- Aug 30, 2019
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- 4,115
It's actually funny you mention Nyx cause I found her VERY fuckin suspicious at the party; as I find her character in general. A person who actively murders people for power and corruption yet wants to stop the monster attacks and "save the world?", is seemingly uncaring about those around her, and is nye unkillable even for a Lvl 5? I don't buy it...she even mentions her late husband being killed a similar way...Personally I think we can cross off Tiffany and Dexter:
Tiffany always knew at some point she'd be forced to get married for political gain or whatever gain her father wants. She accepts the fact she'll have to marry Alaric and I believe she even comments to the MC that maybe she'll learn to love him or at least be civil.
Dexter well if he wanted Alaric dead he could of done it at any time...there would be no reason to put a spotlight on himself. For example he could of gotten a regular human to assassinate him easily without the usage of superhuman intervention.
Ima quickly skip Ella (for now) and head straight to Langdon:
Is it possible he was involved via Ella and her crew? Yes but honestly I doubt he personally would go after Alaric. Yeah Alaric is influential but he's hardly anyone of real risk to Langdon and if he truly was refer back to Dexter. Langdon much like Dexter wields a good portion of power and could of easily killed Alaric whenever he wished.
Back to Ella:
I feel like she was probably involved to a degree but it was more likely her crew (Cole, Zara, and Charlie) who off'd Alaric but I have a theory:
Alaric wasn't who they were going for but instead Tiffany. She's a far more valuable target to them than Alaric is and the daughter of the leader of an organization they are against.
Now you could argue they could of went after her at any time but it wasn't until recently that HERO announced itself (with Dexter at the helm) and even then going after Dexter or his family is a huge gamble just due to how much power they wield.
Also something of note is this wouldn't be their first time fucking up an assignment/hit (recall their blunder with MC although that was more of Jared's fault but eh).
Now what if...someone else at the party was involved?
Maybe Nyx or one of the other lvl 5s had there hand in this Alaric stew?
We can cross off Malik (The dude seems to be completely loyal to HERO and likes Tiffany).
Nyx is a good possibility since she seems to have some sort of connection/partnership (maybe) with Ella.
Lucius? Idk dude is too into himself and is literally a one man army helping HERO I doubt this is something he'd do.
Alexis? No probably not.
I don't remember if any other lvl 5s were there or not tho maybe they could of still been involved.
But then that begs the question...why? What's the motive, for any of them for that matter. Maybe it's like you said, their target was actually Tiffany, except again; what is the motive to KILL her? That monster wasn't going for a hug it was trying to murder someone, killing Tiffany only brings anger and thorough investigation, almost all the Captains have known Tiffany as a baby. Even if it was Cole and the gang of retards fucking it up you're still bringing unwanted attention to yourselves as the main suspects when what they really need is ALL the time to prepare for H.E.R.O, shit that wedding was their biggest distraction, killing her would've just made them vent their anger out on Ella once and for all. If it was Nyx, I have a feeling she wouldn't fuck it up so bad. But then there's also the factor of it not being able to be detected by even Malik bro...there were literally 4 Lvl 5s sitting right in the second row, and 3 of them have over 80 years of experience.
Call it a hunch, and I have literally no evidence to back this, but maybe it was Deus? The guy is shifty as fuck and has a habit of meddling in whatever he wants. Perhaps he WANTED to fast forward the time table to the Diamond War so that we could Evolve in time for whatever the monsters have planned against humanity. It's mentioned several times that Deus has been unforthcoming in regards to the MC and while he only mentions Ella as like an indirect associate; he has convenient night terrors like a day before all the Captains start to discuss how to deal with her, maybe he recognizes her usefulness to our growth...? That's the only thing I can think of, unless it REALLY was just Cole and the retards fucking up for the sake of fucking with H.E.R.O, but W.W has a knack for making shit not so simple.
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