Good catch. I went back and checked the image of the 3 new characters of 0.96 and the image name is etn.
This points to Elijah, Tanos and Nathan. Tanos is confirmed because it's the name of his sprite.
I can't find a name in the script, starting with Ri that makes sense. Richard is a fake one MC uses, Richards is a security guard's name, and Riddley is Ella's biology teacher surname. This guy doesn't look like a biology teacher. The tatoo is significant I guess, but Michael's brothers are named Gabe and Met. Met is supposed to be dead.
So this is probably a new guy, and the girl is Melody.
The only name with Ev in the script is "Evans", the teacher that Emily lost her virginity to. Unlikely to be him.
Similar case with De. We have a Delilah, one of the bullies that clover killed and everyone else has a sprite.
By the way, the blue guy doesn't seem to wear a top. He is painted blue. Additionally these 2 characters are both very blue with a single red feature each. Perhaps they are related.
So the last one, being KiHa makes it probable that the left girl is Kira. We don't have any name starting with Ha in the script so the right one is probably a new character.