I tried liking cyberpunk so much and it had so much potential but it feels so empty and rushed to me. I bought the game after it barely had any bugs left but man it feels empty they could have done so much more also the Love interests were lacking imo Panam was good ,Judy can't be romanced by male V not to mention the Arasaka side felt empty smh they could have done more with it .We didn't get any Arasakaussy .It could have been so much better the three lifepaths should have mattered more.Sorry for the rant i just get sad everytime i think about this game
Yes they could've done more but again, I was satisfied going in blind; as I am with most games.
Love interests are usually the opposite of that second word in like 90 percent of games. In fact I'd wager most of the known ones are solely based on their looks and how horny gamers got interacting with them. I liked Judy as a friend, Panama was a tsundere so I may be a bit biased lol.
It didn't feel empty to me, keep in mind I was playing on an OLD OLDDDDD PS4 (my PS4 was purchase amongst the 1st wave of PS4s) let alone I played the game itself the minute it released, so I didn't even experience the first patches until a few hours in.
And yet the only time it TRULY felt empty was when I beat all of the content (doesn't have a good endgame) but the game handled linear. You do your side quests and then clear through the main quest and that's that.
I'm aware that the game initially has like a BILLION promises that were never delivered but that's on everyone for believing that in the first place. Name me a time a game with a bunch of promises was actually delivered, Cyberpunk isn't the sole Hitler in this scenario.
The lifepaths they could've done more sure, but so could the origins in Baldur's Gate 3 yet I never see any complaints about them. So far they do just what the life paths do (more dialogue specific options) and that's pretty much it.
Anyway I won't defend a bunch of stuff. My biggest pet peeve probably has to be when the Edgerunner people showed up and LOVED the game as if the game just came out just cause they were on the show high. But the game literally hasn't changed other than bug fixes again, which I encounter very little of about as much as I've encountered bugs in Fallout 4 or Baldur's Gate 3. Mass hysteria, one person hates the game and every is quick to jump the bandwagon. One person loves Edgerunners and plays the game and loves it, everyone follows suit.
Edit: Araska Ending is supposed to feel stupid, because it's the Worst Ending. You are actively trusting the problem as the solution, you deserve the Bad Ending if you didn't fully explore the game and all the other options to rush (like my brother did). I agree tho Takemura puss shall be missed.