Wait...hold on...I am just now at the scene in the game where Tiffany and Michael are being evolved together and Xanthe says that they're being evolved together because evolutions happening in close proximity can have interesting effects...but the MC and Alice also evolved close together at the same time. Not as close as Tiffany and Michael but still pretty damn close. Did the MC and Alice's evolutions affect each other in some way?
Highly unlikely. Not only Alice had completed her evolution by the time MC evolved, but the distance wasn't that close.
Additionally the interesting effects probably have to do with evolution trances and the superhumans becoming some sort of monster parent proxies.
Does anyone know what the requirements of a natural 5th evolution are? For the second time in the game I hear that preparation for it is extremely dangerous and that there are requirements...Xanthe even went as far as saying the MC may have already failed one of the requirements. But what are the requirements? What is the preparation supposed to entail?
Not that I think Xanthe or HERO would help the MC reach the 5th evolution...HERO will likely betray or sell out the MC in some way before that happens.
My best guess has to do with something Henri says, that a Superhuman won't always be in control of his power. So the requirements are probably something like the Human and his power finding a particular balance. This is also in line with Clark saying that it's dangerous.
Playing through the whole game again from the start really does make you notice a lot of shit you would have never noticed otherwise.
So Ella admits that Deryl monsterized because he broke one of the Geas that Charlie put on him.
And When the MC meets Charlie for the first time it is clearly implied that Ella had Charlie quietly put some voodoo shit on the MC too... do we know what restrictions she put on the MC ?
We don't. However MC so far doesn't restricted in any shape or form, so the lock isn't about stopping him from betraying Ella, or not being able to discuss certain sensitive topics. Additionally it technically doesn't seem to stop MC from attempting to kill Charlie, although deadend39 is a bit iffy.
I doubt it's benevolent because Shen makes it sound like you need to take a willing vow for that.
I also doubt that it's some sort of controlling condition that she can trigger at will. Level 2 MC can't really threaten her scheme and I'm sure that Ella knows level 3 MC will be stronger than her kids anyway. MC says that he can break the "lock" at will although it's going to be painful.