Deryl's circumstances showed us a possibility that makes the monster motives very complicated, even if the resolution could be fairly simple. Let me explain:
The facts:
1) Deryl turns into monster.
2) By instinct he empowers his clone with his humanity.
3) MC beats monster Deryl badly, depleting almost all of his power.
4) The empowered clone returns to the whole and manages to reshape Deryl into a human.
5) Deryl thanks the MC for the beating, claiming that it was catalytic to that outcome.
If my point isn't yet clear, it seems that the power differential can allow the human side to win over the monster side. We had that indication since power protects the superhuman from monsterification during evolutions, but Deryl is proof that the interaction is more complicated than that.
A level 2 MC is for all intents and purposes, a weakling. So if he allows the Eye to be reborn, he gets dominated and absorbed by it.
What would happen if a naturally evolved level 5 with huge reserves of power allowed the Eye to be reborn? Would the same scenario repeat or it would be the opposite, MC dominating and absorbing the Eye?
Ella seems very insistent on MC becoming strong. She has high hopes that MC, who had his powers for a few months, will end up surpassing her in power which is odd to say the least. But even if it's possible, what's the damn purpose? We know that she doesn't just want the Arbiter to take over MC thanks to the Deadend. She wants MC to fight and choose his own fate. She says so during training 33.
This is all speculation but one of my theories is that Ella wants to create a god with a human-first agenda. We can't know the why. Perhaps the monsters are meant to win if things don't change, or perhaps there is some other apocalyptic event on the horizon and humanity will need the extra power to survive. Perhaps it's something more complex and more "neutral". But whatever the reason, for the superhuman to become god, they would need to inherit the power of an arbiter and a connection to the "higher plane".
The reason why I said that monster motives can be complicated, is because if that's the case, then why would they wait for the superhuman to reach level 5 and be able to resist them or even absorb/consume them? Perhaps monsters don't have the sense of self that humans have. Perhaps they don't care if they retain their agency or if they just live on in the superhuman's genes.
You too make good point GT as always
You're obviously right about Deryl, but Monsters and failed Monsterifed humans are 2 different things. I'm prone to believe the Monsterifed humans will probably have SOME semblance of humanity that can drive them past their instincts to an extent (like you mentioned with Deryl), but what of the OG intelligent monsters or the ones that come through the gates from another plane? THAT was my point, as those seem to be the primary ones infecting people for "caring" purposes.
The Eye argument is a good example...but if we are prone to believe that the Eye like in the Dead End can shove his OVER LEVEL 5 energy into a Level 2 body, what's to say he can't win a power struggle against a new Level 5 MC? Unless of course there's a time skip where we spend Malik/Bernhardt levels for time with our power to threaten The Eye, there's no way we are just whooshing away that Primal influence that stands above even the Apostles.
Regarding the Ella paradox, we don't know 100% that she DOESN'T want the MC stronger for the Origin to possess. It could be that she very well wanted us stronger so that EVENTUALLY, with a complete body (Level 5); she could insert the hearts and THEN bring the Origin making it a COMPLETE resurrection rather than an incomplete rushed one that spawned in the middle of a Level 5 war. You're right though she DOES say she wants US to win almost with a sadden expression during Training 33, and as much as Ella haters LOVE to write that interaction off, I think it serves as some of the only semblance of Ella ACTUALLY having a heart to heart moment, albeit slight and brief. The somber atmosphere almost speaks to ME as if she doesn't actually want "her side" to win, whatever that entails (even if it does mean bringing back the Arbiter). So if she DOES want us as a vessel, why kill us when we prove to have the Memory trait? She also seemed so sad that it was up to us for whatever purpose her Level 5 Evolution was to bring, does that mean SHE wanted to be the vessel, and that WE were to just be a failsafe if she failed in that regard (which she did), that would explain why she's so smitten with us later on in the story. Perhaps she's broken, beaten, and we are her only "salvation" to whatever plan she or the Apostles want to bring to light.
There are SO many factors we don't know about Ella...maybe she really does want a "human agenda" god. But her actions speak otherwise, she doesn't really seem to care about EITHER side in the matter, and even works with the Monsters themselves for whatever purpose. It's worthy to note; AT FIRST, after the year she spent away from Middle School when she came back she seemed to be fighting against something speaking to her in her head. IF that WAS the 4th, it would mean that eventually she was brought on board to their side cause in her apartment Dead End she even brings us to the 4th as a way of us getting an in on her plans or as an offering? (Due to our fast progress), and then on multiple occasions speaks presumably to them. So is Ella ACTUALLY helping them or just PRETENDING so she can at the last second flip to the good side? Is she being forced by them and that's why she wants US to win against her in the end? But she also mentions in the apartment that she doesn't work for them, was that just because she was being watched by the 4th? There are times in that past look into Ella where throughout her "moral conversion" into what later becomes the Massacre, she questions to Christie whether or not humans are even worth the being alive in comparison to animals. Who knows, but know at the start of her journey she DID NOT want to do something, whatever resistance she did have seems to be gone or pushed deep down for the time being.
You make a fair point with the monsters. In my eyes, the Monsters are an alien race that assimilates or conquers those that they come into contact with, with the addition of once partially integrating themselves, they allow and or make vessels for their Lords (Apostles) to come down to bask in whatever Hell they make for them. IF that is true, perhaps the humans are a little TOO compatible with the monster trait because it's like you said, I see no way of them being able to influence a Level 5. I mean shit, most Superhumans SURPASS their monster by Level 2, while others do it accidentally make sense, I truly do wonder WHY some WILLINGLY infect, especially knowing that their spawn can get stronger and not have to follow them around anymore, I doubt they are unaware of this fact. Another thing is I have ZERO idea what the Apostles want, they arguably are the ONLY ones to be able to stand up to Level 5s, which would make my first argument pointless, and unlike the other mindless monsters, they seem to have individual goals to themselves rather than to the species as a whole. I guess we'll find out, as much as I hate humans though, I doubt with a high level of certainty that the monsters have the human race'd best interest at heart.
Post Edit: Another thing to note, the Arbiter/Eye/Origin go fuck yourself; seems to have a PERSONAL interest in US, not Ella. It didn't really even know her all too much, and at the time.ofnour possession, refers to her as the Apostle's chosen, not it's own. So whatever plans the Arbiter has for us may be COMPLETELY different than what Ella or even the Apostles have in store for us. Yet Ella is making it's hearts, so is she aware of the Arbiter or does she just know of it? Is that enough to make her whole ass Deryl plan just off that whim? She also refers to the Apostles as THE TOP, nothing stands above them, yet...we know the Arbiter does...This makes the Ella paradox even more of a fucking mystery.