I mean, prize container was supposed to hold dead monster remains , but here fairy pops out with just some parts of limbs missing and owns superpowered human like it's nothing. Monsters definitely aren't as dependent on the body as humans, I'm guessing as long some kind of core is intact(which might be in whole other place or dimension from the body), they will revive with time and restore any physical harm to the body/vessel. Even more so for the body morph types. Obviously, this effect is much weaker in infected humans, I'm guessing brain and maybe heart will count as vital, kinda like vampires, but everything else is fair go. And humans with energy types would need some kind of life support if they sustain certain amount of injuries, like those liquid stasis tubes or something, otherwise regeneration would be slower than remaining tissues dying off.
Who said the fairy wasnt a human? You can shapeshift as well, the difference between your kamikaze eagle form and the fairy is it kept the human body to perform his energy attacks. You can use your tentacles in every form because they just need a physical body to expand from, but the energy caster need some gestures to manifest their will. Even if its just pointing on the opponent or snap the fingers like danica to trigger her crossmarks to explode.
Scratch the heart, as said before you were a talking head. The brain however is different, you got several headshots and survived critical brain damage. Ella regenerated from a tentacle as the big sword team destroyed her body including head and brain. It seems the "core" is pure definition and you can regenerate from every part, at least if you reached a certain level to allow your mind to outgrow human body limitations, that failure kenny was dead after he lost his head, oscar too and to finish pinky it was enough to crush his organs. They all never learned to regenerate properly.
Remember your last evolutions? Your memory was almost blank and got engraved into your dna, now you should be ablte to learn how to control parts of you after they got seperated from your body...and in a few evolutions you might regenerate from such parts as well, maybe even "clone" yourself for training and other reasons...your body surpassed humanity, your mind just has to follow...but i wouldnt wonder if you soon can be the perfect spy with eyes and ears spreaded over the whole town while seducing a girl to your room ^^
Electricity effect on mc was a bit weird, though. It looked more like a catalyst for monster part in some scenes than anything else, with explosive tissue expansion. Going for weakness on progenitor monsters could backfire hard.
Well, either the cells couldnt handle it or it forced a rapid evolution on the cells in direct contact with the electricity...your evolved body generated its own black energy flashes, so it could be a way to force evolution in the right dosage/voltage, maybe thats something xanthe uses in his lab to make his minions so strong.
Sure, if you dont know their individual weakness its suicide, i dont think everyone has the same. Even pinky was surprise electricity affects you, so its pretty sure to assume it had no effect on him.
I agree about Michael getting powers could go horribly wrong, but that's what friends are for - to keep you sane. He is already crazy adrenaline combat junkie, and the way he's going, he will either break mentally anyway or die while going up the ladder of monster opponents. If he tries to get power, he will already see the "end-tier" content to aim for, no reason to go crazy and lash out at people nearby. From then on , it's just a matter of control and discipline, and that's something martial artists have in spades.
You can worry about Michael when he finally kills strongest monster, but I doubt that will happen any time soon
Friends? Remember this little chubby friend you had before he took the pill? His weak mind surpassed his mind powers, he is nothing more than a chess figure on ellas board, but without her he either never learned to use his powers at all out of fear or his weakness would succumb to it and he would end like kenny...not in a physical killing spree, but he would crush every mind in reach and drown in this power. Michael would have no chance, his desire for strength will be his death and if he takes the pill it will be the death of many more.
That prize is Evil or Good ??
Depends on the point of view...are you good or evil? You side with a mafia family to kill an other, you used your powers to join the cheerleaders just because you wanted the girls, you side with a girl who wants you to kill her father and already drool over her sister too...
The price was just captured...we dont know by whom or what he did before, we only know he has powers and knows how to share them...and he decided to share them to save alice...and he defended himself against pinky...his parting words were "keep her save", so he either has a weak spot for alice (maybe he knew her before he transformed? Or she, hard to say with this whole shapeshifting thing) or he sees the ones he transforms as some kind of family. At least thats the first "higher class monster" that showed a general interest in someones wellbeing, so evil may not be a fitting phrase, but it dont means it is good either.