Well it kinda depends on what you consider as "full trait". MC for example has the full body trait. Whatever Ella can do, he can also do. The difference is that MC has to do it in a more instinctual manner while Ella has way better control right of the bat. However they both can change molecular structure so the "depth" of their ability is pretty much the same.
In Michael's case, the abilities we can observe from the 2nd are
1) Matter to energy conversion (absorbed the Leigong)
2) Energy transformation (got lightning, outputted some form or radiation)
3) Radiation based attacks
4) The glow that turned night into day.
5) Energy to matter conversion (probably what happened when it created it's arms)
Michael could already do the first 4 and during his evolution he also did the 5th, by increasing the size of his muscles. So I don't think there is any indication he didn't get the full trait.
He also did well against Tif, who is supposed to have compatibility with the 8th so he doesn't seem to lack for power in comparison.
As for Nyx, that's a smart connection. Nyx is savvy and tricksy, although personally I didn't get the same vibe, due to how she dismissed it once MC answered negatively. The funny part is that eventually MC noticed it and Nyx probably missed it. The way the narration goes, it's also possible that MC noticed a presense in Tiffany that Nyx missed, but Michael's was stronger.
We don't know the full extent of the trait yet and those surface level abilities could be the basic stuff for Power. Kind of like how Jake's was "simple" early on but had the potential to command objects and so on in the future, if he didn't mess it up. The comparison between Ella and MC isn't really a good one because we know both the MC and Ella have around the same compatibility with the MC inheriting both traits. You would need to compare someone like Deus and Zack, if they have the same parent somehow. We'll have to wait to see how Michael progress regardless so I'll let this one simmer a bit.
As for the Tiffany bit, we don't actually know her compatibility, which is funny now that I remembered. She's a test tube spawn, technically
. The fact that
the Light Apostle didn't show up but Power did also plays a part. Michael was getting way more power out of it while She was only getting what comes with an Evolution, likely. It's
absence there likely affected Tiffany since nothing was passed on or granted by her parent.
With Nyx. the Ella and Nyx conspiracy theories can get more fuel/ammo if you think about the fact that Nyx can see dead people and we all know where Ella's "corpse" is located. So if she's working with Ella, she's probably seeing how far along the MC is by seeing if he could
sense the 8th and 2nd. What is more strange is that the 3rd and 4th didn't intervene when the 2nd pushed the MC out and tried to proxy Michael and absorb his power.
That's why that scenes gives me the most thoughts from this update. Corruption around 46 or Power over 450 doesn't seem to effect it. All 3 people participating are Apostle Spawns. Only
Power shows up while 8th said that's no my child or dead. 4th doesn't retaliate like she did with Jake. Though to be fair, the 2nd might've just pushed the MC out. It might've just been a warning not to mess with his spawn with his power. So our parent not showing up makes sense since 2nd wasn't being too heavy handed.
We'll have to see where this goes in the future.