WW just posted this. Your thoughts?
Well, I did just make a post about wanting another side update in the future. If it comes next, I'll be happy with more hunts being added for us to do on top of building up to the twin stuff. Like I said in that other post, it would satisfy me personally. That said, I'm just one person and others may want more than that.
While I'm fine with whichever way WW decides to go, doing more side stuff would be fun. I mean, we just came off of the Battle of Diamonds. That was only 1 update ago. For someone that just binged the game with two playthroughs, I can tell you, it would be pretty stressful to go into something really big again. I would prefer to get more acquainted with HERO members first, improve on our abilities and then dive completely in. Especially if WW is really going to go hard with the Twin Arc like they're saying. I want that update to be huge and focused completely on it like the Battle of Diamonds before it.
I'm sure there's going to be hell of stat requirements and probably a lot of death in the Twin Arc too. From a gameplay stance, another side update would allow some people to catch up on stats and be prepared for what's to come. This current update was good but lacking in the money gaining department. I've already posted my stats here. Those are stats from someone who's played the game a lot and knows what to choose. Since most players didn't choose money from Tiffany as well, they couldn't really benefit from buying the pieces so they'll be around 330s. Even with a walkthrough, I don't think most players came close to 363 PP or even 350 PP without doing something they didn't really want to do during gameplay. So that's another plus.
So strictly for myself, I'm completely fine with the next update being a side one. It would let us get closer to HERO agents, train more and get more knowledge overall so MC is not in the dark on some of this stuff. On top of giving more time for those who's stats aren't quite as high to increase them a bit. As we've seen during the Aglaecwif/Laurie stuff, a decent amount of players weren't as ready for those requirements. It wasn't just here. You can see it in comments on other sites as well. So I think it would be beneficial all around for everyone. At least so they can be well prepared this time. The real question would be if the loop is coming back like before the big identity reveal? If so, that would be perfect as well.
Side note, have Xanthe let us see the Light Apostle's corpse for fun! It's totally not because I'm hoping it's a busty goddess looking monster. I only want to see it for academic purposes
. Plus, after the MC was able to see the memories of an A-Rank monster, I'm sure Xanthe would be at least curious to know about the Light Apostle. Even if we only got a small peek at it's memory before getting booted out.