Now from what I'm gathering want both to die, the current world government and HERO.
Yep, they can share a grave in hell together.
Now from what I'm gathering want both to die, the current world government and HERO.
That just means chaos and on the global level.
Rather then suppression, insurrection and mass slaughter that already occurs? The new world system has suitably failed and is only persisting currently I'd argue due to the efforts of HERO, they put down that oh so recent revolution after all.
HERO dying won't have that great of an impact (well...other than humanity/superhumans losing those who stood the best chance at saving everyone's arses despite their totalitarian stance and ultimately getting their shit kicked in by monsters).
This is fairly valid, their talent pool vanishing would have a noticeable impact on the ecology would likely result in a very different world to what we have currently...if we hadn't already learned that they can be co-opted, have servitude enforced upon them and just 'learn to live and let live'. A new balance of power would have to be crafted but its hardly implausible given that it all has happened before.
But the downfall of the world government just ensures that the end times come far much sooner. Does it suck that they are totalitarian cuntbags? Yeah.
The collapse of the prior regime always leads to chaos, even in the case of successful revolution the pieces always need to be put back together, even if you end up trading a king for an absolute dictator.
But eventually civilization will rise once again because absence of authority does not mean absence of power and nature by its very heh nature abhors vacuums.
If we're comparing other universes look no further than Starship without that evil totalitarian government that rules over the human race well...humanity would be fucked in the ass long dick style by the bug menace.
I actually used those examples for a very specific reasoning I will now outline.
Precime was set up to essentially prevent murder, that is a positive and overall benefit for society but it was based off of poorly understood pseudo science and imprisoned hundreds of people who technically hadn't committed a crime yet.

Yes I drew the parallels for obvious reasons.
The Titans oh boy, where to start with those mass murdering, military coopting, coup staging loons. Alrighty they were thrown together to basically ensure a large scale act of terrorism was not allowed to be repeated, understandable the prior act devastated global food supplies, killed millions, so on so forth. Until you learn that their leadership essentially allowed it to occur to allow their own seizure of political and military authority across the whole of human civilization.
They rode said civilization roughshod until they faced their end at the conclusion of you could probably guess~ A civil war prompted by their own slaughter of millions of civilians, very similar to the incident they were formed to prevent amusingly enough.
Here we have the tough one the Inquisition, unlimited authority for its leading body and organization as a whole, suppression of information, genocide and ethnical cleansing, all the worst traits, corruptions and vices you could attribute to unlimited authority over a civilization and they've probably done it at least once.
Closing on this topic branch though, the world gov reminding me of all these entities is not a point in its favor.
But at the end of the day a 'humane' and 'ideal' government can't (or rather would take too long) unify the entire world. The current world government despite the negative drawbacks it may have it's still better than a divided world like we have in real least if we're talking bout the threat(s) humanity and superhumans are going to face very soon.
This ground is debatable, especially given the sins of the father that might be attached to this particular government if the casual remarks Dexter throws around are actually true. Regardless though I would disagree on it mattering over much if humanity has this little tinpot dictatorship or no, the plain truth is the war while involving baseline humanity cannot be fought by them.
So the state of their little global nation state likewise probably won't effect much, especially if HERO was gone from the picture.
But I mean shit...lets fucking throw the whole world into anarchy cause fuck totalitarians mannnnn
The whims of an insane despot were apparently enough to unite it a few decades back if you go by setting. *shrug*
I mean whats the worse that could happen? A buncha monsters clappin everyone's shit in? Nah won't happen.
Chances are that has a decent chance whether or not HERO or World Gov exists if the apparent power discrepancy between opponents is anything to go by.
To put it another way. It probably won't hurt!
Sorry I'm not used to regular discussion. I'm more of a paranoid schizo raving about his love for Lady Shadow so I'm not used to talkin normie speech....the power of Shadow does that to you unfortunately but goddamn is it worth it
I still find the whole dog thing weird if I am being real.
That said no biggie to me, I wasn't expecting this much commentary on my own opinions in relation to the game but actually getting a conversation out of it turned out to be pretty pleasant.