So basically, copy Dexter and HERO while adding a little twist on it?
No? Rip all the new world order and illuminati bullshit from the equation, its an entirely differing beast at that juncture I would say. Overall the concept I suppose is similar but so is space marine legions in the Crusade to space marine chapters during the modern setting, it come across as similar simply because so many of the original pieces are left in operation but the scale and scope is drastically different.
You said you want all of HERO gone.
The globe spanning organization yes, particular portions of its membership yes. The bulk of it is pretty inconsequential once its power projection is gone and regionalized.
But even starting from scratch the foundation of regional "chapters" would provide a bulwark, sure the bulk of them won't be worth much but that is hardly different from the current scenario. Most of HERO's current roster is made up of children, folk with worthless for combat abilities or variations there of with the odd anomaly.
Those odd anomaly's would be doing the bulk of duties much the same as if they were under HERO.
What are you going to do to stop B-Class Monster?
Hope the odd anomaly's are enough, much like HERO.
The fact that you think SIN will actually help is also interesting since they're just as corrupt, if not more than the world government itself.
Its former membership would be useful in establishing said regional bulwark, much like HERO the organization should be relegated to the dustbin of history, its survivors are a differing matter however.
More chances of those odd anomaly's after all.
Like said, it's easy to say you can do this and that with HERO and the World Government gone
A return to status quo as far as human history is concerned is enough for my tastes really.
but when said scenario go down and a S-Class monster eradicates you and your entire plan
The same could reasonably occur under this same corrupted little system in place, the difference the key difference is one path is granting humanity liberation from the delusions of a madman of a century prior.
it just makes you look foolish. You would have basically contributed to the extinction of humanity just for your own selfish reasons.
This is the opposite of true.
Which actually makes you worse than HERO, in my eyes because you weren't actually a help at all.
I'd argue neither is the perpetration of this gross miscarriage of human nature. It is no help, the final rogue's gallery on paper at least utterly outclass of what is being put against them, meanwhile this abomination of a world gov persists in its strangulation of humanity.
So no, pursuit of freedom, of granting regional authority back to the very mandate in which it has been established since the dawn of the first city state is not magically worse then the rotten pillars holding the current world together.
Tis a joke I believe brother Drako.
Sort of yes? Sort of no, I tend not to enjoy dystopian governments in fiction(Of course exceptions do exist but this is not one of them) but conversely its not really a point of serious thought for me either, I do have ideas of how I think the world could be better managed though obviously.
P.S: The World Government (humans) are useless other than keeping themselves from crumbling. They couldn't hold a candle to the Monster threat.
Yep, which is why I think shifting the board matters little overmuch to the overall struggle. The destruction of the high standing members of HERO and SIN likely far more then a reverting of global political paradigm. By that same metric I think it is rather feasible in fact to do away with the current rotten institutions and put if not a return to the prior system but at least its foundations could be set in relatively good order.
Unrelated but it is rather odd we can all agree that once the heavy hitters arrive this war is effectively over