The world of Superhuman is pretty firmly in the grey area of morality, which makes sense genre-wise. There's cosmic horror, crime thriller and political conspiracy, all mixed up with a hint of dystopia. Pure good options in one such settings almost never exist let alone one where all genres collide, and if they do they're generally naïve idealists who can't adjust to the realpolitik and cold calculations the existential threats of the setting necessitate or get stomped out earlier in the lore. Examples of this are Elijah Gunvald or the formerly existent research group that was trying to reverse monsterification. There was never going to be a 'good' option.
I think even the MC's writing is reflective of that. In my opinion, he's by default Chaotic Neutral and even if played as 'good' is only shallowly caring of right or wrong and generally focused on his own wants and desires. Those desires can involve avoiding killing, fighting for his friends and generally being preservative of human life if the player so chooses. Yet even a 'good' MC still appears to have amorality and general apathy as an intrinsic part of his character. He will befriend mafia princess Alice and work for her, he will pal around with battle hungry assassin Michael, he will partner up with patricide planning ice queen Tiffany and he will always consider perverted egotistical gasoline spamming dickhead Deryl his best friend no matter what you do. Me personally, I'd never let someone deciding to light me on fire after they've broken their mind control slide, but the MC is apparently doesn't care that much.
But I don't think this is a weakness in his writing. In fact, I think his amorality actually assists in giving the player agency over his actions without making him seem out of character; he's always just went with what he felt like, how is what you chose in that moment any different? I can easily see someone like the MC just going along with a morally questionable organisation, or just no-selling corruption gain in situations where the death toll he's wracked up would effect anyone else because doing so isn't actually monstrous instinct but just him.