I have a feeling this update is going to take a while so to pass the time lets hear about all of your favorite and least favorite fight scenes in the game.
my personal favorite is the Valravn fight, that one on one fucking tango had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, we know Valravn is a lot stronger going into the fight and it takes all the tricks the MC has thought of up to that point to put down that bastard, speaking of Valravn his design is amazing, the dark knight look along with his dimensions being just a little to long to be human adds to his dreadful aura when you realize you have to fight this thing that's been cutting through tanks like butter for the past ten minutes. I also like the use of strategy going into the fight you have to use, you can't just rush in and expect to win but you also can't be to conservative and lose your opportunity to attack. man the first time I saw the Mantis punch actually work in that fight had me yelling. I also like that you have to really work for that victory and can't just evolve to win, it takes everything you've schemed up at that point and a good power to put that bird down, and if you manage to soundly beat him without help hearing Ol Val admit its your victory makes you feel seven feet tall.
If I had to pick one as a least favorite it wouldn't be because I dislike the fight, they're all fun to watch but if you put a gun to my head and said pick one I'd have to go with the Kenny fight, I still enjoy rewatching it and when I first saw it I was glued to the screen, but with all the new fights we've seen since then it feels a little bland next to stuff like fighting Danica, or Klaus, it's still cool to see the MC get his armor, navigate his first fight against something supernatural, and finally rip that fuckers head off, but it feel's a little less epic than some of the other battles down the line
What about yall?