I'm actually uncertain given that power negation and even outright neutralization tech has already been unveiled in game.
To unveil it and bring a superior down to your threshold of being able to defeat? A stretch sure but so was Punisher kneecapping the strongest magic user on earth.
To that end I could foresee a battlefield designed to destroy a superior opponent if you took the proper precautions and used the right gear, would it be difficult? Sure but impossible I doubt it. I'm plainly willing to disagree with Ella here.
My ultimate point put succinctly.
Level is a good measure for strength but it by measure does little to take into account all relevant facts, though admittedly at this point this is a scenario designed to kill someone stronger than you yourself but given it opened on the fragrantly false in my view notion that reality altering tech is somehow an unconquerable foe.
I'm fine with the slight topic shift.
Eh ultimately it matters not.
We wont be seeing any scenario where a level 1 challenges a level 5 the nearest we got was Jake who was planning to weaponize each sector to presumably fight Ella (and later on HERO) but that plan would of failed and even he says so when u encounter him at HERO for the first time.
Ignoring out of universe examples (DC/Marvel) the universe of Superhuman is consistent with its power scaling unlike the comparisons you've made.
It all relies upon 2 factors: Level, Experience.
Im just going to throw a fight out there:
Klaus vs MC
its undeniable that Klaus has more experience although they (MC and him) are on the same level and if we exclude Alice from the equation chances are MC would have lost which we see via bad end where MC doesnt help her and hell even if we include alice all it takes is for her to fuck off for just a few seconds to kill MC who by that point was already on the ground tryin to evolve (Klaus has seen and dealt with that before he even says so).
The environment has little impact on a character like the MC he's a shapeshifter...the ultimate adapter to all environments. Hell nearly every ability that his power allowed him to create was to adapt to a situation.
You could spend hundreds of years coming up with the best battlefield to combat MC in but if he adapts then all that effort is for naught and mind you this is assuming (again assuming) you have any info on him, the target (like weaknesses. Which at the moment it seems only Klaus took advantage of. HERO doesnt seem to be aware of his weaknesses).
A good portion of fights in this game the MC or other characters go in completely dark, this isnt a batman situation where he's already 200 steps ahead prepared for you. Its a spur of the moment thing.
Thus far only 3 characters have prepped for a foe and it had a range of results:
Jake: He was weaponizing the sector he was in to prepare for Ella but was ultimately defeated by MC despite having intel on MC and an army with him.
Michael: He prepped against Oscar and then again for his power which both succeeded.
Deryl: He prepared numerous traps for the MC yet still lost to him and again against michael during training sim but still lost.