I read a bit more about the Sila and apparently they are described as slim,witty and powerful women. MC's Mother behaves more like a bimbo(which might be an act) or MC's memories are really altered. However there is one particular story about them:If people already had the theory that Mc's memories were altered to hide his mom being a monster that name was like throwing gasoline at the flames.
In pre-Islamic Arab countries, there was said to be one man who fell in love with a si'lat and had children who are known as "Banu Si'lat" It was rumored that the Arab population was conceived from descendants of 'Amr ibn Yarbu's' children who were half-si'lat. Their mother was said to have left her family behind after seeing lightning in the sky, interpreting this as a sign to return to her clan.
The only thing that could alter our memories would be the 4th(at least in my opinion).
Maybe we or our parents knew the apostles for much longer than we thought? Apostles can't stay long in our dimension and need to return back to their own world...that's one of the reasons I don't think Syla is an Apostle shell(however would be really cool if Mommy 4th would be MC's real mother( that would make the blowjob really awkward))?
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