Well, there were some smaller discussions of note, but nothing really big enough to warrant an inclusion in
necromater 's hall of fame. For better or worse, I came too late for this. Still, here are some honorable mentions:
- Shadow vs Mommy 4th
- The Justification of S.I.N.
- The Aglaecwif/Laurie Dilemma
- Deus Ex Machina
- The MC ate his mom
And as far as the search for new discussion material goes, I have to admit, I already shed a tear after realizing just how thoroughly my attempts were buried with Danica vs Michael. Ouch. That hurt.
But I'm gonna try again anyway. I'm stubborn like that.
Is there anything, anything at all, that you guys
didn't like in the game/story?
Anything that you wish were done differently/had a different outcome?
Any gripes?
What would you have done/how would you have written certain story beats?
Consequences that you are hoping for?
Character deaths?
Shout-out to those that did respond the first time around, you know who you are, love you!