Something just occured to me.
Beart with me for a second while I go full on conspiracy theory nutjob.
What if... Syla was actually just a fucking dumb idiot. Like, actually fucking stupid. But human.
And, like we were told by the vague mentions of the MC, she was actually murdered... by H.E.R.O.
They have people capable of seeing in the future, such as Zach and Deus. What if someone at theirs saw the MC's future with them, and that the turning point was his mom dying, and acted on it to make sure the future would take that path ?
So far, S.I.N. has been shown to be the evil side, despite us being warned at multiple turn to not fully trust H.E.R.O. either. But so far, aside from assholes, some being bigger ones than others (Hello Bernhardt), that side's been pretty good. We have yet to see an actual majorly red flag that would make them really fucking dodgy. Sure their methods are kinda forceful, but not outright bordering on evil, contrary to S.I.N.
And WeirdWorld's writting has shown that this fucking world isn't black or white. Everyone is a shade of grey. Absolutely everyone.
So it strikes me as odd that H.E.R.O. would be spared from that and end up being fairly upstanding, for a dystopian world.
So I wouldn't put it past them to actually have some very shady shit done thanks to their oracles...
Edit : typo cleaning.