A piece of art that stands on it's own, especially an interactive one, sometimes may have elements that make people uncomfortable while being perfect in every other sense. For example, I remember in the BG3 subreddit a father that was asking if there is an option to completely hide choices that lead to sex scenes because he wanted to play with his son who is underage.
BG3 is first and foremost a game, with fantasy elements and game-styled and mild violence that is a fairly common medium among all ages. The artist's vision is to include content that make it more interesting to people that like adult themes, like oppression, the allure of power, relationships and sex. Asking for the option to turn some of them off isn't necessarily an unreasonable proposition. After all, some countries like Australia only allow special versions of the game that lock certain types of content, like sex in exchange for either money, items of value or favors.
Of course, in reality the discussion is more complex than just banning sexual content, especially when people are perfectly fine with exposing minors to brutal violence like it's nothing, but any hint of sexual content sends the prude armies into overdrive.
Anyway, it's easy to adapt the mindset for a game like Superhuman which is heavy on sexual content and is marketed as such. The game stands on it's own on many levels, it has a power fantasy story that can work very well without the sexual content, so asking for it is kinda cheap. Modding it to hide choices related to sexual content and blanking out some of the unavoidable scenes shouldn't be too much of a hassle,.
There are far worse things in BG3 than sex. I've put days into the game already and have yet to encounter a single sex scene. What I HAVE encountered is a bunch of violence, deplorable things, and cursing; all things underage people SHOULDN'T be experiencing. This father is therefore retarded pointing out a single thing to fix just because his moral compass only wants to allow his underage son see CERTAIN heinous things over others.
There are some things that are designed for people with an open mind, and they don't allow weakness like nitpicking sex scenes in a fucking video game.
You make a fair point about an OPTION, but again, don't feel betrayed that you didn't get the option because again, the game has told you the elements it was going to provide you with in the experience, and you CHOSE to play the game KNOWING that those elements are a PART of it.
It's completely fair in my opinion to not expect the creator to cater to every little demand to someone who doesn't know how to read what's in front of them before they even BEGIN the game. Let alone slow the creation time by nitpicking an entire potentially crucial character development plot apart just because you're scared of boobies or kissing.
Nex thing you know Parents are going to want Rockstar to remove the Strip Club so their children can ONLY shoot people up and not see a pixelated chest. Read the Rating, check the disable Options, if you don't like the results; gtfo and stop dragging everyone else down with you.
Edit: In relation to Superhuman: tap into your horny side god damn it. You didn't find this game reading the Bible you found it being a degenerate like the rest of us, EMBRACE it. At BEST you skip through the sex scene dialogue and therefore the image. At WORST you REMOVE sex sex CGs and wonder why your experience was half assed, how you befriended these people, why you were missing a dozen points, why a path ended, etc. By pretending this isn't an adult game you are ACTIVELY IGNORING an entire design of the game.
Oh you don't like boobies? Guess your going to have to skip the SECOND HALF of the Ella fight and wonder how she ended up on an operation table. Still don't like boobies? Alexis v Ella never happened, have you seen her suit? Deplorable! Don't like nudity? How else are you going to get some lore about Monsters coming from the Sea via Bailey, lore on Ella's Plans via Aglaecwif, Deryl burn alive regen fight, etc. Want to save Angelina? Oh no flying rat monster munched on my nipples, gotta blur that out! Just except it, boggles my fucking mind.