and or mc could of researched any animal/insect etc that could handle electricity and used it to bolster his def against it. he has the internet at his fingertips and if he wanted to, he could fly anywhere to get to said creature.
We discussed this here a long time ago.
Electric eels are not immune to electricity, just as vipers are not immune to their own venom.
Personally, I think the MC power works by having his cells mimic the form he copied into his core.
And the electricity breaks the strong bonds between his cells, so he returns to his original form of black slime.
This is also why his sperm will quickly disappear, if is outside of his body.
If his cells are not connected to his core, they will disintegrate.
The only effective way a MC can block electricity is to create an insulating, non-conductive layer on the surface of his skin/armor. Of course, this will only be effective against smaller taser-like attacks. A huge burst of electricity would probably burn through. MC is smarter than he was in the beginning, but he still doesn't fully realize the extent of his abilities.
With a bit of animal research, he could be much stronger. Some time ago I mentioned here that for example a whale has the strongest bones of any living animal and it would be very interesting if MC went to a museum and reached for fossils of some dinosaurs. We all want to see the full T-rex form!