been captured. Ella also already out levels everybody in the fight. That alone tells me she would've stirred the pot some. Especially since it would be too easy for the MC.

Born again ending explaination?
Requirements to see it or about what's happening during it? Requirements is 25 Corruption points.

As for what's happening, the MC is being reborn as the Origin/Arbiter of his Twin Apostles(The 3rd and 4th). The Eye you see floating during the scene. During this rebirth, his power reaches beyond Level 5 and he goes out looking for someone to get more of his original power back.

If you're referring to the very end of the scene. Deus pretty much went back in time and killed him before he was reborn inside of the MC. I put spoilers just in case you didn't see the scenes itself.


May 19, 2020
Sheesh, can't get a good night's sleep without missing an entire argument about WW planning ahead, will you guys slow down a little so I can catch up? :Kappa:

joking aside, I'm pretty sure WW himself said a while ago he had the story for the game done. I gues that means he definitely plans ahead (or planned ahead in this case?). Let's see here... Yep, found it:
There's a separate flag for every time you visit bailey, so I can track if the storyline was never started, never finished, or even where specifically in the storyline you've progressed to.

Bailey Eaten is a simple yes or no variable. If it's true she's eaten, if it's false she's not eaten, either can be tracked. The default is false.

I'll give a vague answer, but understand that I generally keep my nose out of these discussions because I don't want people to think I'm making some sort of promise, and because in general, it's not my place to comment about the story as the author. Now with all that said, nothing is definitive, if I wanted to I could easily do content with the variables set in Bailey's code, it's just a matter of me choosing to spend the time. And yes I have decided, I've had the whole storyline for superhuman written for some time now, but everyone will just have to wait and see like with everything else in the game.
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