
Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Makes you wonder what the power hierarchy is for the Apostles.

We know that 7 > 3 and 4 from that deadend, we know that 3 and 4 together > 1 from when MC eats Jake, but 3 and 4 individually are probably weaker than 1. Can't think of other comparisons off the top of my head.
I think the Apostles are mostly even. The 7th can't beat the 3rd and 4th together. Individually, he might can but he only managed to beat the 4th's Avatar when it was alone. I also don't think the 3rd and 4th are weaker than the 1st. That Jake scene at the Prison was the MC losing, not the 4th or 3rd. In fact, Jake almost lost there if he didn't tell MC to kill himself with the gun. If he kept to just the kill himself part, he would've lost.

The Apostles are all likely equal with the 7th being an outlier among the group. Whether that be because he's possessed by his arbiter or obtained the original trait. It's anyone's guess, but I'm confident that he can't beat more than one Apostle at the same time. At least, from my own perspective on it.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Makes you wonder what the power hierarchy is for the Apostles.

We know that 7 > 3 and 4 from that deadend, we know that 3 and 4 together > 1 from when MC eats Jake, but 3 and 4 individually are probably weaker than 1. Can't think of other comparisons off the top of my head.
I personally wouldn't put much stock to these scenes. The 7th is a bit of a special case, and it's probable that the being who attacked the 4th during the deadend isn't even an apostle, even if it looks like one, rather he is the Lord of Dark, which according to Aglaecwif, is more like a god.

As for the other scene, the 1st is clearly pissed off, but considering how easy it would be to kill MC, I don't think that it was anything other than a dick-measuring contest. So the actions of the 3rd and 4th were more like "I'm holding you so you won't do anything stupid" rather than an actual fight. There is nothing really saying that the 1st couldn't just command them to fight each other. or even outright kill themselves.
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Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
Liz is so good at cooking her cake looks like it came from another dimension

View attachment 3179078
It is two layers of chocolate cake.
with vanilla cream in the center.
Possibly blueberries in the center or maybe its just swirls of chocolate syrup.
topped with blackberries and cherries.
and slathered in liquid chocolate syrup.

Looks very delicious. (albeit unhealthy).
The only issue really is the visual banding artifacts on the chocolate syrup that is drizzling down the sides.

It is basically this cake

only with fewer layers and one of the middle mousse layers is vanilla instead of chocolate flavored.
also she poured the chocolate syrup on top of the berries themselves which makes it less presentable.
And put in way too much chocolate syrup which again hurts presentability a bit too.
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Aug 28, 2019
defuq is with this shitty bad endings.. had an awesome figght with Ella, and then bam dead ending... Played the game a long itme ago when it wasnt far in and even then it had shitty endings. Its a real stain on this game, which could actually be good. I really thought the scene has been rewritten and was more badass (cause it was different from what I remembered)

Now im starting to remember why I lose motivating to play this way back. Shitty bad endings that just waste your time. Doesnt even dump you back at the choice, it just ends the game.. so if you didnt make back up saves... your fucked.

Still not a fan of everyone having huge overflated tits, but it is what it is /shrugs
It autosaves before every choice so you're not that fucked...


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
A question for the slime girl Baily. Does she get any more part in the story, say like our slime girl minion, or is she always stuck at the Frat house ? Idea of getting our own slime girl minion seems cool. I can even think of ideas we could prank Deryl with her.

Like to know if Mia gets content in the game too. Like to see her in the harem.
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Dec 22, 2017
does killing suicide wong have any consequences? I was thinking since this game has a strong influence on choices


Dec 22, 2017
Man, I'm really impressed with how this game turned into a manga or comic book level

I'm happy that it wasn't just a game with a low level of art, the creator took this game to new heights and exceeded expectations.


May 1, 2018
does killing suicide wong have any consequences? I was thinking since this game has a strong influence on choices
As far as i remember there are no variables for this choice in the script so the answer is no. Or it's a bug and it will be fixed further on.
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Sep 7, 2020
Hey people.
It's been a while since I played a game (Like 4 months being dramatic)

I'm genuinly shocked. I've been wrecking my mind thinking about games stories and games in general and what they offter. I always felt like there could be a game tha does X or Y , I want to get cool powers and do crazy shit and fuck girls because I'm cool get personal with them but since I'm such and oddity they would accept the fact that I do with multiple girls (That's verrry extreme a moderate fanservice would do)
Over all do cool shit and be a monster as results of having those powers. Because I think anyone with such amount of power would lose control over themselves and forget what moral means and blur the lines of humanity because you genuinly wouldn't be human at that point right.

I think gaming scene really lacks the feeling of losing yourself to ur power really rare amount of games do it and even then most games make it black and white and the freedomn they give you , The story or the game itself doesn't satisfy that urge and feeling of letting lose and embrace light and dark and be as grey as possible to be a living creature with high desires that come with that power.

Real few games itch the spot and make you feel mentally fulfilled. I'm genuinly shocked that after looking for a game that perfects the art of being a monster well enough to make you feel like that the good or bad you do matters and how gruesom you can be as a monsterasity . . . I genuinly feel like this game is between my most favorite games of my lifetime.
This game is power fantasy filled with fanservice and cool and edgy stuff. But isn't that just the whole point of games and capturing that feeling ? To lose yourself in the character you are and crave to be more nad play more ? and this game for what it is , it fills me with that feeling and fills me with happiness and I found myself wanting to play the game whenever I found a 5 minute free time with my pc and pulling all nighters playing.

To many it might not be a masterpiece for reasons like the art style , story and over all gameplay but to me this game was smt that I wanted an I needed. I genuinly love this game.
Sorry for my random rant have a great day/night


Mar 25, 2018
Hey people.
It's been a while since I played a game (Like 4 months being dramatic)

I'm genuinly shocked. I've been wrecking my mind thinking about games stories and games in general and what they offter. I always felt like there could be a game tha does X or Y , I want to get cool powers and do crazy shit and fuck girls because I'm cool get personal with them but since I'm such and oddity they would accept the fact that I do with multiple girls (That's verrry extreme a moderate fanservice would do)
Over all do cool shit and be a monster as results of having those powers. Because I think anyone with such amount of power would lose control over themselves and forget what moral means and blur the lines of humanity because you genuinly wouldn't be human at that point right.

I think gaming scene really lacks the feeling of losing yourself to ur power really rare amount of games do it and even then most games make it black and white and the freedomn they give you , The story or the game itself doesn't satisfy that urge and feeling of letting lose and embrace light and dark and be as grey as possible to be a living creature with high desires that come with that power.

Real few games itch the spot and make you feel mentally fulfilled. I'm genuinly shocked that after looking for a game that perfects the art of being a monster well enough to make you feel like that the good or bad you do matters and how gruesom you can be as a monsterasity . . . I genuinly feel like this game is between my most favorite games of my lifetime.
This game is power fantasy filled with fanservice and cool and edgy stuff. But isn't that just the whole point of games and capturing that feeling ? To lose yourself in the character you are and crave to be more nad play more ? and this game for what it is , it fills me with that feeling and fills me with happiness and I found myself wanting to play the game whenever I found a 5 minute free time with my pc and pulling all nighters playing.

To many it might not be a masterpiece for reasons like the art style , story and over all gameplay but to me this game was smt that I wanted an I needed. I genuinly love this game.
Sorry for my random rant have a great day/night
yeah dude game concept is very good, i dont think there is any other game where you play as a morally grey spiderman with madara like regen powers, not many other games where you have a set mc with regen as his power in general if at all, even just games that offer hp regen builds are pretty rare, right out the gate game is pretty unique basically immediately


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
I have a question about Alice and the Cheerleading stuff. Spoiler to be safe

When Alice learns if your monster identity, Does the MC come clean with her about being the cheerleading girl as well? Always felt Alice was the most sus towards cheereading girl (Only Tess and Jess showed any interest). Like to think there be some reaction now. And is there content Alice knowing the girl is the MC ? in cheerleading events?

Did go to the party as the cheerleader (Alice should figure it out) and like the stuff that intertwine/intergrade cheerleading side it into the main story.
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
I have a question about Alice and the Cheerleading stuff. Spoiler to be safe

When Alice learns if your monster identity, Does the MC come clean with her about being the cheerleading girl as well? Always felt Alice was the most sus towards cheereading girl (Only Tess and Jess showed any interest). Like to think there be some reaction. And is there content Alice knowing the girl is the MC ?

Did go to the party as the cheerleader (Alice should figure it out) and like the stuff that involve it into the main story. So kinda hoping for more integration between the storylines.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
I have a question about Alice and the Cheerleading stuff. Spoiler to be safe

When Alice learns if your monster identity, Does the MC come clean with her about being the cheerleading girl as well? Always felt Alice was the most sus towards cheereading girl (Only Tess and Jess showed any interest). Like to think there be some reaction now. And is there content Alice knowing the girl is the MC ? in cheerleading events?

Did go to the party as the cheerleader (Alice should figure it out) and like the stuff that intertwine/intergrade cheerleading side it into the main story.
He doesn't tell her but she figures it out after a while.
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Jul 23, 2020
I have a question about Alice and the Cheerleading stuff. Spoiler to be safe

When Alice learns if your monster identity, Does the MC come clean with her about being the cheerleading girl as well? Always felt Alice was the most sus towards cheereading girl (Only Tess and Jess showed any interest). Like to think there be some reaction now. And is there content Alice knowing the girl is the MC ? in cheerleading events?

Did go to the party as the cheerleader (Alice should figure it out) and like the stuff that intertwine/intergrade cheerleading side it into the main story.
Alice could learn about your female form in two ways: just before your 1st battle with Danica and Oscar(if you masquerade as hookers) or after Claus death(on cheerleder path).
You will talk about it. At first she doesn't care
screenshot0002.png screenshot0003.png
but later at the hero base you will talk about it again(specially if she's your girlfriend)
screenshot0001.png screenshot0004.png
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Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
Just got to the Valravn part. Was hoping to see proper Shakespearean English for once, but alas! the search continueth.

I want minyaks in my harem God dammit! First you make me have to give up the one I’ve captured to Rem Lazar, and since then I can’t even keep one or two of the dozen or so I encountered?

Is there going to be more lesbian content involving Monica? I was kinda hyped for that threesome with Jess and Tess, but futa isn’t my thing.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
So I've done accouple of the Liz events and I noticed something... If you fuck with the receptionist, you dont get any liz points.. But looking at whats been said about Liz, she rejected the MC prior to the game. Probably cause he was small and a nice guy. So she doesnt like nice guys, but hinted she likes the bad guys.. But at the party it implied that its not the bad guy type of doing stuff in bedroom. We got this info from Dylan. So we can assume its the other bad where a guy who acts baddass and does what he wants (fucks who he wants). So if he go back to Liz events, the MC fucking the receptionist (or aid) is quite the baddass attitude and they are not like dating anyway (as its a ruse to throw the fat guy off, so jokes on him). But apparently thats not it either. this whole bad guy persona... So then is liz not interested in anything ? So by not touching the sectary, you gain no points (I assuming points start the sexy stuff with liz?), but whats the point by this stage ? It feels like a frustrating serious of events. . SHould I have just chosen the NTR and just forget about her ? As must as I love wincest, im getting tired of this (or her). Dont care about the swimming and it feels like this isnt going anywhere.

Is it really worth it to ignore the receptionist (and the ecchi she offers) even if shes throwing herself at him? I would of thought the MC would come out a winner with two girls from these events and screwed over the fat rich dude ?

I guess I should ask, if you dont get liz points, does that disable/bliock all the ecchi stuff with her ? So not even any wincest if we can/when get amber on board ?
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Jan 27, 2021
Relationship points don't matter that much. There's very few RP checks, and they're all way lower than the max amount you could have at that point. I don't think there are even any checks for Liz. I'm pretty sure you can fuck the receptionist and still get with Liz, as long as you're on the Romance path.

I would suggest sticking with Liz, she's probably one of the most rewarding characters in the game right now (in terms of her story).

P.S. I think there's just the one sex scene with the receptionist, so if you just save at the choice, you can get the scene, then reload and get the Liz RP.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2022
So I've done accouple of the Liz events and I noticed something... If you fuck with the receptionist, you dont get any liz points.. But looking at whats been said about Liz, she rejected the MC prior to the game. Probably cause he was small and a nice guy. So she doesnt like nice guys, but hinted she likes the bad guys.. But at the party it implied that its not the bad guy type of doing stuff in bedroom. We got this info from Dylan. So we can assume its the other bad where a guy who acts baddass and does what he wants (fucks who he wants). So if he go back to Liz events, the MC fucking the receptionist (or aid) is quite the baddass attitude and they are not like dating anyway (as its a ruse to throw the fat guy off, so jokes on him). But apparently thats not it either. this whole bad guy persona... So then is liz not interested in anything ? So by not touching the sectary, you gain no points (I assuming points start the sexy stuff with liz?), but whats the point by this stage ? It feels like a frustrating serious of events. . SHould I have just chosen the NTR and just forget about her ? As must as I love wincest, im getting tired of this (or her). Dont care about the swimming and it feels like this isnt going anywhere.

Is it really worth it to ignore the receptionist (and the ecchi she offers) even if shes throwing herself at him? I would of thought the MC would come out a winner with two girls from these events and screwed over the fat rich dude ?

I guess I should ask, if you dont get liz points, does that disable/bliock all the ecchi stuff with her ? So not even any wincest if we can/when get amber on board ?
She doesn't feel anything with anybody. She considers MC her best friend and is one of the few she actually cares about so when she rejects him and offers him sex is because she wants to offer him something to make him happy. Through the story, you can break her walls but you are already in quite a comfortable position as you have a lot of backstory together.
I love Alice, but among all the characters the one who loves MC the most is Liz, and by a quite margin even as detached of feelings as she is.
PS: Liz has no preference for guys. She just goes through the motions of life.
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