This is the last bit I will say on this subject because the Anti HERO sentiment always never have an answer to prevent the monster threat. There's absolutely no way to achieve freedom and peace for humanity by destroying all of HERO. It doesn't matter what elaborate reason you come up with or plans you believe could work with them gone. You will absolutely lose to the monsters the same day they disappeared. That's before the Apostles, who are beyond S-Class, even arrive to earth.
Humanity can't fight the monster threat. Remnants of HERO and SIN can't fight the monster threat and most of them wouldn't. Others would rule with their own powers. You would have to force them to help because they're not willing to risk their life fighting monsters. We saw examples of this with a female agent this update. A lot of them are not built for fighting and forcing them will only make them rebel or leave. You won't find selfless individuals, at the level required, willing to fight for "freedom" and "peace".
It takes decades for Level 3s to build up the power to fight A-Rank monsters. Decades you don't have. Level 3 in of itself is extremely difficult to reach. There's no way to control said individual, if they did succeed, since now they would be the strongest on the planet. If the plan hinges on other individuals being willing to fight alongside you, then you're going to be disappointed by how power corrupts and that they easily turned against you. Either by their own selfishness or the monsters grooming their spawns. Which is another thing that gets overlooked.
So to end this off. None of your solutions would work in this world. You won't succeed at making an adequate replacement for HERO or be able to control superhumans or to even get them to care. You won't be able to even slow the monsters down and your aspiration for true peace for humans would end up as a delusion because not even the humans would fall in line for your ideas, willingly. With no HERO or World Government, there's nothing holding Superhumans and Monsters back from doing what they want. The world would collapse even faster than before and humanity will disappear forever. That's the ultimate end to this specific quest for "peace" because there's no legitimate answer to the monster problem with all of HERO gone.
That is all.